Proof of Service PersonalCal. Super. - 6th Dist.January 28, 2021POS-OZO ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY (Name, fiale Er number; and address): FOR COURTUSEONLY Galen Paul Zink 5496 Thomwood Drive San Jose CA 95127 TELEPHONE no; 360-605.2433 FAX No. (Optional).- E-MAILADDRESS (Opa'mao: ATTORNEY FOR (Name): SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA. COUNTY 0F Santa Cla'ra ms” ADDRESS‘ 191 North First Street"Wm ”DRE“ SanJose CA 95113 CITY AND ZIP CODE: ‘ BRANCH NAME: Limited PETITIONERIPLAINTIFF: GaIen Paul Zink RESPONDENTIDEFENDANT: Seraplo Franco \NQEL‘HMH-r“ e- ‘ -- --.--- __ - - --- d ---’- ~- " 2-2 CASENUMBERr‘: - --».-.-.. 1mm _-_.._c_r _ .._ PROOF 0F PERSONAL SERVIc -CML I _ 21CH009330 LEWING OFFICER FILE NUMBER: 21 892227 . _._? I.__._.:. (Do not use'this ProofofService to-show service of a Summons and Complaint.) 1. lam over 18 years of age and not a party to thiSLaction. 2- I sewed the following documents (sweaty): m The documents are listed in the Attachment to Proof of Persona! Service-Civil (Documents Served) (form POS-020(D)). 3. l personally served the foll'owing persons at'thé address, date, and time stated: a- Name: Serapio Franco b- Address: 5495 Thornwood Drive San Jose CA 95123 °- Date: 0210112021 Remarks: Served. E7939 d. Time: 4:15 pmE The persons ar'e listed in the Attachment to ProofofPersona.’ Service-Ciw'l (Persons Served) (form POS-020(P_)). 4. _ ,_ Hearing date: 0312312021 Remarks' seWEd' E7939 Time: 9:00 am w F'e'e'fdr’s'ervice‘iiv‘as'rwo:oo Bm-to Court - * - ' -- r -' " - "-'---~’- “W “W” 5. My name. address. telephone number. .and. if applicable, county of registration and number are (special): 23:12:35: DePUfy Massagli Telephone number: (5450:: gggflgye San Jose, CA 9511 o 6. m1 declare under penal‘ty of- perjury under the laws ofthe State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. 7. E | am‘a California sheriff or marshal and certify that the foregoing is true and correct. Laun'e Smith. Sheriff .Date: TueSday: February 2. 2021 County of Santa Clara gogrlqupproved' for_0pflonal Use- E. $$zgmmrn$w§m PROOF 0F PERSONAL SERVICE-CML - cmfcmmgugggggg Court Copy Pos-ozo(D) SHORT TITLE: Galen Paul Zink vs. Serapio Franco CASE NUMBER: .- 21 CH009830 ATTACHMENT T0 PROOF 0F PERSONAL SERVICE-CIVIL (DOCUMENTS SERVED) (This Attachment is for use with form POS-020) The documents that were personally served are as follows (describe each document specifically): CH-110 TEMPORARY RESTRAINING ORDER, CH-100 REQUEST FOR CIVIL HARASSMENT RESTRAINING jORDERS, CH-1 09 NOTICE OF COURT HEARING, CH-1 20 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR CIVIL HARASSMENT RESTRAINING ORDERS, CH-120-INFO HOW CAN l RESPOND TO A REQUEST FOR CIVIL HARASSMENT RESTRAINING ORDERS?. CH-800 PROOF OF FIREARMS TURNED IN, SOLD, OR STORED. CM-O10 CIVIL CASE COVER SHEET, CV-5014 DECLARATION IN SUPPORT OF EX PARTE APPLICATION FOR CIVIL RESTRAINING ORDERS, CH-250 PROOF OF SERVICE OF RESPONSE BY MA[L(CIV|L HARASSMENT), CH-800-INFO HOW DO l TURN IN, SELL OR STORE MY FIREARMS?, FW-001-INFO, FW-OO3 FEE WAIVER Rfi‘ ‘_##‘\f__ M~,‘_¢~_ I r_ Jw; a Form Approved for Optimal Use Judicta] CounCIl o! Callfomia ATTACHMENT T0 PROOF OF PERSONAL SERVICE-CIVIL page 1 01 1PomotnnNewJanuamJUOSJ (Documents Served) _ H