Response Petition Civil Harassment Workplace ViolenceCal. Super. - 6th Dist.January 28, 2021Response to Request for Civil Clerk stamps date here when formis filed- CH'120 Harassment Restraining Orders Use this form to respond to the Request (form CH-1 00) o Read Hun (2m l Respond m u Requcxlfm Civil llara.s‘.s‘nmzl Rcslruining ()nlcrs." (form CH-lZO-INFO) Io protect your rights. o Fill out this form and take it t0 the court clerk. o Have someone age 18 or oldcr-not you-scrvc the person in ®0r his or her lawyer by mail with a copy ofthis form and any attached pages. (Usejbrm CH-250, ProofofScrvicc of Response by Mail.) ® Person Seeking Protection Full name ofpcrson seeking protection (secfurm CH-IOO, ilem®): ‘ l r Y“ Fill in court name and srree! address: ® Person From Whom Protection ls Sought ggpfiz'grccl‘gurgmca'if°'"‘a' c°”"‘V °f a. Your Name: r C :31 “oat“ :irs: ggree: .‘ . . ., O II'S I'eeYour Lawygr (1/) nu lune 0nef0/ 1/115 um) Slat! Jose, CA 95113 Name: mmmmm- State Bar No.:_____ CIVII Courthouse - DTS Firm Name: - , b. Your Address Il/‘vmu hare u lmryer, girafirour lawyer‘s infornmlion. COM W5 m case "umber "he” fom’ is med lfyou do no! haw u lawyer and want Io kee your home address Case Number: privale, you may give a d([férent mailing a dress instead. You do no! z \ C H OO qg zq have t0 give Iclcp/zone. fax, 0r e-mail.): Address: 5 E )5j Ehckw DYfi'g fircsgnt your response and an opposition at the ‘. H _ . I a H1 ‘earm‘g. Write your hcari 0 ate. time. and placeC ”y- State‘ Ct Z‘p‘ S from form CH-109 item here: Telephone: Fax: . DMZ!“ Addrc“. LM- llcaring Date: 3 g /L\ Time:MW Date Dept; __"L_ Room: __._ ® apersonal Conduct Orders lf you were served with a Tem orary ( ‘ ‘ ‘ V , Restraining Order. vou must 0 ev it until the a' D I 33m” t0 lb“ “dub requefied‘ hearing. At the hearing. thc court ma make b. - I d0 not agree to the orders requested. orders agamst you that last for up t0 Ive years. (Spec‘ifi' u'lly).‘0u disagree in item @ on page 3.) c. D I agree to thc following orders (Specifv below or in item @011 page 3.) ®D Stay Away Orders a. D I agrcc to lhc orders requested. b. - I do not agree to the orders requested. (Specify whyyou disagree in item ® on page 3.) c. D I agree t0 the following orders (specify below 0r in item ® 0n page 3): @DAdditional Protected Persons a. D I agrcc that thc persons listed in item®of form CH-IOO may be protected by the order requested. b. . I do not agree that the persons listed in item ®offom1 CH-lOO may be protected by the order requested. Juaczal Councnl o! Calvlomua www couns ca gov - - Egg? mggc‘édwsgasnzgaéogdsgg 9 Response taeRsetrqalJifiisgngCSgg/rlls Harassment CH-1 20. Page 1 0-34 CEB' 5399"”: (Civil Harassment Prevention) Case Number: umoo «624 ® Guns or Other Firearms and Ammunition If you were served with form CH-l 10. Tem orary Resrraining Order, you cannot own or possess any guns, other firearms, or ammunition. (See item of form CH-l 10.) You must sell t0 or store with a licensed gun dealer, or turn in to a law enforcement agency, any guns or other firearms in your immediate possession or control within 24 hours 0f being served with form CH-llO. You must file a receipt with the court. You may use form CH-800. ProofofFirearms Turned In, Sold or Stored, for the receipt. a. . I do not mm or control any guns or fircamls. b. D] ask for an exemption from'thc firearms prohibition under Code ofCiyil Procedure section 527.9(0 because carrymg a hrcamm ls a copdmon ofmy em loyment. and my cmploycr ls unable to reassugn mc to another posmon where a firearm xs unnecessary. ( xp/ain): D Check here [film‘e is nor enough space belowforyom‘ answer. Pmyour complete answer 0n an attached sheet 0f aper and write "AIIac/uncnt 6b-Firearms Surrender Exemption " as a rille. You may useform MC-02 , Attac/zmenl. c. D l have turned in my guns and firearms Io the police 0r sold them to or stored them with a licensed gun dealer. A copy ofthc receipt D is attached. D has already been filed with the coun. C7) DPossession and Protection of Animals a. D I agree to the orders requested. b. .1 do not agree Io lhc orders requested. (Specify w/ugrou disagree in item @onpage 3.) c. DI agree Io lhc following orders (specifv below 0r in item® on page 3.) NR’ DOther Orders a. D l agree to the orders requested. b. .1 do not agree 10 Ihe orders requested. (Specify n'hyyou disagree in ilcm @011 page 3.) c. DI agree to the following orders (specifi' below or in item @onpage 3.)M @Ioenial v ‘ [I _ ldid not do anything described in item®of form CH-IOO. (Skip Io®J - 1’: . i ‘ l" ‘\ ) U \_ Rfv'mmm'y " 2?" Response to Request for Civil Harassment CH-120. Page 2 ot4LB 5mm“ Restraining Ordersuhm {m_r 9 (Civil Harassment Prevention) Case Number:UCqugm ®D Justification or Excuse It l did some or all 0t the things that the person in Q) has accused me of my actions werejustified or excused for the following reasons (crplam) DC/zcck [mu i/t/Icm Is no! enough space below_for_\om mL'zmm Pu! \om complere answc; on an (mac hed sheet olpapei and urite ‘4ttachmem 10-Jusn'fication 0r Excuse asa title. )ou ma) usejbun MC-025 Attachment. @Weasons I Do Not Agree to the Orders Requested Explain your answers Io each order requested t/zatyou do no! agree with. aCheck hue iftlzcrc is not enough space belon f0; mm ansue; Pu! vom complete ansuei on an arrachea'sheet ofpaper and urite Wilma Imzent [1-Reasons [Disaw (c as a title. )ou mm useform MC-025 Attachment On \ ‘9’ ’U/O) fibsvm IwkS \qu devwxcnk- on+m pupa. “M Hwi‘wvuklomeH- dear muss» m and \ouah 5M5“ S’MmAOlA WM." l wcme& mam 5N was 9&on *Oqob WM («rub‘d- ms Em \eowwm SWJ Come badge» wk cwl passes vem doscm Mm 1 ecu ms \‘ste mam; *2: CAM YYW/ ML“; \Aarm . on H8 297A 0 kaOm SW: wcmc- bu m ham ac I Ctosr \‘V‘e. (Awf POM \Qu/Mu 5cm FurLM ndir b&rms OAWM . chdxmder W‘flfi OMX (\M‘ESS whim ma Mm, Ipcd “he «Prlmncr.when¥’m4 *0 \towe, WMKCOWL 0&3 (Hm ®mefivvxe. asme In mam Cases QSbumHna Wand Spmwnfi obsceni’nes .‘ersc quwm I pad SM \3 going kc Worm W12. ihavt V\&\eo omvobc undead ofimh mhons On \’15 W OJOWAd 860 hm limos swercfim‘o) mu uofhts MW»; gurgggfi and §m. (omex wachind. WK. Ifimncd around and Ur msX-hc Frwtcmxsrdmr APT F? 3 5h? \CDKCA M me amd MA“ SXuprol& \adg“. I WA, her 1m Ska? mfiw moo Mums . 6M, erreoer cnédme wbugmfl §\\c M ggihg¥o\um@2 m3g55. SM 3“}ng MA VQM mflmgbvOC-M: encoumW. On 18 24 Q qHO 9m IMC \an equevxcs d;WW NanaM mg 2C mm Axsone, own; w\\\\lcm $\ow 1 QCOM’ OQSMVWK 0nd SuMkShfi £3 utomkm rm ?NSOnkoe, 1&6 ¥M¥§M6 mhm'W‘fiHng Me. amt} *mmm *0 ?rmOV-t «RammedWV oofvtx’n'on . “"‘W‘WY‘ 2°” Response to Reque_st for Civil Harassment CH-120 Pa. ge 30M CU3 Efig‘n‘: Restraining Orders 9“W - (Civil Harassment Prevention) Case Number: 7,ch 0048M ® a No Fee for Filing a‘ D l request that l not be required to pay the filing fee because the person in @claims in form CH-IOO item @to be entitled to free filing. b. I I request that I not be required to pay the filing fee because I am eligible for a fee waiver. (Form FW-OOI. Request to Waive Court Fees. must befiled separately.) ® D Lawyer's Fees and Costs a. D Iask the court to order payment of my DLawyer’s fees DCourt costs. The amounts requested are: m Amount m Amount $ $ $ $ $ $ D Check here ifrherc are more items. Put the items and amounts 0n the attached shoe! ofpaper and write "Atlac-hment 13-Lanj'er 's Fees and Cosls "for a title. You may useform MC-025. Attachment. b. a V] ask the court to deny the request of the person asking for protection that I pay his or her lawyer’s fees and costs. Number of pages attached to this form. ifany: Date: __Self:RepLesan1eL_ - y - Lauj‘er 's name ((fam) Lawyer 's signalure Ideclare under penalty of perjury under the laws ofthe State ofCalifomia that the information above and on all attachments is true and correct. Date: Z 9 2’ L MW > MckY/kk‘ 7:1‘pe or print your name Sign yam- name Re“‘°"“"“"’”°‘° Response to Request for Civil Harassment CH-120, Page 4 om (,[B Em? Restraining Orders«Mom ,i _.___ (Civil Harassment Prevention) MC-OZO SHORT TITLE. CASE NUMBER -- AHOKCMrwn¥ \ f?\euwns I ohmma- ZJ CA 00 qg’LC‘ 1 Nmkr‘s Won“, \3 Jfiflfl (\au QQRF fiha Q\\€_SO\QQ\S.2_ (ePafl- Q\mm\nm :‘m hemsxmu \ner m4» 909m emak owps‘xxc.\JWWM m3 \ndebjevcideme, m.\\ Q\tar\:,) fingw - 6MP] Mmfias 0Q \nom NA gown“ membefi over ’rO herqss her. ‘Em moérh MOM. :9 wwmné \stxxs m6 \‘K Mu amndeon anfi JwMMcr @Mlecumund Whowe. ,Qn 1’3’2011 WWI. MOMS Emma warstcn b&zr Came xm’r‘oe Scams QOmQ ‘wfio fixer: hame (omflmmh-QN .x _\ 4 O .4 M 1s \MAcn LuiAfvxcc oLHNS- 15. Wm accwge me. 09» xahmq Didwme oPng _ 1e 9m Cox a :hmm CXW no $uc\r{)<’h\\r\0\ a __, 17 On 12 av-Zozo :Vwc \x‘xdeo emaeme op 18 erem mum mama 0Q mq Car. FHWOMM 19 \\'% M‘\’V“flm‘JWM (kc) WeSe WGACA XVO \h\’\W\\Aa\-c 20 M19 . I: fledM ereé 0mg worn‘d ,1, _ 21 (bfl+ me WEN; \VfiOfl-‘nofli 1 I- Qe€\ $coxcd 22 OM UQOfl/‘lA 1 g€C\ “Ki ldMfli A%E%_ 23 um“ arhmuxj ‘90le ngouak thA erreHweaEs and 24 Gauge! ma WARD»; harm or worsrc 25 26 (Required for ven’fied pleading) The items on this page stated on information and belief ardspecify item numbers. not line numbers): 27 This page may be used with any Judicial Council form or any other paper filed with the court. Page I FWMOoved by ADDITIONAL PAGE CRC 201. 501 Judduouncnorcya”3r . . mcozo ewJam.a,ry1 19571 Attach to Judicial CounCIl Form or Other Court Paper JIFOrm L .‘_hll!ll-Dmlu {Tum mms- j: bd'wt HMS \s (50% *0 \VMMACLRM :MVL MC-OZO SHORT TITLE: CASE NUMBER- ‘sl G) OI A O.) N m 1O ,1‘1 12, 13 .14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 fl Q’H’QMM‘V; 1180606 3 olt§qgrcc ’U C“ oo (1826‘ j: 0mm Wwwnfl‘vm (56.5bede I dry“ mMeYRJrfim/ UQ‘NA Em (‘QCEAVWVA 5ur\n WAC. (km (MSC (\mmoA-(on Qmm-Qms WSOR Mariam m OM; Wino I can Hunk- cf/ whu She KPCDS ’rofmethm mP‘ v3 when NUMORLRU Amhkr , CUM *0 W ORV, Z H 107/0 \~f\ Obmms Afih‘éS (MNX 9-69»qu QSQCX \Ref NM)? \UQ/S wrong. ‘ QM QovfilessjA *0 (WC T’s A‘xs’mr‘oei ‘fieWW WfVAOLA omdW erWfl'a/d Wm Qpehwgmnk- bf- Vm/ Omrl her bwosflneg And Hm Mug tMkar‘ ,7 _'_-?,, ~ Nxdmflq% &(ma\I\\-c/ O\\Ro fifidW am. lmrH'SWm *0 SXOD O\U‘\\)\V\C«\/\C\/ (\YKLQS evemfltahk. ___.Q_@£\‘Cd MMUm ‘Qikflxh‘fimf inw Cx\x¥£fifl\’u\ 0 ‘ cmmr mpgmwfiaé oxors cm mug Wm mcun,w,___-__,,__ V _, 3V\\QY‘€ Qn}\$\rcm. OW Nardfi \OMZOZO WOQOMS rOomm’IQI-e wWDtS n0 \ongm/ \Wx'vxq Eem- ML aficxum. o? Wt: qux Wm (“wa ’V‘m, (\nMw/x flnr Mufis 07W (flag) Wrgw \finouo Hna-i- Mhdtas Mgr ma +o\A mcwm mmmmd +0 l HW flanngk NF g(bmol vga/ whim aha m 0k anclHW’.) Hark 6w \m \l Amésommr omd \{lrmrmwmrdm 26 {Required for vern‘ied pleading) The items on this page stated on information and belief ardspecify item numbers, not line numbers): 27 This page may be used with any Judicial Council form or any other paper fi!ed with the court. Page Z Famfioprraved bvme ADDITIONAL PAGE CRC 20‘. 501 Jucichoun Clil’ rniaMum mmjllnlpom ' 9m ummnm': Attach to Judicial Council Form or Other Court Paper w ESSEHTIAI fflRHS" MC-OZO SHORT TlTLE: CASE NUMBER M¥qghmeer3 ??%;an “X: dfimwe. 1A0“ DO (19> 39 .1 O(OGVQUIAOJN .4 .- .3 M _\ 63 14 15, 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 (Required for verified pleading) The items on this page stated on information and belief ardspecify item numbers, not line numbers): Tho \NM om\ \s wm mm Omrx MM \3 X-ex‘r me§sc>ges WA» SN \ms 3ro\d he 41am.\\4 members SDA- Wa 0m: \Mmg Bro Mngm \s abmmminj QM \(\c\v~ 27 This page may be used with any Judicial Council form or any other paper filed with the court. Page 3 mmmm m _ ADDITIONAL PAGE enema" Jufia’dCoundlof ufomsa January 1. 19371 Attach to Judicial Council Form or Other Court Papermm L_ unw- Dam ESSENTIAL fflRMS" U_4.+/ E! u- ,- A n \l - H ' .l” J4 (- \Ck8* V\ “3h *5 Becina k Q +1775339'I381 9 _ Anoche creo q estuvo encerrada esa m, CWSW, b\qewmifia sola en el cuarto Doug \OC Lfc §v\ V‘\Q_VWJLHV3 6k 6305‘ Mormg \Cx\~(// And kLL M\¥\€ €My\g UWS*Loug \“Q¥¥\€\hj 0Wfk SN fioxbch’wr AC\L\\\» rvuahéq HUH , @eCW/‘M Haj WOM- w Swap m Deacc y esa vieja llegé noche y La Nifia tose y tose sin parar en el cuarto y el pecho Ie truena y no se escu- Ché nadie con ella y hasta en Ia noche Ie dieron medicina de adultos y para dormir pero porque querian dormir ellos y Ios de el no esta’n i< Ill fl / , 4-,;- EJJ 7- e '07 I- ! .Illl U; ‘C I < ??CFF‘a ,_ x. Q i 1 £1 l .1.”"::gFLU o Cgtla” “316%: Esto de adultos ‘ 0\’\C, 'A ‘* 5 ‘ y para dormlr IeW“) 8‘“ *9 ... m mecws meten a La Nma 9 A los tres porque el qH Wm también se Ias da a 56mm N Ios hijos Q&So 3W? 31F ¥o VVS- 4.3L) E)“ m- ‘- u- u .nII Jul;- Becina k Q +17753391381/\é Pobrecita La Nifia ‘ me dijo q Ie va amyk5 deHCIr a la mUJer ., ya‘W dejame en paz soloWW quiero terminar mi Xcrwx okmgkw afio escolar déjame QMBQ’QWS terminar mi escuela 3 Lug A 3 C) -w mlflm ow y me voy a {r y te,v0y cvxena‘wek mamah a dejar a ml papa 30W W" m” para ti sola para qmow ‘rmnX‘H (16an ma. WM vivas feliz g; le esta’n uou \We w\\\r\ M 6* . ’ m mag, marcando la Vida a La Nifia con cosas muy dolorosas para X ella solo por Ia calent //tKl g Ver todo > so vou w" 4!}. p e Si pero es algo muy serio Maria y esa mujer tiene familia de X X 00:01 D o Ill O < 4.31 gji- W u- u .ma Jols- Becina k Q +17753391381 ella solo por Ia calent g Vertodo > :3 4g,- p m M 1W \s 9 Si pero es algo muy smvwmg Swom serio Maria y esa 3x2? £21.“me mujer tiene familia de WS‘W‘OW‘" malandrines aqui en WV“ San José, no Ia quie- ren ni la ayudan pero al pasar algo asi si se meten son Chusma e El Karma siempre se encarga de esa gente mala 40:1 E a w V- _ u .ml L)! v:- BeCina x Q : +'1775339138'1 ° VI ’ UV Pug“ UV UUIIvIVIIH Mafiana platicamos por teléfono y Iefix cuento 95;,“ SNqus gain ¥o > ()C¥ c_ )r C . o I Sggféajgffvé ”9 Y Ia migraCIon ywww WW“ maneja sin licencia mums (\MSWB La Nifia dice q Ie daM “33W“ miedo andar con ella bf-Vxer 5N (“W") m1) q no maneja bien, pregL'mtele y va ver q Ie va a decir a udxg/ kia/ g! “" f -- n \/ fl U ~. .m JJ/QI < Becina k Q E +'l775339138'l ’I-fl m N 3f 9 No se Maria ahl'aj fl”- . N HM Cw QM dejado a sus huosmm m wt solos en el cuarto, yo "“3”“ , a Ias dies me voy n0 0M was 3Hn5 $0104. dex'nS WW) HM W‘s y Yurem III Q < J‘UO *v~ EH H n .all dd ’13- Becina k Q +'1775339138! I a C I o c U U 7’ 551 g). n: b Ma's le vale porque ' \,\\aS ... dd“ 0 k La Nlna ya IemujM-Hrcxmaoy t, t t, IJwé “a conoaora Ia as mnm ofi m cochinadas q hacen {Ausw VVM'VWJS Hxfi M .m 0\0\0\ o\V\(}\Mmeom