Request Restraining OrderCal. Super. - 6th Dist.January 28, 2021‘ . 1 00 Request for Civil Harassment Clerk stamps dare here when form is filed. Restraining Orders «@035 woes? Read Can a Civil Harassment Resrraining Order Help Me? (fbrm CH-I 00- ‘ ' INFO) before completing this form. Also fill out Confidential CLETS B L E D F .. “ Person Seeking Protection EB 8 2021 é Infonnation Q’orm CLETS-OOI) with as much informati0n as you know. ' tS‘ a. Your FuIlName: S '1 Cou k Of m3 COUrt ox ' mar? l ‘N 10V K) Age: 9| ~ BY ’30'4ra cram ‘0-- omn é V Your Lawyer '(ifyou have onefbr this case) Name: State Bar NO': Fill in court name and street address: Firm Name. ‘-_ Superior Court of California. County of ' Santa Clara b. Your Address (Hyatt have a lawyer, give your Iawyer's Civil Division information. Ifyou d0 not have a lawyer and want to keep your 191 North First Street home address private, you may give a dtflerent mailing address San 1086, CA 951 13 instead. You d0 n0: have t0 give telephone, fax, 0r e-mail.) Address: %@ 5 C" bar ‘gLoV Dffi’L- Court fills in case number when form is filed. City: gong ’S‘ose State: g Pc- Zip: 95W}- Case Number: Telephone: QUIT Fax: ll C Pi OO q g Zq E-Mail Address: W“ ® Person From Whom Protection Is Sought Full Name: WY \emq COVE Suck) \i e\m3q_uLL Age: ”2/5 Address (ifimown): 5669i mnw/ D / fir ’2, City: 600A T088 State: CW- Zip: 06 i\qr ® Additional Protected Persons a. Are you asking for protection for any other family or household members? flYes D N0 Ifyes, list them: FullName SQ Agg Lives with vou? How arethey relatedto vou? MUAO QomlrcE/f M [7 WYBS D No S)“ D Yes D N0 D Yes D N0 D Yes D N0 D Check here ifthere are more persons. Attach a sheet ofpaper and write “Attachment 3a-Addiri0nal Protected Persons”f0r a title. You may useform M0025, Attachment. ' b. Why do these people need protection? (Explain below): w D Check here ifthere is nor enough spaceforyour answer. Put your complete answer 0n the attached sheet 0f paper orform NIC-025 and write "Attachment 3b-Why Others Need Protection "for a title. NM Son \‘st mAH m amok l 020er DVOHLM om bc cueLSL Qua? \“iwa MoHQ v10] Sec ‘5 me. 5m Cqu3-c 4+ M cudd- i") Alwagfi gimme Ciofia +9 WCQ’. «Sta Mama") aha VS OWN”; +0 €10 Sow+Himg POW " floéaved 0L md {~60 \mmkm d. ”aw Com 55*04 I31 herraSESWe am mama ?roH’cLIOm Co! Mb Sofl ' This is not a Court Order. Jfifljjg‘jgfljjjfjgjménmgjfgw Request for Civil Harassment Restraining Orders CH'WO’ P3991 °f5 Codeorcwupmcedure.§§ susandszm (Civil Harassment Prevention) 9 M053 Mofi$ CaseZNunflenCDqgfl Relationship of Parties How d0 you know the person in® ? (Explain below): D Check here {fthere is not enough spaceforyour anm‘er. Put your complete answer 0n the attached sheet 0f paper or form MC-025 and Hrite 'Attachmen! 4-Relationslzip 0fParties"f0r a title. maskegxhhormu. --x Venue Why are you filing in this county? (Check all that apply): a. @The person in® lives in this county. b. EA was harassed by the person in® in this county. c. D Other (specifii): YU Other Court Cases a. Have you 0r any of the persons named in© been involved in another court case with the person in ®‘2 D Yes EL No ([fyes, check each kind ofcase and indicate where and when each wasfiled.) Kind ofCase Filed in {Countv/State) Year Filed Case Number (ifknown) (1) iviI Harassment (2) D Domestic Violence (3) D Divorce, Nullity, Legal Separation (4) D Paternity, Parentage, Child Custody (5) D Elder or Dependent Adult Abuse (6) D Eviction (7) D Guardianship (8) D Workplace Violence (9) D Small Claims (10) D Criminal (11) D Other (specify): b. Are there now any protective 0r restraining orders 1n effect relating to you or any 0f the persous in© and the person 1fl®7 a N0 D YES (Ifyes attach a copy ifyou have one) Description of Harassment Harassment means violence 0r threats of violence against you, 0r a course of conduct that seriously alarmed, annoyed, or harassed you and caused you substantial emotional distress. A course of conduct is more than one act. a. Tell the court about the last time the person in® harassad you. (1) When did it happen? @rovia’e date or estimated date): (5n ‘42ng 1 a agoam 0Q, (2) Who else was there? \Mrmxwfif vuqmm \oumqu M LQaIV-(n/x Okflu hermsdaim MomA imkmrdhnj WC £36019: 6mm); anrAAMJUQS 1/ 101M \‘VLK Vde/rtaono‘] Epmc qimos hug (46m mommfl *0 mgkm dow‘x \MQX.» mg. This'Is not a Court Order. Rmmam’W-m‘“ Request for Civil Harassment Restraining Orders CH-100» PageZOfB (Civil Harassment Prevention) 9 Case Number: 7A c Hooc®2xq ® a. (3) How did the person in® harass you? (Explain below):E” Cheék here {fthere is not enough spacefilryour answer. Put your complete annuer 0n the attached Sheet ofpaper orform MC-025 and write "Attachment 7a(3)-Describe Harassment"f0r a title. om H‘erlcnx Eb (965 pm 1; wousW rnmu‘ oPmAner OMIJ \‘LL flewknm’r aloof it's Pmfi§®3 bi curd Ww‘i-qu §¥wPI¢oldbdfl T-mov-e video eurkqu amt voice ev- elem? 5M 09mm Gar MM QOML 92‘0‘1 go +l~wx gm [paws Mm CIOHL. (*3 ?Gsmxg quwc, JrofusmAW W skaVS a D%d §N IS 010mg +0 harm M orvkkLSamL d0”) 6N/ Hfrrofias Wt» ff) (9 01pm [palts bu; Miqohandkfioxv) Paddy?) ,r'ld(QLLm§ old, {add} DWt/fi «Hol(o DC-Hm encounter. (4) Did the person in® use 0r threaten to use a gun 0r any other weapon? D Yes @No (Ifyes, explain below): D Check here z'fthere 1's not enough spacefor your answer. Puryour complete answer 0n the attached sheet ofpaper orform MC-025 and write "Attachment 7a(4)-Use 0f Weapons"f0r a title. (5) Were you harmed or injured because of the harassment? D Yes E No (Ifyes, explain below); D Check here z'fthere is not enough spaceforyour answer. Putyour complete answer 0n the attached sheet ofpaper orform MC-025 and write "Attachment 7a{5)-Hamr or [njmy"fiar a title. (6) Did the police come? D Yes fl No ‘ If yes, did they give you or the person in® an Emergency Protective Order? B Yes D N0 Ifyes, the order protects (check all that apply): D Me D The person in® D The persons in ©. (Aflach a copy offlze order ifyou have one.) b. Has the person in® harassed you at other times? fl Yes D N0 (Eyes, describe prior incidents andprovide dates ofharassment below: D Check here {fthere is not enough spacefor your answer. Put your complete answer on the attached sheet of paper orform MC- 25 and write ”Attachment 7b-Previ0us Harassment’jbr a title OW "'29 207'F avound‘ 960 Wm j: mo»: EeDcroJc-‘M 01L. \aunJrq ()fi-LL Gamma. Cmd Gk»; Corner) @TOMbehimlm. v T‘ firmed mrouhtl ll‘r' LDQS +thmoi~9 mwwrii: 6N Mamba 4-0wa mqass Lnamc \OIMO cvcdmg .oncA V0109 em‘dr’he @fi‘H/xg enQ-HLC'K CLSr/LeJ‘ This is not a Court Order. F‘mwamam-m Request for Civil Harassment Restraining Orders CH-‘loo' Page 30‘s (Civil Harassment Prevention) “'9 Case Numbr moxiboqfizq Check the orders you want. m D Personal Conduct Orders Iask the court to order the person in® not t0 d0 any 0fthe following things to me or t0 any person to be protected listed in®z a. m Harass, intimidate, molest, attack, strike, stalk, threaten, assault (sexually 0r otherwise), hit, abuse, destroy personal property 0f, or disturb the peace of the person. b, 3‘ Contact the person, either directly 0r indirectly, in any way, including, but not limited to, in person, by telephone, in writing, by public or private mail, by interoffice mail, by e-mail, by text message, by fax, or by other electronic means. A C. D Other (speczfiz): D Check here iftltere 1's not enough spaceforyour answer. Putyow- complete cmm'er 0n the attached sheet ofpaper orform MC-025 and write ”Attachment 8c-0ther Personal Conduct Orders, ”for a title. Theperson in ® will be ordered not t0 take any action to get the addresses 0r locan'ons ofanyprotecredperson unless the courtfinds good cause not to make the order. m Stay-Away Orders a. I ask the c0urt to order the person in® to stay at least 5w yards away from (check all that appbz): (1) a Me. (8) fiMy vehicle. (2) E The other persons listed in @. (9) U Other (specifiz) (3) m My home. W gm Mm; words away! From (4) Q Myjob or workplace. gfi&“”dw1vWW) haw “yd m‘j (5) m My school. (6) E My children’s school. (7) m My children’s place of child care. b. If the court orders the person in to stay away from all the places listed above, will he 0r she still be able to get t0 his or her home, school, 0r job? m YES D NO ([fno, explain below): D Check here tftlzere is not enough spaceforyour answer. Putyour complete answer 0n the attached sheet 0f paper orform MC-025 and write ”Attachment 9b-Stay-Away Orders, "for a title. Guns or Other Firearms and Ammunition Does the person in® own or possess any guns or other firearms? D Yes D No w don’t know Ifthejudge grants a protective order, the person in® will be prohibitedfrom owning, possessing purchasing, receiving, 0r attempting t0 purchase 0r receive a gun, otherfirearm, and ammunition while the protective order is in efiéct. The person in ® will also be ordered to turn in to Jaw enforcement, 0r sell t0 0r store with a licensed gun dealer, any guns orfireamzs within lzz's 0r her immediate possession 0r control. This is not a Court Order. Re“se“a””a‘Y‘-2°‘a Request for Civil Harassment Restraining Orders CH‘WO' P3984 °f5 (Civil Harassment Prevention) '9 Case Number: ’2,\ 09v ()0 Q8ZC\ ® D Temporary Restraining Order I request that a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) be issued against the person in® to last until the hearing. I am presenting form CH-l 10, Tempormy Restraining Order, for the court’s signature together with this Request. Has the person in® been told that you were going t0 g0 to coun to seek a TRO against him/her? D Yes E No (Ifyou answered n0, explain why below): D Check here t'fthere is not enough spaceforyour answer. Put your complete answer 0n the attached sheet 0f paper orfomz A/[C-025 and write "A(tachment 1I-Tempomry Restraining 0rder”f0r a title. lfiemr QOW WW] “Qt, 0M dofikwmm'¥ her 5pc) OLJC+0LIL¢ ML, U “A; éim- has m H1, Pasim \rc rmbb So *hcd-B whul 111m reqpfirrnqfi U \r be’vcflné 0/ch J ® D Request to Give Less Than Five Days' Notice of Hearing You must have yourpapers personally served 0n the person in® at leastfive days before the hearing, unless the court orders a shorter timefor service. (Form CH-ZOO-INFO explains What Is “Proof 0f Personal Service”? Form CH-200, Proof 0f Personal Service, may be used t0 show the court that the papers have been served.) If you want there t0 be fewer than five days between service and the healing, explain why below: D Check here ifthere is not enough spaceforyour answer. Put your complete answer 0n the atiached sheet 0f paper orform MCfi025 and write “Attachment 12-Reques! to Give Less Than Five Days ’ Notice "for a title. :b. am moaned aw} boat 440.0 Tread asscmax amok 9mm 3H), conslccmu, %e+§ Ctocac, mm whom 31m walking d00m++u flfl‘jrs 06 mail I‘s ‘menq LO WSW nu, QMKHVGELQ mqfiéggoml Rm she, Q bah“; \o Proudly 0\ ?\wslcfl Cmmflronwwvom Emoétuiclco evidehg‘ ® D No Fee for Filing or Service a. D There should be no filing fee because the person in ® has used or threatened to use Violence against me, has stalked me, 0r has acted or spoken in some other way that makes me reasonably fear violence. b. D The sheriff or marshal should serve (notify) the pefson in® about the orders for free because my request for orders is based on unlawful violence, a credible threat 0f violence, or stalking. c. D There should be n0 filing fee and the sheriff 01' marshal should serve the person in @for fi’ee because I am entitled t0 a fee waiver. (You must complete andfllefonn FW-OOI, Application for Waiver of Court Fees and Costs .) D Lawyer's Fees and Costs Iask the court to order payment 0fmy D lawyer’s fees D Coun costs. The amounts requested are:m Amount Itfl Amount $ $ $ $ $ $ D Check here zfthere are more items. Put the items and amounts on the attached sheet ofpaper orform MC-025 and write ”Attachment 14-Lauyer's Fees and Costs ”for a title. This is not a Court Order. RemedJW“ 2°” Request for Civil Harassment Restraining Orders CH-100. Page 5 of 6 (Civil Harassment Prevention) --> Case Numb ’Lx (jibe qgv‘x ® D Possession and Protection of Animals I ask the court t0 order the following: a. D That I be given the sole possession, care, and control ofthe animals listed below, which I own, possess, lease, keep, or hold, 0r which reside in my household. (Identzfv animals by, e.g., type, breed, name, color, sex.) UV I request sole possession of the animals because (specifi/ good causefor granting order): D Check here zfthere i5 not enough spaceforyour answer. Putyour complete answer 0n the attached sheet ofpaper orform fl/[C-025 and write “Attachment 1 5a-Possession ofAnimaIs "for a title. Nn- b. D That the person in®must stay at least yards away from, and not take, sell, transfer, encumber, conceal, molest, attack, strike, thIeaten, harm, or otherwise dispose of, the animals listed ab0ve. D Additional Orders Requested I ask the court to make the following additional orders (specify): D Check here z'fthere is not enough spaceforyom‘ answer. Put your complete answer on the attached sheet 0f paper orfomz MC-025 and write “Attachment 1 6-Additi0nal Orders Requested, ”for a title. fqfl' ® Number of pages attached to this form, if any: Date: > Lawyer 's name (ifany) Lawyer '5 signature I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State 0f California that the information above and 0n all attachments is true and correct. Date: 2’ 8’ L( Mafia» > //U(“/"a I or/‘S Type or print your name Sign y'our name This is not a Court Order. Request for Civil Harassment Restraining Orders CH-100. Page 6 of6 - . '_ ‘ (Civil Harassment Prevention) Revised January 1, 2018 1O 11 12 '13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 28 24 25 CASE NAME: Twas and valaswwvs x CASE #: ”b\cflt 00 QQ’ Zq Last Name L251 Name CH-100, Item 7a(3) - DESCRIBE HARASSMENT: a) How do you know the person you wantto restrain? b) Are you living with the persofi? E] YES m0 c) Has the person D physically abuse you, fiphysioally or verballythreatened you andior B-haras‘sed you many times? (Please check all that apply.) d) In the past three months, what did the person d0 0r say that made you afraid (please start With the most recent event and explain exactly what happened in detail, include dates and times): OW 1" [9’11 a EDSPM E Locks m va OxpcAAmM-cn .\’\"L PVmw owxd HAL «Qtmee WM? Aoov F*flr 7) [Chsgesbgf 0W1 [Oud\3 fith “$5MDIA bld‘ladgfi' I WdtL‘O‘ u-M‘LLfil’m wen.%_g;ne, 3w °\0*ovmj CQrQS im \eauihf} SP2. COW‘CbOxC okfi omd (2a 6563 \JC’ r‘i desk} ’ro mc- I. Coe\ Q3 1‘1 Smmwfi *0 mefie m Wig harm. Om \*\‘?>' 7-\ m 6m 9m 6M mama 53 \rmj home. Qofiqn QQ Lm (\osins m 0100’” 6N touchy gabi 9 u J ' under) V F(Lclcim Y‘ioh'doq; 0'6 lady]! I §C€l M ’flmraiér UVWX dqm>§ When llm hmm, TW\ “K6. at Pfflgoner. NNW-CWKj 'LO \che. 44mg, MM (10m; mu} ak’rm saw ’Hnw . I n many cages GLQSDLMHWS me; And «geakvng. Qbficnihe‘pym W‘ “3M nil odnons gamewbmcwfie-C CM\ ”b\(‘L x“: OJOirxé \-Q \fiofm WLL ,3“ haw, \JCAieO QflCQ \JOIC fl\]\c\/emcc 0g Sack o.cAwm5. CH-100, Item 7a(3) - DESCRIBE HARASSMENT u Paga- MC-DZO [SHORT'TITLEz mamam v Term ‘ and valamma zlmooquq 1O 11 12 ‘13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 25 (Required for vanfiedpfeading) The items on this pag= stated on in ormation and be lief are (5p: cifyftem numbers, notline numbers): 27 This page may be used w‘rth any Judicial Council form or any other paper filed with the court. Page L Last Nam- Last Name Om I‘M: 74924 @860 Hm 11mg aperwhm mu laundry (ML; yam, amd Sh, Comb uPbemvfi m», Twyrmobwom ch firm» m chmm mm ciao! APWES' gkboudwtwu owdl ea“; calmplé, olci laduy flrold \w/ 61d? Cal’m‘xwflar; haMS 3N Hantcflrovxd mf’ JOH Sommk (Ema WOLSOIDMALO mhmPM/w OLSS 3“ how: wieo omd mice mlelem OWNS effiwnk/ o 0A )«zg’gl Mom W33 \ncueAM'xo guMencLofihw 6H1 $965 Wards W, I am ( omd wuHL \LQWI SOUL) :fieaH“ QSSUHM Owfl Starr}? 6N ISVKdOLHnj WM Pergona‘ 5910:; ipod 3640* SN *S\V\*\midox‘c m W- 0\"\9\ *V‘WLQJK) ?moo‘bé Ox anémm COfVGanoGHon Ujmfig immic. rig W dam QLR/kr EmJim q game. reajr’c downing 3' $33223 MW bk Rs 3mg, mark 09Pom¥c,mikc\n\m \ \ WM \Xflglio pudeme uo:\\ 9/1003 meaflux 6N CkLme-qe <31; Mcnfluwku mmbcrs \::\'na ever b&qusxmw. If)“ JMDSHH mam; ffianqonc owl‘s mg [FE Mm Qraw/Wcm’jc/aqmer 01/] 2'5 Z) thaw \Jt(CLO CUBChoa (y’- Hume Mics Commqqp WM Qat‘rs amoflcmm MLo “0’6 140% fbelmdrhte Isdontlvo IHHMIOWC W» (”WW (XCCJéL m64+aklnLBQflLfs 04deCam Mwwvx Wald: drméw mom \"kch OVL )Z’5\ 2020 X: wwc \Héxo exfiéfsmfi 0%qu 3mm m, Pudcms onquw mH/wmgh Hrs mo? Hlf’oml Ww d0 ficadrqdrtoflro mhm‘fln‘é' WW, L&(J Scarab and wo/VM :1: JON .Rmoomr»: mkvhvr'fiall Q66 Mae E&vmol Woomu’druq WM aemqm fiallou) Hiram; wijrl/Hdwm ¥kv‘calr3 Wadi CCLLLR M been!bhaw“ or wOV‘S I Fm’wm‘edWm ADDITIONAL PAGE . ca: 201, 501 Judéal Cmmcil 0f Caffismia ‘ . 'M0120 [Ner'muewt 13371 Attach to Judlctal Councnl Form or Other Court Paper Martin Dean‘s EssenL-é! Farms TM Op: anal Form MC-DZO SHORT TITLE. CASEHUMBEFCTofnj \JS Ualcwou/eg/ ~Q-H’mohmer7~ @6606 3: rmgra. ’U C‘c‘v oo 619L251 (D&OJN 0) 1.0. >- A11 1.2.-. 13 -14 '15,... 16 .717 i 0mm "Darmumfl‘rm dxx‘sscxbvack E dew“ mMerfiJranql Nhulm (‘QCE \\J\Y\0\ Sufln WA‘tc OVVKX (Mgr (\mxmhon ?mmkhxs ??FSOW Mariam W OMV Wing I: Can “\an 0L mm $h€ KPCPS mfwnfijm mp‘ US when Nwhokux Armahhfr \J - QCMNW. *0 W OH 7- [7r LOLO \V\ Obmou-S rhfi‘meS (MNX Q-FQF T 03M her UAW}? wCl/S wqu . %\\L Qovvléscfi *«3 m»: T3: chsmr‘oefii ‘mPWmVIeJ/L Mfl/daé mad éaA< erHa/d WMQ %ex\V\Qm\/\L b?- WV val \fla/UXUNFWER omd Hag M&AS &a\xq\n¥cm_ . _ de/st $0M QWref O&RO *0“)W $W :woyrfléWm 3:0 S¥©D Qwa‘mcU/kf (\VKMAS ?\nerkmtahlr 1 PCwA-C.& muUm J‘flf‘vmflhnf i0W FMGXKHWWM: .. _mw Qéxpsflnrfglfi Nrs 0cm \nouo Haaq AUVEQLA: 56:ng Onflémme ~ 0A March q 2020 mamas roomma,Le- . (DWLS N) \OVICMF \kaxta Rm)? Wm, OLpl'csmm: ,6)? 3W3 OVULQS WM (\bJM )VM (\mHA/cn liar A Mukjrs 97hr aka \QX-sw \Rnouo Hrwa-FmvdmiM5 (flflugmmr WAK ArO\(\ NMcm ouflflrl'md Jro [£1,th flowgk mt” grwaol wea/ Maw: aha m (13" cmdjrkeh _. Haunt 53m xml Amwapmr mm \fi‘rWmeherdad. (Requiredfor verified pieading) The items on this page stated on Information and belief ardspecify item numbers, not line numbers): Th‘ b used wilh am Judicial Council form oran other a erfiled with the court.Is pagemay e j Y P P . Page Z M5329? Ja mm °19aan Attach t0 Judicial Council Form or Other Court Paper 4:113! Fun'n I fall:__D__n$____. BSHTIAL “HHS megfbw: , r ADDITIONAL PAGE " among“ MC-OZO SHORTTITLE: mr25 Vs Vans: I a CASEHUMBER; M¥uQVWWWF3 MCQQQ D 660$er ”Um no C1829 ._L ‘oco'mxlmmxxwm '1. 2‘ __ 13 _14 .35.. 1.6.. ”1.77 18 19 20 2'1 22. 23 2-4 25 26 '27 ”Wm \\¥¥\~e o\\v\ cs \merLSmmfi mark mw ks X-dér m€55rmes ¥m3r~ She. Mg 3ro\ (i he fiow‘mm members Emk w: om: \LCAens. Bro hgrsm \5 Qummmfvlju QM \chPt {Required for verified pleading) The itemsron this page stated on information and belief are(specify item numbersh'o’t fine numbers): This page may be used with any Judicial Council form or any other paper filed with the court. - P 3. age FmAuproved hyme ADDITIONAL PAGE ~ ufcfigwlnfafiffigan Attach to Judicial Council Form or Other Court Paper lions! Form Ltmin Dmk m5Emmm-m CRczo1,so1 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 ‘21 22 23 24 25 CASE NAME: Tomb and mlW CASE #: 7 \rH Ooqe 29 Last Nama Last Name e) Were any guns or other weapons used or threatened to be used during any abuse in the past three months? U YES MO If "YES". describe: v f) Were there anyinjuries during abuse in the past three months? El YES WO 1f “YES", describe: g) Did the police come to any of these recent events? D YES MOI h) Did they give you an Emergency Protective Order for abuse in the past three months?»U YES ENC If “YES”, please attach a copy. i) Is thel‘person you want to restrain in jail right now for violence against you? EYES flNO lf“YE8”,wheret j) Has the person you want restrained ever been in jail for violence against you or your children? EYES oflNo If"YE3",whenz Describe what the person did to you or your children that caused them to go to jail: CHJOQhem7a@)~DESCWBEHARASSMENT Page 10 11 12 13 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 28 24 25 CASE NAME‘ON? and uo\0\5€UfQ7( CASE #z ”U CHO'OOlgzq Last Name Lest Name k) Do you have a criminal protective order (restraining order from criminal court)? D YES ENC if"YES”, piease attach a copy. I) Describe the worst abuse and when it happened: D The most recent abuse i_s the worst abuse OR D The worst abuse was (approximate dag) l"28*-Z \ and the person | want a 13ch, 'UiAxo' emwhge. oc mus gm fishes mmisna iumdtmbk and wall!- wrj flow - SM, wodALS I‘noWSO-kwlj 90M com (gown Hagen as wough 5m vs anginw'o ?uShgmz down .$ ficaH qggufidd omd Sabra 43mm U\o\ah mtg Pagan! g'flCfi, ,fii’e- vs ‘i'h¥'\m'\o\aHn5 fyw/ omrL fyginp, ‘ro prov a @h‘jé'ucaal ooanonM‘cVom . LOVERS (monk 43:1 Yboolav “9+6!” am!” S319 Cn‘rPS qgalSL WPOH‘ daminqfll‘n Wrasgfng hu/ wmflé HM, cud.» oPC‘OSim - w?awvw] \1 (deb fidmha. om“ cucuhg swam- m) Describe anym; previous (past) violence 0r threats of violence that you haven’t already writtenlabout here (include dates or estimates as to when it happened): TR 0th finingLfccm +hinfb 0x5 huh; SKLLQMS *ormen’rmsmnsW Noholm daughk/ Cum Lo w‘ on 2:11-10 rmfibwous o‘t'sm'% omA firm” J. asked \M/ wM’V mas Lymng c $5M COWA *0 M itdusmrbcol her 1,0th hegckmiwddwsgmamrami mocha om hwbroww mad Markup dauqmer amok .mwfilaé d(LLwJMcr also bld m eh UDOM'S HNW) *0 6401’gwu'ng. hcrglvqgs \evmj m'olh’r. E QQNWA my neighbor alrmd Wat Quej‘rvhqbk arljrg- 11mm, %Ci’r messwgei 0x5 ?rOOQ'nS’. mqus H13 §aw\\w huts CH-100. Item 7a(3) - DESCRIBE HARASSMENT restraining order against (describe wha: may dad to you): 0h [-1%'L\ athowm Page UH-H E1 W v u m v m m wrum w-Hom 12:00 p I [%¥Y\i<3\ F i heréuugh mus GU U .m. Becina k Q +17753391381 Anoche creo q estuvo encerrada esa nifia sola en el cuarto y esa vieja Ilegé noche y La Nifia tose y tose sin parar en el cuarto y el pecho Ie truena y no se escu- Ché nadie con ella y hasta en Ia noche Ie dieron medicina de adultos y para dormir pero porque querian dormir ellos y los de el no estén I'Lfoav v 7-33 EjudlllUO/OU < Becina ‘. Q +17753391381 Ema LE“: H“ an o'l(1‘aw .L-f’ gttff;f-2 PMMS WW?“ Esto de adultos (MMAVV‘S (“\J] HM 8M mo y para dormir le mm emery wwmeten a La Nina 12:10p‘m. A los tres porque el OW WW“ también se Ias da a becuuu- mam)“ I h, 9W5 11b Wiawn OS leS 12:11pm @fim Si m @@fi@r@ @ gm mfiffii‘ca Mgitaafi @[r@@ weem ea qmbrficafi M H©§ mfifi©§ d@ mfimflég E EE @ n||||- IHI O < 4.0U aw W V m Sid ié .I1II Q‘j/OD BECina § Q +17753391 381 7. PobreCita La Nifia dOAkBMRW .. i me duoq le vaa {35m xvowmm decir a Ia mujer ., ya 3N“ “WW déjame en paz solo (SM quiero terminar mi mm g e w\\éksoW afio escolar déjame terminar mi escuela y me voy a ir y te voy a dejar a mi papa’ para ti sola para q vivas feliz Ie esta’n marcando la Vida a La Nifia con cosas muy dolorosas para ella solo por la calent L517 é vertOdO > 8:46pm. MGM Si pero es algo muy serio Marl'a y esa mujer tiene familia de Q-Q‘ X 00:01 D mwmmflmfiww lfll O < ,/’ LLQI @mwum EaliruIIIOOVOEI Becina § Q +1 7753391381 >M 3‘530Yhe’lm MW gang reNcC/L 8:50 p. ella solo por Ia calent g Vertodo > 8:46 p. m. Si pero es algo muy serio Maria y esa mujer tiene familia de malandrines aqui en San José, no Ia quie- ren ni Ia ayudan pero al pasar algo aSI' 3i se meten son chusma 8:48 p. m. P@[r@ Sn” magma angar @H@@ ygaben m qm Em El Karma siempre se encarga de esa gente mala 8:52 p. m. X o O DDDDO D DD ”GD X 00:01 w-w~==~w==-~w HI O < ‘+.03@MW\AM MHJIIIUI/OU < Becina x Q +1775339138‘l VI l UV VUVH “U UHIIvIVIIH 4 Mafiana platicamos ’ por teléfono y Ie cuento SNWSW‘ ‘3"!0 3 gem?” s Yla migraciény Mum wu- maneja sin licencia C5\\L‘c%£"\$ 9:58 p. m. 9:59 p. m. La Nifia dice q Ie daTM” ““9““ miedo andar con ella \5 Stowe efl’flf‘ew‘i’) . . SM N g q no maneja blen, pregflntele y va ver q le va a decir a ud mo m 7 . p. . WV©m© d®©fiamm porqou gimme pem©@ @M@ @rmm fémfiflfianres pm“ mm. @veusmmm mm. fl@ @[rrebambél Héfi \©@sa§ @J] mm 10:01 p. m. K \J f X 00:01 fi w w Ill O < U.U/ E] W V V n \’ w W "IMIIII UO/OE < Becina § Q +‘l 7753391 381 H©U@ Nfimflég M@@flfij© qwca Hasmfifiaa temfiél ficabre mdavfléj fifiem8.55AM maxefish mam 04 Mm No se Marl'a ahl' aN "00”“ “f” dejado a sus hijoswas wovl'chthbWm solos en el cuarto, yo a las dies me voy 9fl7AM La] mfi-fig (dEU- nefin© y @fl mfifio [Cefl©@ @jaron]9J2AM Om m mm No a mi no esta’ Miley Yurem MW y Yurem 913AM “‘k "‘9 m H© yo @@[m©@ qwe @H mfifi© 7 y “H mfifiéj Y Vl'ctor no sabl'a q es- Q) a 9 g I 9 muu- IH O < LLUO V g] H ¢f .Illl UU/OEE Becina ‘O Q +17753391381 Uo UUoo U U 7:54pm. H\\\\r\9 3r WQWW‘ZB Ma’s Ie vale porque f?\gfiffifl‘g La Nina ya Ie mm dim conté a otra tl’a Ias 60 M WNW?“ . ~ cochlnadas q hacenher 7:56 p. m. lam «@Lmfir qwfifiémdmym oefl©§ tod@ ostmr mam ©©1m Hé] mam y H©§ mimg 758p m. gmdm“Hm [Y Hmcm t©m€am1 H©©fl©§j7:59 p. m. Es un puro relajo 7:59 p. m. Sm {mfieo@HéS mete @621H621 $megraray© my @1 d@©fi[r @H mfimuer pmgm @1 @H H© 3mm d@ sem© defl 4]:gm @flgwfi@m @gfiabél [?@mté1m@ 5 a “g E "hi" |I| O <