Request Restraining OrderCal. Super. - 6th Dist.January 27, 2021CH 100 Rqust for Civil Harassment _ Restraining Orders Read ( 1m u ( 'n'l/ Harassment Restraining ()rdcr Help Ma" (/hrm ( 'H-l()()- INFO) bcforc completing this form Also fill out ( 'rm/idcmml ('I.1:"IIS' In/brmation (form (1117181001) with as much information as you know. CD Person Seeking Protection a. YourFullNamc: L F a {AAN’co\c Age: 5 I Your Lavn rc(i/wu haw. 0m: forthis cm) Name: -KqucancJ State Bar No; Firm Name: l:\pW I b. Your Address (lfyuu huvc a lawyer. give your lawyer 's information. (f'yuu do not have a lawyer and wan! to keepyour home address private. you may give a d(flérem mailing address Instead. You do m)! have (0 give telephone. fax. 0r c-mail.) Address: [M8 S Q4“ 5T “elk stamps date here when fon'n is filed. FILE JAN 2 7 2021 Cler of he CounK- NGUVEN Fill in court name and street address. Superior Court of California, County ofSWC Superior Court Civil Division 191 N. First St. San Jose. CA 95113 Court fills in case number when form is filed. cm: 5% Josc Sm: CA Zip: 952/2 Tclcphonc: (“fl 17% 041/2 Fan. Case Number: 210H009827 E-Mail Address Malcm gall; @gMA/I Person From Whom Protection ls Sought Full Name: V I AA: , ,fi, fl. ,W MOIbMo . V _ Address (Ifknown): WP Clty. €‘~ )O5q Statc. Additional Protected Persons Full Name Age AA E ______.-" _ ,u *KD a. Arc you asking for protection for any other famin or household members? r3 Yes D N0 Lives with vou'? How arc they related to vou‘.’ ‘2 ch D No 2&ch D No ch D No ”Age: gg Cg Zip: m {C (fives. list them: D ch D No D (‘heck here Iftherc are more pcrxom'. Attach a sheet praper and write “A (Iachmem 3G7 Additional Protected Persons "fbr a mic. You may uscfbrm M( '-()25. Attachmem. b. Why do thcsc people nccd protection? (Explain below): D ( ‘hcck hcrc (/‘Ihcrc Is nor enough .s‘pacc/hryour answer. I’M! your complete answer 0n the attached sheet of paper or form M( '-()25 and wnlc ”Anachmcnt 3b Why ()lhers Need Protection "for a title. r , ‘ L..- I ’ ----Al-t--‘ f _- fl I r I fr This is not a Court Order. Judlctal Counal o! Calliovma www courts ca gov Revsed January 1, 2018, Mammy Form Code of CMI oncedule‘ §§ 527 6 and 527 9 Request for Civil Harassment Restraining Orders (Civil Harassment Prevention) CH-100. Page1 016 ‘ Case mber: <9 Relationship of Parties ® How do you know the person in ®? (Explain below): D Check here {/‘rhere is not enough space foryour answer. Putyour complete answer 0n the attached sheet 0f paper orform MC-025 and write “A ttachment 47Relationship ofParties "for a title. Thu! WL ‘va. \AA‘O/AS Venue Why arc you filing in this county? (Check all that apply): a. E The person in® lives in this county. b. a [was harassed by the person in®in this county. c. D Other (specify: Other Court Cases a. Have you or any of the persons named in @been involved in another court case with the person in ®? E ch D No (Ifyes, check each kind ofcase and indicate where and when each wasfiled.) (1) D Civil Harassment (2) D Domestic Violence (3) D Divorce. Nullity. Legal Separation (4) D Patcmit}; Parcntagc. Child Custody (5) D Elder or Dependent Adult Abuse (6) Eviction 944g c(m Cfi mo (vEm (7) D Guardianship (8) D Workplace Violence (9) D Small Claims (10) D Criminal (1 1) D Other (speczfl): b. Are there now any protective or restraining orders in effect relating to you or any ofthc persons in@ and the person in®? B No D Yes (Ifyes, attach a copy ifyou have one.) Description of Harassment Harassment means violence or threats of violence against you, or a course of conduct that seriously alarmed, annoyed. or harassed you and caused you substantial emotional distress. A course ofconduct is more than one act. a. Tell the coun about the last time the person in® harassed you. (l) When did it happen? (provide date 0r estimated date): )‘nqu ‘ 9 ‘ tob‘ (2) Who clsc was there? I Mcm'm , ngdW 1’30me This is not a Court Order. “memmm-m‘e Request for Civil Harassment Restraining Orders C”"°°~ Page 2°“ (Civil Harassment Prevention) . aseNumber: 2 1 CHOU 98 Z7 ® a. (3) (4) (5) (6) How did the person in ® harass you? (Explain below): D Check here (fthcrc is nor enough spacefbryour answer. Put your complete answer on the attached sheet praper ()rfi)rm M('-025 and write "Allachmem 7a(3)r r Describe Harassment "fbr a title. sH-«M mebclkfio J’lw 01341:: WJ- .L~A¢5 usbfwtw J.L~’wa Mlafibswh ‘Hv-vrs 5“- WKW? AWW6M035 Did the person in® use or threaten to usc a gun or any other weapon? E Yes D No (lfyes. explain below): D Check here Iflhere 1's not enough spacefbryour answer. Putyour complete answer 0n the attached sheer Q/paper orfbrm M0025 and write “Attachment 70(4) Use of Weapons ”for a title. ’ ValowL LA c m“4,36:qu 4v} WM}, Amt Were you harmed or injured because ofthe harassment? fl Yes D N0 (Ifyes. explain below): D Check here (ftherc is n0! enough spacc/br your answer. Put your complete answer 0n the attached sheet praper ()rfbrm M0025 and write ”Allachmem 70(5) wHarm or Injury "for a title.Lwfim ND Jwakuav’mvf‘ ‘VL/VL W flaw d- HM- wa/‘x 5M 44' 6°me M.» I 6w. Mr?” Did the police comc'.’ E Yes D No If yes. did they give you or the person in® an Emergency Protective Order? D Yes fl No If yes. the order protects (check all that apply): D Me D The person in® D The persons in® . (Attach a copy a_fthe order Ifyou have one.) b. Has the person in® harassed you at other timcs‘? a Yes D No (Ifyes. describe prior incidents andprovide dates qf'harassment below): Check here Iflhere is n0! enough spacefbr your answer. Put your complete answer 0n the attached sheet Qf paper orform MC-025 and write "Attachment 7biPrevious Harassment "for a title. This is not a Court Order. R“‘°dJa"“a'Y‘-2°‘8 Request for Civil Harassment Restraining Orders I i CH-100, Page 30‘s (Civil Harassment Prevention) ‘ Casfiber: Check the orders you want. E Personal Conduct Orders ® l ask thc court to order the person in® not to do any ofthc following things to me or to am person to bc protected listcd m@1 a. a Harass. intimidate, molest, attack. strike, stalk. threaten, assault (sexually or otherwise). hit. abuse. destroy personal property of, or disturb the peace of thc person. b, a Contact the person, either directly or indirectly. in any way, including, but not limited to, in person, by telephone. in writing, by public or private mail, by interoffice mail, by e-mail, by text message, by fax, or by other electronic means. C. a Other (specify): D (‘hcck here {fthere 1's not enough spaceforyour answer. Putyour complete answer 0n the attached sheet ofpaper orformM0025 and write “Attachment 8070ther Personal Conduct Orders, "fbr a title. . ' I The person in ® will be ordered not t0 take any action to gel the addresses or locations chmy protected person unless the courlfinds good cause n01 to make the order. E Stay-Away Orders a. I ask the court to order the person in® to stay at least 300 yards away from (check all that apply): (l) Q Mc. (8) m Myvchiclc. mu The othcrpersons listed m Q). (9) flower (specify,- (3) Q Myhomc. (4) m Myjob or workplace. (5) w My school. (6) My children‘s school. (7) My children‘s place of child care. b. Ifthc court orders the person in ® to stay away from all thc places listed above, will he or she still be able to get to his or hcr home. school, or job? D YCS E N0 (Ifno. explain below): D Check hc re Ifrhere is not enough space fbr vour (mm e r. l’u! vour complete amwer on the anached sheet 0f paper 0r fbrm MC -()25 and write ”Attachment 9b SIav-AuaykOrders for 1e.WC.M 0Lhwy I“ “flak Guns or Other Firearms and Ammunition Docs thc person in ® own or possess any guns or othcr firealms? D Yes D No E I don‘t know Ifthejudge grants a protective order. (he person in® will be prohibitedfl'om owning. possessing, purchasing, receiving. 0r attempting to purchase or receive a gun. olhcrfirearm. and ammunition while (he protective order is in qflécl. 'l'he person in ® will also be ordered (u mm m m law erg/brcemem. 0r sell t0 0r store with a licensed gun dealer. any guns orfirearms within Ins ur hcr Immediate possession 0r control. This is not a Court Order. “”5“ ““3” 1- 2°” Request for Civil Harassment Restraining Orders CH-100» P399 4 0'6 (Civil Harassment Prevention) A se Nurébirchoo 98 27 ® E Temporary Restraining Order l request that a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) bc issued against the person in® to last until the hearing. I am presenting form CH-l 10. Temporary Rcslraming Order. for thc court‘s signature together with this Request. Has the person in®bccn told that you wcrc going to go to court to scck a TRO against him/her‘? D ch No (lfyou answered no. explain why below): D Check here i/‘there is not enough .s'pace_/(')ry0ur answer. l’ut your complete answer on the attached sheet Qf' pa er orform AI('-()25 and write "Arlachmcm 1] 'I'cmporary Restraining Order "fbr a title. Slow) 03' ow-y Vtgc/cvsgm ® fl Request to Give Less Than Five Days' Notice of Hearing You must have yourpapers personally served (m the person m® at lcastfive days bcffbre (he hearing. unless the court orders a shorter Iimefbr service. (Form ('H-20()-INI<'() explains What ls “Proof of Personal Service”? Form (‘H-200. Proof of Personal Service. may be uxcd (0 show Ihc court (ha! the papers have been served.) If you want there to bc fewer than five days between service and thc hearing. explain why below: D Check here (fthere is not enough spaccfbryour answer. Putyour complete answer on the anached sheet of paper orfbrm M(‘-()25 and write “Attachment [2- - Request lo Give Less Than Five Days ' Notice for a title. - - . a _ . ® No Fee for Filing or Service a. E Thcrc should bc no filing‘ fcc bccausc thc person in ® has used or threatened to usc violence against me, has stalked mc. 0r has acted or spoken in somc othcr way that makes mc reasonably fear violence. b. EThc sheriff or marshal should serve (notify) tho person in® about thc orders for frcc because my request for orders is based on unlawfijl violence. a credible threat of violence. or stalking. c. E Thcrc should be no filing fcc and the sheriff or marshal should serve thc person 1n ®for free because I am entitled to a fee waiver. (You muxt complete amlflleform 1"W-()01. Application for Waiver of Court Fecs and Costs .) nLawyer's Fees and Costs l ask thc court to ordcr payment ofmy D lawyer‘s fccs D Conn costs. The amounts requested are: - um: _Amount ltc_m Amount____ $__ $ J $ $ $ $ D Check here Ifthere are more items: l’ut the items and amounts 0n (he anached sheet Ql'paper orfbrm M0025 and write “Attachment l4 luwycr 's 15cm- und (‘oxls "fbr a title. This is not a Court Order. “me" ”WV ”m“ Request for Civil Harassment Restraining Orders CH-wo: P399 50's (Civil Harassment Prevention) d Cas umber: ® Q Possession and Protection of Animals l ask thc court to order thc following: a. b That l bc given the sole possession, care. and control ofthc animals listed below. which l mm, possess, lcasc, kccp. or hold. or which reside in my household. (Identify animals by. e.g.. type. breed. name. color. sex.) ‘1- l request solc possession of the animals because (specifil good causefbr granting order): D Check here Iflhere 1's not enough spaccforyour answer. l’utyour complete answer on the attached sheet praper orfbrm MC-025 and write “Attachment l5a-l’ossessi0n qum‘mals "fbr a title. b. B That thc person in ®must stay at least _ _ 'yards away from, and not take, scll, transfer, encumber, conceal. molest. attack. strike. threaten, harm. or otherwise dispose of. the animals listed above, 0% Additional Orders Requested l ask the court to make the following additional orders (specifv): D ('hcck here i/‘Ihcre is n0! enough space_[hryour answer. Put your complete am‘wer (m the attached sheet of paper or form M( -()25 and w rite “'Attachmcm I 6 Additional Orders Requested. 'for a titlegsrkkath/W WJW , @DNumber of pages attached to this form if any: filmamwl‘v‘ gdvc-fiqv‘unA-w/ Lawyer 's namé’nfany) Lawyer 's signatufl’ l declare undcr penalty of perjury under the laws ofthe State of Califomia that the information above and on all attachments is true and correct. Date: ol/zf/zou Nicole[M ' M Type or prim your name Sign your name U This is not a Court Order. Request for Civil Harassment Restraining Orders CH-100. Page 6 0' 6 (Civil Harassment Prevention) Revvsed .hnuary 1. 2018 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 / 21 CHOU 98 CASE NAME: W - bandMOW CASE #: Last Name Last Name CH-1 00, Item 7a(3) - DESCRIBE HARASSMENT: a) How do you kno the person you want to restrain? ”(a ' 5 _/\’V~1 lam} LBJO/ b) Are yfau living with the person? D YES D NO c) Has the person D physically abuse you, D physically or verbally threatened you and/or D harassed you many times? (Please check all that apply.) d) In the past three months, what did the person do or say that made you afraid (please start with the most recent event and explain exactly what happened in detail, include dates and times):W Mrm; MAJ. LN“ «J bl 45H}: ”7””; 04M;\/Lv\~j ufluakw Wk! a 3 MK 'Lrfl W1MW Mo w... {M-wflJ MH‘ M “Llcc LM¢_®0vuo\~:vz¢J we «\IcJ :1le awed MM Cowlfi‘qm “‘4 ?Js‘mcogy aw-me A Whamkhpt’c :w-J WW66 Hum}: L Mam wLw‘ar ¥~col “Lew IW WW5 4’0’10’ L’lwcach Iqmolzgq’bleo/ [mafiamy Jana eflmxfi H ”L WI M,M mm MM 0:1 Wu WANG.J I W VSIM am} J&Myxj 4- «H'M‘m'cvu fop'um/m’a “-0. g.) T. JIJ ”Kvw vac J: 1%]QJ ‘La JVLW DD. 64m Lflcvwl: wk Lwl; Wk.“ m1 n» a M m;- AaLNu‘ naaw M4499}- Ww» 3"“ WCDCA‘u/ («xlcw a» M ‘4‘" I’ L‘J LL“ l' LWCL 'DVUMé L&WL (“?NWJIFUN‘T “J L’s AM 4” CH-1 00, Item 73(3) - DESCRIBE HARASSMENT pageiA (a Z7 MC-020 'SHORT TITLE. CASE NUMBER- 9M9 and Mom 219*‘009827 1 . wwgmfi< ’L A14 VL¢~ {Sigmfi «ljngJJ-u PA-fi» PLL Log 2 ~ IMVW-Wk anwo‘d “(a_sdawc \“6 5W 3 .‘v-L- wa'Pov- wl\"- Ouagk 4'L53AAMJ w‘kaJ'kml-r Lo 4 (1’04 40640 M‘l%oow :l‘olflu “' (“L&W 5 a“ QMIJMLcnb/ Mr“; WMJW H4“.- Kola“ 6 k4 Wk“ £04“)ch4‘\MW_ 7 ”‘1 vd‘s Dr (cows. W‘rxky‘m PJ-nk 4.qu 4):ch FL-«F e Mo OWJ ukolvalus MAW A“ Pk: o(wxq a skyaJ~ 9 WM ”AV 90 kccoju \«a/f‘r.” t~c wd-wc ML; w: 1o pd VW‘o‘apM-QL“ awo‘ L lcwc 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 '22 23 24 25 26 (Required for verified pleading) The items on this page stated on information and belief are (specify item numbers, not line numbers): I27 This page may be used with any Judicial Council form or any other paper filed with the court. Page I#1 bWm Appmed bv me ‘ ADDITIONAL PAGE CR 1. 501 Judcml Councul of Cahfomua M04320 Namgngggnt 1987! Attach to Judicial Council Form or Other Court Paper Mam: Dean‘s Essential Forms TM BOO. ° GQLTEAI2252 <- Mcfarland L E Safety? Yeah then let me. See the paperwork that says what on here is npt safe so i may remove it Jan 16,8:12AM m Please open the doorThe SJPD is Outside now SJPD is here to watch Jan 18, 3:04 PM Mcfarland this is Robert Olivarez. About a month and a half ago you took my tools that were on the other side of the partion wall at the top of the stairs from a repair in the electrical i did and did not charge you for. It is imperative I get those as I need them to xAAAAIt I xannn ald +k3nll nnfiinn @ 9 é/[b 0 0 ‘.‘ - ® @LTEA I2151 €- Mcfarland K. E m That is ridiculous. l wouldnever take your tools or anything else, and neither did any of the guys. Strange, you told the cops today you did not cross into the 2nd floor but you actually did, to do an unauthorized repair. Even still, l'll give you S1 00 cash for the table saw when we start phase2 of the interior removal, which should be soon. Last, I again request you just leave. Your lease has expired. It will not renew. We won an unlawful detainer judgement and the cops and locksmith both said last Sat that evictions are starting to happen again. Leaving now means you can take all your stuff instead if us throwing it away on eviction day. Thanks. ‘ m - LV/é B G 0 - G‘ ->B-LTEA 310:59 IE E E Craig, Ms. Frandson executed a sublease for a commercial space on the pretenses that she was going to open an art studio. After signing the sublease she moved herself and assorted drug users into the space and they have been occupying the space ever since. San Jose, Code Enforcement is on my client to clear these people out since they have no right to occupy a commercial space as a home and they have cited them for the violation! . Be careful with this person. Going home shortly, if you want docs I will send once l am back in the office. Roger D. Wintle Partner The Heritage Law Group, a P.C. 96 North Third Street Suite 260 San Jose, Ca 951 1 2 Phone: (408) 925-0146 Fax: (408) 993-2101 Email: rdw@‘ web: Disclaimer: No attorney-Client relationship is intended to be established by the free, brief initial consultation. Legal opinions provided on g . the sour of the moment. with limited //0 ,/’V-\\‘ 4 ( I ‘: I - 1”» - uagm; fitfmflfi”W? ?\B-m . g; ;'._z?l»“v 1}er ~7 ‘3 twp; @Af'q V 1n. _ v ,3." : 1 wmmwm-WMMIw,mm-RMWZO‘IWM . .CAQ5110 case wuss»?abs? :~.QJ.U0.____ DATE L 3g.La wpsonnclosm r_ m" n WW“ w______4 REPORT TAKEN D YES 8N0 OFHCER/eAmru K - Wm. . _,.,H,A_____ F**ONE 9*”Lnu‘gfl“ WMTDNS‘ H you 1n a crime wcflm. you Mn neon ms Anfommon {a your oonmd Mm rho San Jose Pm 0090mm ywr tnsummo report, and tax purposes Vcsnt our mule atmm 1mm nnformatson about octarmng a copy or wary oi a mums report To suwly muons! infmmnnon cowemim suspects, mus". DI mums. contact tho San Jo“m Dapammnl Noanmrgency Line (31 1) ‘l'o propony “ ‘ ‘ lot ' L ‘ mnloclm Property anhoule (2774268) mddm your property. NOTE‘ hopony nm duumd wnhm 90 days w-h become me property o! me Cuy of San Jose and wll be rucydod mound. donated. ovm cl as vehxw Tomproponybcaudmmawhbch whichhnbunmd.momslwwmdwwmwmm II. bw mummy Contact me San Jose Pour» Depammm Non-Emgency L-na (3H; I0! a aw nlmdby I! Issues unse dutingN property vomvmy moms mWCIONES: 8| “sled fue una NM do un cnmen‘ necesna e! nmm do mpone (mm amba) mam sommmom d Devanmemn «1e Penna y para sux segums o xmpueslus La pugma webm ingmles exponents norm menu Inlonmdanam mpone Pam (1m mfovmaan'm amounal con respoclo a su casolrepono name al Dcpaflmenlo do Puma Ge San Josh dm0 311 AYENCION Sn ia pohoa Ios renru proaedad pot segm'dw llama al almacén do Ia Doha; al nurture 408-2774”m redamm su promedao Pmpwdad qua no somam antes d2 90 mas secs dispuesla Para meo’ar propoudad qua flueW On un cum que tuo mmohado, e! mafiawwwo do! cam debs Que oonlacu la compama do romolcat, Llama Ia linoa do 0|Wm do Ponds de San Jose al nuntero 311 pom en ospera dvfl sl Ilene pwblomu «mania el processo do muwadon b llMad.mMAW“ W OFPm ‘W 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 and ZICH00982 CASE NAME: CASE #1 Last Name Last Name e) Were any guns or other weapons used or threatened to be used during any abuse In the past three months? fl YES B NO If uyEsn. describe:} \«JLW6»MW M M1444W 49 v1,” «nWM f) Were there any injuries during abuse In the past three months? D YES E NO If “YES", descn'be: g) Did the police come to any of these recent events? ,E YES D NO h) Did they give you an Emergency Protective Order for abuse in the past three months? D YES E NO If “YES", please attach a copy. i) Is the person you want to restrain in jail right now for violence against you? DYEs duo If“YES",where: j) Has the person you want restrained ever been in jail for violence against you or your children? Elves mo If"YES".when: Describe what the person did to you or your children that caused them to go to jail: CH-100, Item 73(3) - DESCRIBE HARASSMENT “9°WV 3x 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CASE NAME: and CASE m 2 1 C H 00 98 Zl Last Name Last Name k) Do you have a criminal protective order (restraining order from criminal court)? D YES aNO If “YES", please attach a copy. l) Describe the worst abuse and when it happened: fiThe most recent abuse i_s_ the worst abuse OR U The worst abuse was (approximate date) and the person l want a restraining order against (describe what mey ax: to you): WWW m) Describe any other previous (past) violence or threats of violence that you haven't already written about here (include dates or estimates as to when it happened): CH-100, Item 73(3) - DESCRIBE HARASSMENT pageJLL//é /