Notice Hearing TRO Civil HarassmentCal. Super. - 6th Dist.January 27, 2021i . . ‘rk stamps dare here when rorm ls med, Notice of Court Hearing . . Filed Person Seekln Protection a Your Full Nam? VA January 29’ 2021 ' ' Clerk 0f the CourtONfidfi LEm 8 h Superior Court 0f CA Your Lauycr (Ifyou have onejbr this case): County Of Santa Clara Name: 9.. k b'flclmuLcal StfltC Bar No.3 I 21 CH009827 Firm Name: By? msorum b. Your Address ([fyou have a lmrycr, giveyour lmawr‘s Information. Ifyou (/0 no! have a Imvyer and want m kccpynur home addrmx Fm m mun name and 5W9: address”. privme. you may give a ({{flercnr mazlmg address Instead. You do r20! Superior Court of Califomia‘ County o1. have (o give telephone, jar, 0r c-mail.) Wm CWM Address: \Dq‘a 9 ®¥k$fii grplegowascoun VI I Cit)” 3‘“ 5‘3" Stale: Gig" Zip: 4611/1. 191 N.HrsotnSt-- S Telephone; (naggu-L-%§1 FM: anJose.CA 95113 E-Mail Address: N.2¢\¢M¢v~%G\Zflqw\ Court fiHs in case number when romv Is fiIEd.v CJ Case Number: ® Person From Whom Protection ls Sought 21 EH UU 98 27 Fun Name: MamUr/\W _ . ’ The court will complete the rcxr qflhis/brm. ® Notice of Hearing A court hearing is scheduled on the request for restraining orders against the person in®z Hearing Q Date: g”\ L0’Z‘ Timczzzgw Date H Dcpt.: 3 Room: ® Temporary Restraining Orders (Any orders granted arc onjbrm CH-l 10, served with this notice.) Name and address 0F court ifdiffcrcnt from above: a. Tcmpomn' Restraining Orders for personal conduct and stay-away orders as requested in form CH-[00, Request jbr Civil Harassmcm Restraining Orders, arc (check only onc box below): (l) D All GRANTED until the court hearing (2) D All DENIED until the court hearing. (S]occifi’ reas‘onsjbr denial in b. below.) (3) Partly GRANTED and partly DENIED until the court hearing. (Spoof)? rcammfor denial in b, below.) Jud Immmcw mm ' ~ -gammfrmmw Notice of Court Heanng C” ”9' P398 ‘ °‘3 cmedCMxPromdme.§527.s (Civil Harassment Prevention) Appcmod by DOJ ‘ C _, umber: 218H009827 b. Reasons for denial of some or all ofthosc personal conduct and stay~away orders as requested in form CH-lOO, Requestfor Civil Harassment Restraining Orders. arc: (l) D The facts as stated in form CH-IOO do not sufficiently show acts ofviolcncc, threats ofviolcncc, or a course ofconduct that seriously alarmed, annoyed, or harassed the person in (‘D and caused substantial emotional distress. (2) E OLIwchpecijjJ): D As sct forth on Anachmcnt 4b. Requested relief granted with sole exceptions to the personal conduct and stay-away orders t0 enable the restrained person to perform required landlord duties at the residential property so long as done in a lawful, non-harassmg manner. G) Confidential Information Regarding Minor a b. D A Request (0 Keep Arlinor's Informatt’on Confidential (form CII- I60) “as madc and GRANTED. (Secform CH-165. Order on Request to Keep Minor’s Information Confidential, served with (hisform.) Ifthc request was granted, the information described in item® 0n the order (form CH-165) must be kept CONFIDENTIAL. The disclosure or misuse of the information is punishable as a sanction, with a fine ofup to $1,000 or other court penalitics. ® Service of Documents for the Person in ® At least flfive D days before the hearing, someone age 13 or oldcr-not you or anyone to be protectcd-must personally give (serve) a c0urt's filc-smmpcd copy 0f this form CH-109 to the person in along with a copy of all the forms indicated below: 7’10?qu CH-IOO, Requesrfor Civil Harassment Restraining Orders (filc-smmpcd) m CH-l i0, Temporary Reslraining Order (filc-stampcd) IF GRANTED CH- l 20, Response lo Requesrfor Civil Harassment Restraining Orders (blank form) CH-lZO-INFO, How Can I Respond (o n Requesrjbr Civil Harassment Rcszraining Orderx? CH-250, ProqfofSeNice ofResponse by Mai! (blank form) D CH-HO. Norice ofOrder Protecting Information ofMinor and CH-[65, Order 0n Request to Keep 1Winor ’5 Information Confidential (filc-stampcd) [F GRANTED 5‘9"9d:"23’2°2‘ 04:28PM gfiomcrmpccrrv): OHM (A458 COW meg?) Deca m XuppOEI: Date: 1-28-2021 u C UVL MC wbgon Judicial Officer R“ WWLM Notice of Court Hearing CH-109» P3992 0'3 (Civil Harassment Prevention) g ' ‘ e Number: 210H009827 e: :Pe'r.s;pi1g~;ijfi ”a ' The court cannot make the restraining orders after thc court hearing unless tho person in ©1135 been personally given (served) a copy 0f your request and any temporary ordcrs. To show that thc person in®has Men served, thc person who served Lhc forms must fill out a proof ofscrvicc form. Form CH-ZOO, Proqquf’crsonal Service. may bc used. - For infomation about service, read form CH-ZOO-INFO, What ix “Proon/‘Personal Service "V . [f you arc unable to serve the person in®in time, you may ask for morc time to serve tho documents. Use form CH-l 15. quucxt t0 Comimw Court Hearing and Io Reissue Temporary Resiraming Order. Tc thue. Persbn‘ ih‘NE 5-: . Ifyou want Io respond to tho request for orders in writing. file form CH-IZO. Response to Requestfor Civil Harassment Restraining Orders, and have someone ago 13 0r oldcrmnot you or anyone t0 be protected-wmail it t0 the person in CD. . Tnc person who mailed the form must fill out a proofof service form. Form CH-lSO, Proqqu&rnricc QfResymnse by Mail. may be used. File the completed form with the court before the hearing and bn'ng a copy with you to the court hearing. . Whether or not you respond in writing. g0 to the hcaring ifyou want thcjudgc to hear from you before making an order. You may tell the judge why you agree or disagree with the orders requested. - You may bn’ng witnesses and other evidence. ' At the hearing, thcjudgc may make restraining orders against you that could last up to five years and may order you t0 tum in to law enforcement. 0r scll to or store with a licensed gun dealer, any firearms that you own or possess. Request for Accommodations Assistjvc listening systems, computcr-assistcd rcal~timc captioning, 0r sign language interpreter services arc available ifyou ask at [cast five days before Lhc hearing Contact the clerk’s office or go to www.courmm.gow’forms for Requestjbr Accormnodazfons by Persons wirh Disabilities and Response (form MC-410). (CivA Code, § 54.8.) (Cicrk wil/ffll out this part) ”Clerk's Certificate- l certify that this Notice ofCourt Hearing is a truc and correct copy 0f thc original 0n file in thc court. Clerk 's Certgficate [seal] Date: Clerk. by . 00PM." RHWbmm Notice of Court Hearing CH-109. Page 3 of 3 (Civil Harassment Prevention)