Notice Hearing TRO Civil HarassmentCal. Super. - 6th Dist.January 11, 2021CH-109 Notice of Court Hearing C’“ “ampsaa'm’e Wn'o'mlsfi'ed Person Seeking Protection 52:33“! 11, 2021 8- Y0“ Fl” “me? Clerk of the Court ME ' H ma S Superior Court of CA Your [3“3'cr fifyou hare one_lbr thix case): County Of Santa Clara Name: State Bar No; 21 CH009809 firm Name; By: knguyen b. Your Address (lfyou have a Iauycr, giveyour lunycr‘s infommtiun. [fyou d0 not hare a Ianyer‘and want Io kecwymlr home address Fm m mun name and street Mm“: prn'alc. you may gn'c u d(flercnr "milling address msh'ad hm d0 nor super“), coun of California. County of haw: (0 give lelcphonafiLr, 0r e-nuul.) Santa Clara Address: S S l Wig QA CivilDivision‘ 191 North First Street San Jose. CA 951 13 Telephone: E'Mail Addrcss: O), t I fl un fills In case number when form is filed. Case Number: 9 Person From Whom Protection ls Sought 2 1 C H 00 98 0 Full Name: Qbfi Royg GO n2m Thu court will complclc thy rest oflhisjbrm. ® Notice of Hearing A court hearing is scheduled on the request for restraining orders against the person in®: Name and address of court if ditTerent from above: Date: 3‘ 2 J 202! Timczm‘DL Date Dcpu q Room: ® Temporary Restra‘ning Orders (Any orders gmmcd are onform CH~1 10. sen'ed with this notice.) a. Temporary Restraining Orders for personal conduct and stay~away ordm as requested in form CH-lOO, Request for Civil Harussnwn! Restraining Orders, are (check only one box below): (1) m Au GRANTED until mecoun hearing. (2) D All DENIED until the court hearing. (Spcujj' rcusonsfor denial in b, below.) (3) D Partly GRANTED and partly DENIED until lhc coun hearing, (Specifi' reasonsfor denialin b, below.) mmuw m v - . km. M mm" Notice of Court Hearing CH 1°9vPase1 0'3 mawnmnjszn (Civil Harassment Prevention) 9WbyOOJ K‘ Case Number: CH0098 09 b, Reasons for denial ofsome or all ofthosc personal conduct and stay-awa}: orders as rcqucstcd in fonn CH-IOO, chwsrflfl‘ Civil Harassnwm Res.'mining Orders. arc: (l) D file facts as stated in form CH-IOO do not sufficiently show acts of violence, threats ofviolcnce. or a course of conduct that seriously alamlcd. annoyed, or harassed the person in® and caused substantial emotional dislress. (2) D Other (spcc'ifi'): D As set fonh on Attachment 4b. © Confidential Information Regarding Minor a. U A Reqm s! Io Keep lfinor '5 Irgfomzan'un Conjidumml (fonn CH- 160) xx as made and GRANTED. (Seeform ( H- [65 Order on Request to Keep Miner's Infnnmtion Confidential 5 ned uit/z thisfonn) b. lf the request was granted, the information described in item on the order (form Cll-l65) must be kept CONFIDENTIAL. The disclosure or misuse ofthc information is punishable as contempt of court, “ilh a fine 0f up to $1000 or possible sanctions. Service of Documents for the Person in ® At Ieastfl five D dms before the hearing. someone age 18 or older-not )ou or anyone to be protected-must personall-\_gixe (sens) a court s hlc- stamped copy ofthis form CH- 109 lo the person in ® along with a cop) of all the forms indicated bclo“: a. CII- 1 00 Requestfor Cin'l Harassment Restraining Onlurv (file-slampcd) b. E CH- 110 Tcmpomn Reslrainmg 0rdcr(filc--slampcd) IF GRANTED c. CH-l 20 chponu r0 Requesrfor Ch i1 Hman‘mml Rc xnuining Ont rs (blank form) d. CH- 120-I.\FO. Hon Can [Respond Io a RLqu; slfiw Ch il Humss‘nun! Resmzining 0rd; r5.’ c f. . CH-ZSO. Proof Q/Senice of Response h} Mail (blank torm) D CH-l70. Noticc ofOrder Protecting hgfimnurion Q/Minor and CH-165, Order 0n chucs! (o Keep Mirror's Information Confidemiul (filc-stamped) IF GRANTED sigma “1,2021 H 32 AM m Othertspcam- civIL odsc Covm saga Decmrmnm 2&6 Date: 1-11-2021 ’CUA/LatW Judicial Ofliccr CAROL OVERTON ‘F MWW” Notice of Court Hearing CH-‘09- 93902 0'3 (Clvll Harassment Prevention) -) Casereqbeflou 98 u“! To the Person in0 : The court cannot make the restraining orders at‘tcr the court ltcuring unless the person in ®has been personally given (served) a copy of your request and any temporary orders. To show that [he person in @1135 been served, the person who served the forms must fill out a proofofsen'icc form. Form CH-ZOO. Proofochrsonal Sen'icc, may be used. For information about service. read form CH-ZOO-[NFQ What ls “Proofofl’ersonal Service "3’ If you are unable to serve the person in® in time. you may ask for more time to serve the documents. Use form CH4 15. Request Io Continue Court Hmring mu! m Ruin‘ue Twnpormjv Restraining Order. To the Person ine : If you want lo respond to the request for orders in u ming. file [om] CH-l 20. Response Io Requestfor Civil Humsmnent Restraining Orders, and have someone age 18 or older~not you or anyone to be protected-mail it to the person in C1). The person who mailed the form must fill out a proof of scn'ice form. Form CH-ZSO, ProofofSen'ic-e ofResponse by Mail. may be used. File the completed fonn with the coun before the hearing and bring a copy with you to the coun hearing. Whether or not you respond in writing. go l0 the hearing if you want the judge Io hear from you before making an order. You may lcll the judge why you agree or disagree with the orders requested. You may bring witnesses and other evidence‘ At the hearing. thejudge may make restraining orders against you that could last up to five years and may order you to tum in to law enforcement. 0r sell to or store with a licensed gun dealer. any firearms that you own or possess. Request for Accommodations Assistive listening systems, computer-assisted rcaI-time captioning, or sign language interpreter services arc available ifyou ask m least five days before the hearing. Contact the clerk‘s office or go to umuncourls.cagow’jbrmv for Requesrfur .4 ccommodulion.s' by Persons with Disabilities and Response (form MC-410). (Civ. Code. § 54.8.) (Clerk u'illfill our (his part.) -Clerk's Certificate- ! certify that this Notice ofCour! Hearing is a true and correct copy of the on'ginal on file in the court. Clerk '5 Certificate [seal] Date: Clerk, by . DCPU‘Y R-v 4mm“ Notice of Court Hearing CH-109. Pages of 3 (Civil Harassment Prevention)