Notice Hearing TRO Civil HarassmentCal. Super. - 6th Dist.January 8, 2021CH-1 09 Notice of Court Hearing C’” ““9”“"mmnm’sm . . Filed Person $995an Protection January 8, 2021 a~ “33“” “lam“ [m Clerk of the CourtM D°ug as D° ‘ n Superior Court of CA Your Lawyer (ifyou have onefor this case): County of Santa Clara Name: State Bar No.: 21 CH009807 Firm Name: sclf represented By: knguyen b. Your Address (lfyou have a lawyer. give your lawyer‘s information. lfyou do no! have a lawyer and want Io keep your home address F, h com mm,wm,m“ private. you may give a diflkren! mailing address instead. You d0 no! Superior Conn of “mom“. County of have to give telephone, fax, or e-mail.) Santa Clam Address: P.O. Box 143] l9] North First Street City: Cupcnino State: CA zap; 9501 5 S“ ’“e’ CA 95' '3 Telephone: (408) 334-7904 Fax: E-Mail Address: markddZOI Com fills in case number when form is fled. Can Number. ® Person From Whom Protection Is Sought 2 1 c H 00 98 O7 Full Name: Emanuella ”AmY" Ullman 77w court will complete lhe rest ofthisform. ® Notice of Hearing A court hearing ls scheduled on the request for restraining Oder: against tho person ln®z Name and address of court if different from above: Hearing Date: 3! 9-” 1/! Time: 2-"OODM 0'“ Dcpu Iv. r Room: I ® Temporary Reshaining Order! (Any orders granted are (mfurm CH- I 10, served with (hi: notice.) a. Temporary Restraining Orders for personal conduct and stay-away orders as requested in form CH-IOO. Request for Civil Harassment Restraining Orders, are (check only one box below): (l) D All GRANTED until the court hearing. (2) m All DENIED until lhc court hearing. (Specifiz reasonsfor denial in b, below.) (3) D Partly GRANTED and partly DENIED until the court hearing. (Specifi' reasonsfor denial in b. below.) wmficg‘f' ””3““W' Notice of Court Hearing CH-‘W- Pm ‘ 0'3 macmmmn 95276 (CM! Harassment Prevention) 9WMDOJ Can Number: 2ICH0098QZ b. Reasons for denial of some or all of those personal conduct and stay-away ordels as requested in form CH- l 00, Requestfor Civil Harassment Restraining Orders. are: (l) E The facts as stated in form CH- l 00 do not sufficiently show acts of violence. threats of violence, or a course ofconduct that seriously alarmed, annoyed, or harassed the person in® and caused substantial emotional distress. (2) E Other (specifi): D As set forth 0n Attachmean. The a Iication re uests rotec ion from Emanuell Ilman but de ri n in another matter as it relates. presumably, to the attorney's work in that litigation. There are no alleged facts of harassing conduct by Ms. Ullman. The application also alleges that "someone"Tet the air from his vehicle's tires. but does not allege7acts as to who this person is. An appficatlon tor restraining orders must allege facts thaT the person from whom protection Is sought ,rm e rel raovuoenceor engag ® Confidential Informah'on Regarding Minor a. D A Request m Keep Minor '3 Information Confidential (form CH-l60) was made and GRANTED. (Secform (‘H-l65. Order on Request to Keep Minm’s Information Confidential, served with thisform.) b. "the request was granted, the information ducribed in item on the order (form CH-165) must be kept CONFIDENTIAL The disclosure or misuse of the information '5 punishable as contempt ofcourt, with a fine ol'up to $1000 or possible sanctions. Service of Documents for the Person in (D At least E five D days before the hearing, someone age l8 or oldcr-not you or anyone to be protected-must personally give (serve) a court’s file-stamped copy of this form CH-109 to the person in along with a copy ofall the forms indicated below: a. CH- l 00‘ Requeslfor Civil Harassment Restraining Orders (filc-smmped) b. D CH-l 10. Temporaly Restraining Order (file~stamped) [F GRANTED mama Cl l-l 20, Response lo Requestfor Civil Harassment Restraining Orders (blank form) . CH- l 20-IN F0. How Can I Respond lo a Requeslfor Civil Harassment Restraining Orders? CH-ZSO, ProofofService ofResponse by Mail (blank form) D CH- I 70, Notice ofOrder Protecting Information aninor and CH- l 65, Order on Request Io Keep Minor 's Information Confidential (filc-smmpcd) IF GRANTED m Date: . E Other (specify): CV-SOM Decl.Re: Notice Upon Ex Pane Application for Civil Harassment January 8, 2021 } M Jiuicial ()flicer Commissioner Erik S. Johnson MM120‘9 Notice of Court Hearing CHAOS, Pug. 2 o: 3 (CM!Ham Pmonflon) -) Cm Number. 21CH0098 Q7 To the Person inO: The court cannot make the restraining orders aflcr the coun hcaring unless the person in ®has been personally given (served) a copy ofyour request and any temporary orders. To show that the person in ®has been served. the person who served the forms must fill out a proof of service form. Fonn CH-ZOO, ProofofPersunal Service. may be used. For information about service, read form Cll-ZOO-INFO, What ls “l’roofofPersonal Service "3’ If you are unable to serve the person in® in time, you may ask for more time to serve the documents. Use form CH-l 15. Request l0 Continue Cour! Hearing um! Iu Rcixsue Temporary Restraining Order. To the Person inG: lfyou want to respond to the request for orders in writing. file fnnn CH-l 20, Response lo Requeslfor Civil Harassment Restraining Orders. and have someone age l8 or oldcr~not you or anyone to be protectcd-mail it to the person in ®. The person who mailed the form must fill out a proofof service form. Form CH-ZSO, ProofofService ofResponse by Mail. may be used. File the completed form with the court before the hearing and bring a copy with you to the coun hearing. Whether or not you respond in writing, go to the hearing if you want the judge to hear from you before making an order. You may tell the judge why you agree or disagree with the orders requested. You may bring witnesses and other evidence. At the hearing, the judge may make restraining ordcrs against you that could last up to five years and may order you to turn in to law enforcement. or sell to or store with a licensed gun dealer, any firearms that you own or possess. Request for Accommodations Assistive listening systems. computer-assisted real-time captioning, or sign language interpreter services arc available if you ask at least five days before lhc hearing. Contact the clerk‘s office or go to for Requestfor Accommndarions by Persons with Disabilities and Response (form MC-410). (Civ. Code, § 54.8.) (Clerk willflll out this part.) -Clerk's Certificate- l certify that this Notice ofCour! Hearing is a true and correct copy ofthe original on file in the court. Clerk 's Certificate [seal] Date: Clerk. by , Deputy “" m‘ 2°“ Noflce of Court Hearing CH-1oo. Pogo 3 ova (Civil Harassment Prevention)