Civil Case Cover SheetCal. Super. - 6th Dist.January 8, 2021ATTORNEY OR PARTY MTHOUT ATTORNEY (Name, 389 BU number. and address): NR00W(£5WLY Thomas R Callahan 1309 Oakland Rd SPC 43 San Jose, CA 951 12 TELEPHONE N0. 585507-571 3 Fy No‘ (om),- ATrORNEv FOR (Name); self I L ESUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF _ STREET ADDRESS:201 N. First Street San Jose. CA 951 13 wuunc ADDRESS: 191 ‘N. First Street San Jose CA 951 13 JAN - 8 2031, cnv AND ZIP c005 San Jose K ”GU BRANCH NAME'Familv Justice Center Courthouse (FJCC) - Clerk f h COUl‘t yM CASE NAME: BY "°' cw" A 'y d “g?nm, CALLAHAN VS WINCHESTER ‘* CIVI'L FASE COVER SHEE-T Complex Case Designation CASE Numafi'l c H 00 9 8 0 6fl Upnmned E Limned E Counter E Joinder 22:12:ng ((12:23; is Filed with first appearance by defendant JUDGE; L (Cal. Rules of Court. rule 3.402) PT.exceeds $25,000) $25,000} DE ' Items 1-6 below must be completed (see instructions on page 2). 1. Check one box below for the case type that best desm'bes this case: Auto Tort Contract Provisionally Complex Civil LitigafionE Auto (22) E Breach of eonmwwanamy (05) (Cal. Rules of Court, rules 3400-3403) E3 Uninsured motorist (46) E Rule 3.740 ooneaions (09) E Anfit'USVTrade regulatiO" (03) Other PVPD/WD (PONO'W WUW’PVOWW E Other colledions (09) E C°"3t'”di°" defed (1 0) Damage’wmngml Death) Ton E Insurance coverage (18) E M355 1°“ (4°)D Asbestos(04)E ProdualiabimyanE Medimlmalpradioe(45) E Other comma (37) D Securities litigation (28) Real property D Environmental/Toxic tort (30)E Eminent domain/Inverse E Insurance coverage cla‘ms arising from theE Other PVPD/WD (23) condemnation (14) taybpoevse£s1t)ed provisionally complex case Non-Pupommomernon E Wrongfulevicuon (33) Enforcemem o, JudgmmE Businesston/unfairbusiness practicum)E OtherreaIprOperty(26)i E Enmroememofjudgmenuzo)D CIVII rights (08) U"'“"“' Dem“? Miscellaneous cavu ComplaintE Defamationm) D Commefc'aN31) a RICO<27>E Fraud(16) E :es'deg'aa'm) E overcomplainunotspecifiedabovaua) C] 'NteIIedualpropertH19) fiialrzgifw) Miscellaneous csvnpetiuon | | Professionalnegligence(25) . . I | Partnershl andoo «ate ovemanoe 21E Othernon-PI/PDANDton(35) D Assem'mumofi f mo . g ( ) Employment D Petition re: arbitrafion award(11) E Othe'Pemm" (”O‘Wdabove) (43)E Wrongfunenninatsonm) E Writofmandatewz)E Otheremploymenuw) E 0therjudioialreview(39) 2. This caseE is E is not complex under rule 3.400 of the California Rules of Court. If the mse is complex, mark the factors requiring exceptional judicial management: a. E Large number of separately represented parties d. D Large number of witnesses b. E Extensive motion practice raising difficult or novel e. E Coordination with related actions pending in one or more issues that will be time-oonsuming to resolve courts in other counties. states. or countries. or in a federaI c. E Substantial amount of documentary evidence cw” f. E Substantial postjudgmentjudicial supervision 3. Remedies sought (check all that apply): a.D monetary b.E nonmonetary; declaratory or injunctive relief c.D punitive 4. Number of causes of action (specify): 5. This caseE is E is not a class action suit. 6. If there ar 31y nown related cases, file and serve a notice of related case. (You may use f CM-015.) I l >/ WK (TYPE 0R PRINT NAME) r ’ (SIGNATURE 0F PARVOR ATTORNEY FOR PARTY) 1‘ NOTICE o Plaintiff must file this cover sheet with the first paper filed in the action or proceeding (except small claims cases or wses filed under the Probate Code, Family Code, or Welfare and Institutions Code). (Cal. Rules of Court, rule 3.220.) Failure to file may result in sanctions. 0 File this cover sheet in addition to any cover sheet required by local coun rule. o If this case is complex under rule 3.400 et seq. of the California Rules of Court, you must serve a copy of this cover sheet on all other parties to the action or proceeding. - Unless this is a collections case under rule 3.740 or a compIex case. this cover sheet will be used for statistical purposes orglz.‘ 1 d2 FWWWWU” cnm ans: nnVFn SHFFT filth“ W-RWWPM M.?r39-390-3-W-‘034F‘!