Proof of Service PersonalCal. Super. - 6th Dist.January 7, 2021Of POS-OZO ATTORNEY OR PARTY \MTHOUT ATTORNEY (Mme, mm Bar number, and address). FOR COURTLSE ONLY Melissa Rojas P.O. Box 131 8 Sacramento CA 9581 2 TELEPHONE No 408.621-8875 FAX No (0pm)- E-MNL ADDRESS (Ophmal) STREET ADDRESS ATTORNEY FOR (Nam) SUPERIOR coum 0F CALIFORNIA, COUNTY 0F Santa Clara F I L E D191 North First Street MAILING ADDRESS San Jose CA 95113 FEB _ 1 ZCL .2 CITY AND zIP CODE BRANCH NAME Limited Cl k he COME“ Superior o! 1w PETITIONER/PLAINTIFF: Melissa Rojas BY DEPUTY RESPONDENT/DEFENDANTI Josern Hunt CASE NUMBER PROOF 0F PERSONAL SERVICE-cwIL 21CH0098°5 LEVYING OFFICER FILE NUMBER 22897070 (Do not use this Proofof Service to show service of a Summons and Complaint.) l am over 18 years of age and not a party to this action. IseNed thefollowing document8(5pecify)i CH-610 NOTICE 0F HEARING 0N REQUEST To MODIFY/TERMINATE CIVIL HARASSIENT RESTRAINING ORDER (Civil Harassment Prevention) , CH-600 REQUEST '1‘0 MODIFY/TERMINATE CIVIL HARASSMENT RESTRAINING ORDER (Civil Harassment Prevention) , CH-620 RESPONSE TO REQUEST T0 MODIFY/TERMINATE CIVIL HARASSIENT RESTRAINING ORDER (Civil Harassment Prevention) Nr‘ D The documents are listed in the Attachment to Proof of Personal Service-Civi/ (Documents Served) (form POS-020(D)). 3. | personally served the following persons at the address, date, and time stated: a. Namei Joselyn Hunt b‘ AddreSSI 1001 South Main Street#F308 Milpitas CA 95035 °- Date? 01/25/2022 Remarks: d. Time: 9:48 amD The persons are listed in the Attachment to Proof of Personal Service-Civil (Persons Served) (form POS-020(P)). . Remarks: Hearing date: 03/22/2022 Time: 2:00 pm Fee for service was: $40.00 Bill to Court 5. My name. address, telephone number, and. if applicable. county of registration and number are (specify): Namei LP Officer Aguilar Address 55 W Younger Ave San Jose, CA 95110 Telephone number. (408) 8084300 6. E | declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. 7. m I am a California sheriff or marshal and cenify that the foregoing is true and correct. Laurie Smith, Sherifi‘ Date? Wednesday, January 26. 2022 County of Santa Clara 4' b Signatuceéf Sheriff‘s Authorized Agent mrmflfi'é’a‘m?” PROOF 0F PERSONAL SERVICE-CIVIL °°d°°'°mi;:d;;g§,‘g;l PO$O20 [New January 1, 2m5] ' Court Copy