Proof of Service MailCal. Super. - 6th Dist.January 7, 2021Proof of Service of Response by C/erkszampsd Mwnenmrmismed. Mail «a ~ (D ® ® Person Se king Protect] Name: ‘4me %V§n Person From Wh mwProters Sought Your Name: Notice to Server The server must: . Be 18 years of age 0r Older. Fillin courtname and'street address: Superior Court of California, County of Superior 0mm Civil Dlulsion 191 N. FirstSi San Jase, CA @5113 o Live or be employed in the county where the mailing £00k place. o Not be listed in items® 0r© ofFonn CH-lOO. ' Mail a copy ofall documents checked in® 'tQ the person in®. o Complete and sign this form and give Ff” ’7’ case ”umber: it to the person in®. Case Num PROOF OF SERVICE BY MAIL Z,CHOOQKOS I am 18 years of age 0r older and not a party to this proceeding. I live or am employed in the county where the mailing took place. I mailed the person in® a copy 0f all documents checked below: a. Form CH-120, Response f0 Requestfor Civil Harassment Restraining Orders b. D Other (specrfiz): r I placed copies of the docurients checked ab ve in a sealed envelope and mailed them as described below: a. Mailed t0 (name): M“ Mi33m Y’U . b. Tothis address: %‘$£§£%N WMN‘OW W QQ] _ City a‘ fl State. Zip: lg c. 0n(dare): HM {a Mailedfrom; City: éflh 055C. Stamifl Server’s Information Name: k (111/ K MK/Sa AddreSS' [[37 anal” 9+ i : &V17M mm me: [W i: EeEphone: Lflg 9-707 [17% S Zpm (Ifyou are a regisfei edpi es: Jewel) County ofregistration: gm Q 9H j l Registration number: I declare under penalty ofpetjury under the laws ofthe State 0f California that the information above 1's true and correct. Dee.MM- Jla/ HMVXO > - Type 0r print server’s name Serve;W Judicial Councir of California, RevlJanuamflm0pm,”an Proof of Service of Response by Mail CH'ZSO' Page 1 0” Code ufcwn Procedure. § 527.6 (Civil Harassment Prevention)