Notice of Hearing no feeCal. Super. - 6th Dist.January 7, 2021_ Notice of Hearing to Renew c"'*"°”""°°‘°" m"'°”""‘"’°d~CH 710 Restraining Order Filed ® Protected Person January 18, 2022 a Your Full Name. Clerk Of the court . Mf l: 534' yo] Its Superior Court of CA Your Lawyer (ifyou hmI-e unefur this case): county 0f santa Clara Name: self'Represented State Bar No.: 21 CH009805 Firm Name; Self-Represented By: RJohnson b. Your Address (Ifyou haw u lawyer. give_\'our lawyer 'x information. lfyou do no! hare u lmryer and wan! Io keepyour CW" ”‘m’ ”d 3”“m” home address private, you mu)- give a d(flé‘ren! mailing address Superior Court of California. County of instead. You do n0! have m give telephone. jinn or e-mail.).' Santa Clara 191 North Fzrsl Street Address: P O . "by / 3(9) 191 Nonh :rst Street San Jose. A 951 13 City: <6“ ,1 L(Lmflb Statef A Zipfljflfl; cw” Division Telephone: 49\ L 1‘ 3 3 9 3 F“: me case number E-Mail Address: Case Number: ® Restrained Person 21 CH009805 Full Name: 3X“?! Hon" - Addressliflgnowm: wot ' 3 Mam 3+9! # P303 City: H‘ maus State:LLZipm To the Restrained Person ® Court Hearing The judge has set a coun hearing dale. ('uurr u'il/fil/ m box bclmr. The current restraining order stays in effect until the end oflhe hearing. “AR 2 2 2022 Name and address of court if different from above: ‘ . Hearing Date: Time: Q -OO 191 Nonh FursiStreet Date ’ Dept; i R I San Jose. CA 951 1 300m Civil Division At the hearing. the judge can renew the current restraining order for up t0 another three years. You mus! continue to obey the current restraining order until the hearing. Al the hearing. you can tell the judge if)ou do not want the order against you renew ed. If the restraining order is renewed. you mm! obey the order even ifyou do not attend the hearing. lf you wish to make a written response to the request Io renew the restraining order. you may fill out Form CH-720. Response Io Request to Renew Restraining Order. File the original uith the coun before the hearing and have someone age 18 or older-not you--mail a copy of it lo the protected person at the address in©at least 2 days before the hearing. Also file Form CH-250. ProqfofSen-icc ochspnnsc by Mail. with the court before the hearing. This is a Court Order. gww‘fgofffm ":3me Notice of Hearing to Renew Restraining Order CH°710. Page 1 0'2 cmdw’m 55mm (Civil Harassment Prevention) 9 4°§°%""C"'H009805 | To the Protected Person: ® Service and Response Someone age l8 0r older-not you or anyone else protected by the restraining order~musl personally serve (give) a copy of the following forms on the restrained person at least 5 days before the hearing. - CH-700. Request Io Renew Restraining Order: . CH-7 | 0. Notice ufHearing Io Renew Restraining Order (this form )1 ° CH-720. Response Io Request Io Renew Rcslruining Order (blank copy); - CH- l 30, the current Civil Harassment Rcsnuining ()rdcr After Iluaring for which renewal is requested. After the restrained person has been served, file Form CH-ZOO. Proqqul’ersanul Service. with the court clerk. For help with service. read Form CH-ZOO-INFO. What Ix “Proufofl’ersonul Sen‘ive"? Signed: 1/14/2022 04:28 PM 1-14-2022 C 0‘4 U’C wao’l Judiciul ()f’l‘cer Caro' Overton Dale: Request for Accommodations Assisth e listening systems. compulcr-assisted real-lime captioning. or sign language interpreter services are available ifwu ask at least five days before the hearing. Contact the clerk‘s office or g0 w www.courts.cagovforms for Requeslfor Accommodations by Parsons will: Disabililies and Response (Form MC-4 10). (Civ. Code, § 54.8.) This is a Court Order. “'“M' 2°” Notice of Hearing to Renew Restraining Order CH'7‘°v 939°? °' 2 (Civil Harassment Prevention)