Notice Hearing TRO Civil HarassmentCal. Super. - 6th Dist.January 6, 2021CH-1 09 Notice of Court Hearing C’“ “3mm“ "9’9 ""9" Wisfim Person Seeking Protection FILED a, Your Full Name: _ 01/06/2021 CQCHMWWU/YW Clerk ofThe Court Your Lawyer {tfyou haw onefor this cum): Superior Court 0f CA Name: Stale Bar No: County 0f Santa Clara . ‘ 21 CH009801 F1rm Name: By: knguyen b. Your Address ([I‘yuu hare a lauycr, giveyour Iauycr's (Ig/Ornmriun. Ifyou d0 n0! haw a Iauyerland mm? f0 kccp your. homc addrcss F”, m com name and street address. przmle. you may gn'c a (llflercnr mulxlmg mldrcxs msla‘ml, You (la nor superior Court of califomla‘ coumy of have to gn'c Icluplmne,flu, or e-mml.) Santa Clara Address: qqq mvnee mem q CivilDivision Ci'y: ‘fln 70 Sf“ SW: CE- Z‘p: géj-m girl: 12:.hCF/ixrgsslllrga Telephone: fl! )3 igq 06m 0 Fax: E-Mail Address: tHHHY£ 22‘ H ”f 4(3“! M )‘ A 2| l S Caurrfi/Isin case numbe/ when formisfiled. Case Number: ® Person From Whom Protection Is Sought 2 1 CH 00 98 01 Full Name: fififl‘ [OM fg Thu court will complete (In: res! ofrhisform. ® Notice of Hearing A court hearing is scheduled on the request for restraining orders against the person in®z Hearing Date: 8’21 Z" Time: 7:00M Date Dept; L} Room: ® Temporary Restraining Orders (Any ordurs granted arc 0n [Orin ('H-I 10. served with this notice.) Nam: and address of coun if diffcrcm from above: a, Temporary Restraining Orders for personal conduct and stay-away orders as requested in form CH-IOO, Request for Civil Harassment Restraining 0rdcr5, arc (chcck only onc box below): (l) E All GILLN'I'ED until thc court hearing. (2) D All DENIED until the court hearing. (Specify rcasonsfor denial in b. below.) (3) D Partly GRANTED and partly DENIED umil {he court hearing. (Specify reasonsfor denial in b, below.) MONWdcwm.m m a v c -WWW, 15,03": 9° Notice of Court Hearing CH 109. Pa9e1 0'3 cmdcm Fromm. 55276 (Civil Harassment Prevention) aWMDOJ Case Number: b. Reasons for denial ofsomc 0r all fifthosc pcrsvnal conduct and slay-mxa) orders as requested in form CH-lOO, Requeslfor Civil Harassment Restraining Onlcrs. arc: (l) D The facts as stated in fomx CH-lOO do not sufficiently show acls ot‘violcncc. threats ofviolcncc. or a course ofconduct that seriously alamIed. annoyed. or harassed the person in (D and caused substantial emotional distress. (2) D Other (specifil D As set forth on Attachment 4b. ® Confidential Information Regarding Minor a. D A chucs! m Keep Minor '5 Inflmmn’on (‘urgfidcmml (form CH-I60) was made and GRANTED. (Seeform CH-165, Order on Request to Keep Miner's Information Confidential. served with Ihisjbrm) b. 1f the request was granted, the information described in item on the order (form CH-165) must be kept CONFIDENTIAL. The disclosure or misuse of the information is punishable as contempt of court, with a fine of up to $1000 or possible sanctions. © Service of Documents for the Person in ® At least five D days before thc hearing. someone age 18 or oldcr~not you or anyone to be protectcd-must personally give (scn'c) a court's filc-stampcd copy oflhis form CH-lO9 t0 the person in ® along with a copy ofall the forms indicated below; a. CH-IOO. Requestjbr Civil Harassment Restraining Orders (filc-stampcd) b. m CH-l 10, Temporary Restraining Order (file-stampcd) IF GRANTED c. CH- l 20. Response (0 Requesljbr Civil Harm vmcnr Ram'uming Orders (blank foml) d. CH- l ZO-INFO, How Can I Respond Io a chucsljbr Civil Harassment Reslraining Orders? e. CH-250. PmofofSen-ice ofResponse by Mail (blank form) f. D CH-l70. Notice ofOrder Protecting In/EJrnm/mn Qf'Minur and CH- I 65. Order un Request m Keep Minor '5 Information Confidential (filc-slamped) IF GRANTED g, m Other (spc'c'ifi'): NIL C H L 0 3 Date; January 6. 2021 > M ‘ Judicial Officer Commissioner Erik S. Johnson R" W‘-’°'° Notice of Court Hearing CH-109. Page 2 of3 (Civil Harassment Prevention) -) Case Number: '210H009801 To the Person ino : The court cannot make xhc restraining orders after Ihc com Incarmg unless lhe person in ®has bccn personally given (served) a copy of your request and an) temporary ordcrs. To shun that lhc pcrson in®has been served. the person who served the fomxs must fill out a proof ofscrvicc fomm Form CH-ZOO, ProoquPermnul Scn‘icc. may be used. For information about service. read fem] CH-ZOO-[Nfil What Ix "Proofochrsonal Scn-ice "." lfyou arc unable I0 serve {he person in® in time. ynu may aak for more time lo serve the documents. Use form CH-l 15. Request m Continue Cour! [{mring mu! {u Ruimzc Temporary Rustraining Order. To the Person inO: Ifyou want lo respond to the request for orders m xx rmng, filc {nnn CH-l 20. Response (0 Requestfor Civil Harassment Rcsrruim'ng Orders, and have someone ugc 15 or older «r-not you or anyone to be protected-mail it to the person in <1). The person who mailed the form must fill out a proof 0f service form. Form CH-ZSO. PmofofScn'ice ofResponse by Mail, may be used. File the completed form with the court bct‘orc the hearing and bring a copy with you to lhc coun hearing. \chthcr or nox you respond in writing, go to thc hearing if you “um lhc judge to hear from you before makmg an order. You may tcll the judge why you agrcc or disagree with lhc orders requested. You may bring witnesses and other evidence. At the hcan'ng. lhcjudgc may make restraining orders agumst you that could last up to five years and may order you to tum in m la“ enforcement, or sell Io 0r store with a licensed gun dcalcr. any fircamls that you own 0r possess. Request for Accommodations A