Notice Hearing TRO Civil HarassmentCal. Super. - 6th Dist.January 6, 2021DoaJSlgn Envdm ID' M&SFBO-M 1F-82EAC368‘6316AD7 CH-1 09 Notice of Court Hearing Cmsmm “"m*"°'"°""""'d- Filed ® Person Seeking Protection January 6, 2021 a. Your Fun Name; C'erk 9f the Court N . k W RC, Superior Court of CA l ay a 1‘“ County of Santa Clara Your Lawyer nym hare one for this cum): 21 CH009799 NW: glam Bar Nl).§_____ By: knguyen Firm Name: Qplf - Rpprpqpnwad FM m counmm and wee!m: b. Your Address (If yuu haw a lawyer, giro yuur luu-lu-r' s InformaIiwL Superior Cour! ol California. County of Ifyou do no! hare u lawyer and wan! to keep wur hump address S an t a C l a ra private. you may give u different mailing uddreu mumd. You du nu! 1 9 1 Nor Ch F i rs t S t reet hare Iu give Irlephum'. fax, ur r-mail.) l 9 1 Nor Eh F i rs t S tree t V Address; Po Box 62225 5a“ “ose' CA 95113 City:WL- Smc: ExZimm- Tclcphme: Fax: _ _ Coon Ms m case mama whoa brm u filed. CmNu E-Man Address- WC H 00 97 9 9 ® Person From Whom Protection ls Sought FullNamc: Brandon Dina ‘ The (our! will ('umpiete 1hr rm! uflhix form. ® Notice ot Hearing A court hearing ls scheduled on the request for restraining orders against the person In ®z I Name and addrcxs 0f court if different from above: Hearing Dale:Ml- Tlmczflflgam D.“ Dept;L Room: ® TOITIpOfflI'y Restl'alniflg orders (Any urdrr.) glumcd are on form CH- I I0. served wilh this notice.) a. Temporary Restraining Orders for personal cunducl and smy-uway orders as requested in form CH-lm, Request for Ciu'l Harassment Restraining Orders. arc vcha‘k uni} (me box brlow}: (l) m All GRANTED unul lhc court hearing. (2) D All DENIED until lhc court hearing. (Spc'c‘ijy ruawmfur dental in b, below.) (3) D Pan!) GRANTED and pun!) DENIED unul lhc cnun hcunng. (Specify reuwnsfor denial in b, below.) ma.m:°'°"§§f’fl§fm°?$“” Notice o! Court Hearing cu-Ioo. Page: a 3 fixuqomn“ ' w (Civil Harassment Prevention) 9wig“ Rojas. Mgkayla‘- m W Envelope D 56W8C35F80-41 1F-62EA-C36816316A07 CaseNumchoo 97 994 b. Reasons for denial of sumc or all of those pcrxonal conduct and slayuu a} orders us rcqucstcd m form CH-IOO. quunlfur Civil Hurussmcn! Restraining Orders. arc. (l) D Thc facts us stated In form (‘H- IOU do not sufficiently show acts of violence. threats of Violence. or a courxc nl‘ conduct Lhal seriously alarmed. unnuwd, 0r harassed (he person in®and caused substantial emotional distreSs. (2) D OLhcr (specify): D As sci forlh un Attachment 4b‘ ® Confidential Information Regarding Minor a. a A Requm! In Keep Mmurk Infunmlliun Confidential (form CH-lbO) was made and GRANTED. (See form CH-165. Ordcr on Requcxl l0 chp Minors Infunmuun Confidential. served with Ihlsfunn.) b. lf the request was granted, the information described in ilem® on lhe order (form (.‘H-l65) mus! be kept CONFIDENTIA L. The disclosure or misuse of lhr information is punishable u a sanction. with I fine ol’ up lo $1.000 or other court penalties. Service of Documents for the Person In (f) At lets! m rm: a days before the hearing. somcunc age 18 or uldcr-no! you or anyone lo be protected-musx personally gnc (sent) a court's filc-smnpcd cup} of (his form CH-IO9 lo the person in along with a copy of all thc fonm indicalcd below CH-IOO. R(qucujnr Civil Hurmwmn Rrwrammg Order) (l‘ilc-slumpcd) mCH-l 10. Tempurur) Restraining Order I filc-slampcd» IF GRANTED CH-IZO. Respurue m Requestfur (ml Ilurunmem Reuruming Orders lblzmk form) 9' P ac CH-l ZO-INFO. Haw Can [Rrspuml w u Requexljm ('nil Hurunmvn! Restruming Orders.” CH-ZSO. ProofufSen'ice uf Response by Mail (bldnk lunm DCH-l 70. Nance ufOrdc-r I’ruu-m‘ng Infurmunun n] Minor and CH-IOS, Order «m Request Io Keep Minor's Information Confidential t filc-slumpcd) IF GRANTED g. momcmpu-im- (AWL UH€ (aver sweet DCCL- N «SupPom' Dam January 6, 2021 MW Judlflul ()flh c'r Commissioner Erik S. Johnson r’an “"mW Notice of Court Hearing cmos. m. 2 a aam (Civil Harassment Prevention) 9Rows, MLkayla Dongn Envelope lo: SEwacs-SFWnF-SZEA-CJGBISSIGAW ““"“'“!"1cuoo9799 To the Person ino : o The court cannot make lhc rcslraimng orders amur 1h: wun humus; unicss lhc person ln®has bccn personally given (served) a copy of your request and any temporary urdcr». lo xhuw (hut the person in®has been served, the person who served thc forms must fill oul a proof 0f scrum: form. Form CH-ZOO. Proof ufPersunul Service. may bc used. - For infonmlion about scnicc. read form CH-ZOU-INFO. What Is "I’ruqt'ufPersunul Service "." o If you arc unable lo scrvc xhc person in (2/) m limc. you may axk for nmrc tnmc lo wnc the documents. Use form CH-l 15. Request I0 Crmmmr Court Hnumx and m Rummy Imummn Restraining Order. To the Person in e: o If you want lo respond (0 lhc rcqucsl fur nl'dux m Mlung‘ lllc‘ I‘nrm ('H- l Zl!‘ Rmpnns‘e Iu thueufor Civil Harassment Restrainmg Orders. and hau- mmcunc ngc la m- uldcl wnol you or anyone lo be pro‘ectcd-mail it (o (he person in ‘ - The person who mailed the form must fill out a proof of service form. Form CH‘ZSU. Proofofb'en'u‘e ofResponse by Mail, ma) bc used. Fllc (he completed form with the coun before the hearing and bring a copy with you lo the court hearing. o Whether or not you respond in wrmng, go lo thc hearing If ynu want the judge lo hear from you bcforc making an order. You may tell lhe judge why )ou agree or disagree mth lhc orders requeslcd. - Yuu may bring witnesses and other evidence. - Al the heating. Ihc judge may make restraining urdcrs ugmnst you lhul could last up to five years and may order you lo turn in lo law enforcement. or s¢ll lo 0r sum: with a liccnxcd gun dealer. any firearms [hat you own or possess. Request tor Accommodations Axsnslivc listening systems. compulcr-assmcd rcal-limc captioning. ur sign language interpreter services .uc uvuilablc if )ou ask a1 lczm fin: days bcl‘orc lhc hearing. Contact the clerk's office or go lo u my.counsca‘gm/furms for quumr fur Awmnmmlmions by Persons with Disabilities and Response (form M0410). (Civ. Code. § 54.8.) (Clerk mllfill uur (his pan.) - Clerk's Certificate - l certify that this Nmice quuun Hearing is. u true and correct cup) 0f the original on file in lhc coun. Clerk's Cemflcule [seal] Date: Clerk. by . Dcpui) “"m “m Notice oi Court Hearin cmoo. P au a GBm (cwn Harassment Provonuogn) m‘- B's! Rejas, szayla