Declaration In SupportCal. Super. - 6th Dist.January 6, 2021DowSign Enveiope ID: SEBABBC3-5F80-41 1F-82EA-C3681 6316AD7 3a c omcm Anoznp cooe. San Jose, CA 95113 8"” ”"dCAmm‘yd "a m BY DEPUTY BRANCH NAME: . PersonlEntily Seekmg Protechon: Mikayl a ROj a S Person From Whom Ptotecuon Is Sought: Brandon P i na ATTACHMENT CV-5014 AWOHNEV 0R PAHTV WITHOUT ATYORNEV (Nam. sap91mm, mama‘s) FORWTMOHY Mikayla Rojas Self~Represented PO BOX 6 2 2 2 5 Sunnyvale , CA 94088 TELEPHONE W FAX w (09mm!) I L EEMAIL ADDRESS :Colw; ATTORNEY FOR (Mm) SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA JAN _ 6 2021 STREET ADDRESS: 19 1 North Firs t s treet MAILmG ADDRESS: 1 9 1 North Fi rs : S tree t Clerk 0f the court DECLARATION m supponr 0F EX PARTE APPLICATION Fon “SE ”WEE“ 2 1 c H 0 o 9 7 ?'9' CIVIL RESTRNNING ORDERS I, the undersigned. dectare; 1. 4. I am (choose one): D attorney tor Person or Entity Soaking Protectionm son-reprasomod Person or Entity Seeking ProtectionD other (explain). Tho opposing party is represented by an attorney: DYes mNo (If you checked “yes". ml In the anomey's name, address. and telephone number. If you checked “no". till in the other party's name address. and xelephone number.) Pany/Attorney name: Brandon Pina Address/Telephone number: Unknown OTHER CASES; Have the parties to this case been involved in litigation with each other in another Civil. Family. Probate. Juvenile. or Criminal Coun Case? DYes mNo If “yes". case(s) number(s): NOTICE 8. l HAVE glvon notice to the opposing party andlor their attorney by the following method: DPersonal delivery Dmemnght Carner D Furs! Class Mall DOther; Date: Time: I have recawed confirmanon that the other pany has recenvea my papers as follows: (describe) l HAVE NOT given notice of the request for orders because (Check all that apply. You must oxpllln below):m Thns Is an applicauon tor le Harassment Preventnon Act, Elder Abuse. anate Postsecondary School Violence, Transitional Housing Misconduct or Workplace Violence Act restralmng orders and: DGreaI or Irreparable Injury wall result before the matter can be heard on notice. DI! Is impossnble to give notice, DThe other party agrees to the orders requestedD Omar: Explanation:D A hearing between the parties Is already set I am asking that this motion be heard at the same time. DI am unable to serve the other pany In the time requured by law. ml fear tor my physical safety (and that of others. If applucabley DOther: I declare under penalty o! perjury that the foregoing Is true and correct. ’ 1 I . bum”, 12/11/2020 mkay a Lub1n Rajas M i I h, Date Prim Name Declarant's Siwwmh“c cv-souuev omens DECLARATION IN SUPPORT OF EX PARTE APPLICATION FOR Pngn o1: GBm CIVIL RESTRAINING ORDERSIb- EF“-" Rojas, Mikayla