Minute OrderCal. Super. - 6th Dist.January 5, 2021SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA MINUTE ORDER Kelley Avant vs Mark Katz Hearing Start Time: 2:00 PM Hearing Type: Order t0 Show Cause: RO CH, 21CH009798 WV] 5V Date 0f Hearing: 02/23/2021 Comments: Heard By: Johnson, Erik S Location: Department 4 Courtroom Reporter: Susan Stevenson Courtroom Clerk: Stacie Marshall Court Interpreter: Court Investigator: Parties Present: Future Hearings: Avant, Kelley Plaintiff Katz, Mark Defendant Exhibits: - Stipulation to Commissioner Johnson hearing the case is signed. Attorney Andrew Stearns is present for the defendant. Both parties and plaintiff's witness Hunter Avant are sworn. Evidence is presented. The following exhibits for the defendant are marked and admitted: A- Cardboard that has hand drawn posters 0n it B-Police reports from the City 0f Campbell C- BBB Complaints D- 7-15-20 ermail from Hunter E- 12-9-20 Email F- 12-28-20 Email G- 1-18-21 Email H- 3-12-20 Email |- 3-12-20 Email J- Erik Dollar declaration K- Mark Aquilar declaration L- Stephanie Chacon declaration Printed: 2/24/2021 02/23/20210rdert0 Show Cause: RO CH,WV,SV721CH009798 Page 1 0f2 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA MINUTE ORDER M- Dennis Grisby declaration The following exhibit for the plaintiff is marked and admitted: 1- Group 0f emails The Court denies the restraining order. TRO will expire 0n its own terms. Exhibits returned t0 the presenting party. Printed: 2/24/2021 02/23/20210rdert0 Show Cause: RO CH,WV,SV721CH009798 PageZ 0f2