Request Restraining OrderCal. Super. - 6th Dist.January 5, 2021Petition for Work lace Violence C’°’* SWPSM’W" m" '°"""”’°"-WV-1 00 . . p Restraining Orders Rcad How Du l (iv! un Order ta Prohibit Workplace Violence (form WV-lOO-INFO) before completing this fonn. NOTE: Petitioner must L Ebe an employer with standing to bring this action under Code of I Civil Procedure section 527.8. Also fill out Confidential CLETS ln/brmation (form CLETS-OOI) with as much information as you know. JAN - 5 2021 ® Petitioner (Employer) Cler of thefi ' t Clara a. Name: Cny of Los Altos up," ou {CAwg OSanrtSEPUTY m Km ls a D corporation D 5°16 propnetorsmp Fill in courtVnam§ and street address: E (spa'ifi'): Municipality Superior Court of California. County of Santa Clara 191 North First Street San Jose CA 951 13 Downtown Superior b. Lawyer for Petitioner ((fanyfor this case) Court (DTS) Name: Jolie Houston, City Attorney State Bar No.: 171 069 Firm Name: Berliner Cohen, LLP and is filing this suit on behalf of the employee identified in item® Court fills in case number when form is filed. Petitioner's Address ([fthe petitioner has a lawyer, give the lawyer ’s c”, Number: information.) 2 l c H 00 9 7 9 7 c. Address: 10 Almaden Boulevard, 11th Floor City: SanJose State: CA- Zip: 95113 Telephone: 408-286-5800 Fax: 408-998-5388 E-Mail Address: ® Employee in Need of Protection Full Name: Jessica Vernon Sex: D M E F Age: 40- _ Petitioner is not ® Respondent (Person From Whom Protection ls Sought) certain whethe, FullName: Arthur Master Age: 54 Respondentis Address ([fknown): 1455 172nd Avenue resading elsewmn; . . . . O his present Clty. Hayward State' CA Z'p' 94541 residenceis ® Additional Protected Persons unknown. a. Are you asking for protection for any family or household members of the employee or for any other employees at the employee’s workplace or at other workplaces of the petitioner? D Yes E No (Ifyes. Iistthem): D Yes D No D Yes D No D Yes D No E] Additional protected persons are listed in Attachment 4a. This is not a Court Order. mmimmmw Petition for Workplace Violence Restraining Orders “'1“! ”9° 1 °'6 0°“ °'CMW- 555m '"d 5273 (Workplace Violence Prevention) Case ?qbc'fl 00 9 7 97 ® b. Why do these people need protection? (Explain):D Response is stated in Attachmcm 4b. ® Relationship of Employee and Respondent a. How does the employee know the respondent? (Describe): D Response is stated in Attachment Sa. Employee, in her role as a Police Agent, was dispatched to address report of Respondent violatifing mask requirement in Safeway, and arrested Respondent after separate and unrelated incident in or around October '20. b. Respondent D is E is not a current employee ofpetitioner. (Explain any decision Io retain. terminate. or otherwise discipline the respondent): D Response is stated in Attachment 5b. Venue Why are you filing in this county? (Check all (ha! apply): a. D The respondent lives in this county. b. The respondent has caused physical or emotional injury to the petitioner‘s employee in this county. c. D Other (specify: Other Court Cases a. Has the employee or any of the persons named in® been involved in another coun case with the respondent? E No D Yes Ifyes. check each kind Q/‘case and indicate where and when each wasfiled: 1;. lof: El I. y/i I: El I; N I ,5 (l) D Workplace Violence (2) D CivilHarassment (3) D Domestic Violence (4) D Divorce.Nullity.LegalSeparation (5) D Patemity.Parentage.Child Support (6) D Eviction (7) D Guardianship (8) D SmallClaims (9) D Postsecondary School Violence (10) D Criminal (H) D Other (specifi'): b. Are any restraining orders or criminal protective orders now in effect relating to the employee or any of the persons in® alld the FCSPOHanl? D N0 B YCS (Ilil‘cs. attach a copy ifyou have one.) This is not a Court Order. Petition for Workplace Violence Restraining Orders WV“°°' “9° 2 °'6 (Workplace Violence Prevention) wmtzom c'“ ?T'UH oo 97 9.7 Description of Respondent's Conduct a. Respondent has (check one or more): (l) Assaulted. battered. or stalked the employee (2) Made a credible threat of violence against the employee by making knowing or willful statements or engaging in a course of conduct that would place a reasonable person in fear for his or her safety or the safety of his or her immediate family. b. One or more of these acts (check eirher or both): (l) Took place at the employee's workplace (2) Can reasonably be construed to be can’ied out in the future at the employee‘s workplace Address of workplace: 1 N San Antonio Road, Los Altos, CA 94022 c. Describe what happened. (Provide details: include the dates ofall incidents beginning with the mos! recent: tell who did what to whom: identifi' any witnesses): E Response is stated in Attachment 8c. d. Was the employee harmed or injured? D Yes E No (Ifyes. describe harm or injuries): D Response is stated in Attachment 8d. e. Did the respondent use or threaten to use a gun or any other weapon? D Yes E No (lfyes. describe): D Response is stated in Attachment 8e. This is not a Court Order. Petition for Workplace Violence Restraining Orders “400- “9° 3°” (Workplace Violence Prevention) wwwtzma Case Number: 210H009797 f. For any ofthe incidents described above, did the police come? D Yes No D l don’t know [f yes, did the employee or the respondent receive an Emergency Protective Order? D Yes E No D ldon’t know If yes, the order protects (check all that apply): D the employee D the respondent D one or more of the persons in G). (Attach a copy Q/‘the order [fyou have one.) Check the orders you want l] ® E Personal Conduct Orders l ask the court to order the respondent not to do any of the following things to the employee or to any person to be protected listed in@s a. E Harass, intimidate, molest. attack. strike, stalk. threaten. assault (sexually or otherwise). hit, abuse. destroy personal property of, or disturb the peace 0f the person. b. E Commit acts of unlawful violence on or make threats of violence t0 the person. c. E Follow or stalk the person during work hours or to or from the place of work. d. Contact the person, either directly or indirectly. by any means, including, but not limited to, in person. by telephone. in writing. by public or private mail. by interoffice mail. by e-mail, by text message, by fax, or by other electronic means. . D Enter the person's workplace. E Other (specify): As stated in Attachment 9f. {'50 The respondent will be ordered not to take any action to get the addresses or locations Qfany protectedperson unless the courtfinds good cause not t0 make the order. Stay-Away Order a. I ask the court to order the respondent to stay at least200 yards away from (check all that apply): (l) The employee. (8) The employee’s vehicle. (2) D The other persons listed in ® . (9) D Other (specify): (3) The employee’s workplace. (4) The employee’s home. (5) The employee’s school. (6) The school ofthe employee’s children. (7) E The place ofchild care of the employee’s children. This is not a Court Order. Petition for Workplace Violence Restraining Orders (Workplace Violence Prevention) W January 1. 201a WV-100. Page 4 o! 6 CasoNnfificnooq’97 b. lf the court orders the respondent to stay away from all the places listed above, will he or she still be able to get to his or her home. school, or job? E Yes D No ([fno. explain): D Response is stated on Attachment 10b. ® Guns or Other Firearms and Ammunition Does the respondent own or possess any guns or other firearms? D Yes D No E [don’t know [f(hejudge grams a protective order, the respondent will be prohibitedfrom owning. possessing, purchasing, receiving. or anempn’ng Io purchase or receive a gun, o(herfirearm. and ammunition while the protecn've order is in eflécl. The respondent will also be ordered 10 turn in r0 law enforcement, or sell to 0r store with a licensed gun dealer, any guns orfirearms within his or her immediate possession or control. ® Temporary Restraining Order l request that a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) be issued against the Respondent to last until the hearing. I am presenting form WV-l 10, Temporary Restraining Order. for the court‘s sigature together with this Petition. Has the Respondent been told that you were going to go to coun to seek a TRO against him/her’.’ B Yes N0 ([fyou answered no. explain whv below).- D Reasons are stated in Attachment 12. No. Petitioner has not told Respondent that it is seekingthe TRO because (1) Re§pondent‘s hostile communications have escalated qflckly and Petitioner seeks to obtain this order as swiftly as possible in order to protect employee Jessica Vernon's safety, as well as the safety of other employees in the workplace and (2) based on Respondent‘s communications, especially the threatening voicemail he left for Jessica Vernon last night. Petitioner fears that if Rggpondent receives notice prior to the submission of this TRO. Regpondent may retaliate and physically attack J3§§i93 Vernon. ® D Request for Less Than Flve Days' Notice of Hearing You mus! haveyour papers personally served on the respondent at leastfive days before the hearing, unless the court orders a shorter Iimefor service. (Form WV-2()0-I.’VFO explains what is proqqupersonal service. Form WV-200, Proof of Personal Service, may be used Io show the court {hat the papers have been served.) lf you wan: there to be fewer than five days between service and the hearing. explain why: D Reasons are stated in Attachment l3. ® E No Fee for Filing l ask that there be no filing fee because the respondent has threatened violence against the employee, or stalked the employee. or acted or spoken in a manncr that has pluccd lhc employee in reasonable fear of violence. This is not a Court Order. Petition for Workplace Violence Restraining Orders WV“°°- ”9° 5°” (Workplace Violence Prevention) wmtzma Cato Number: 21CH009797 ® E No Fee to Serve Orders I ask the court to order the sheriff or marshal to serve me respondent with file others for flee because this request for orders is based on a credible threat of violence or stalking. D Court Costs I ask the court to order the respondent to pay my coun costs. ® Additional Orders Requested I ask the court to make the following additional orders (specijjl): D Additional orders requested are stated in Attachment l7. Respondent is ordered to direct any and all of his communicafions regarding Respondent's (men criminal complaint with the Los Altos Police Department to Sergeant Shearer. Respndent is ordered to direct anxand all of his communications rggardinlthe Internal Affairs investigation regarding the comglalnt lodjgd blRespondent ggainst Agent Vernon to cgain McCrossin. Number ofpages attached to this form, if any: 15 Date: January 5, 2021 Jolle Houston, Los Altos City Attorney Lawyer ’s name (ifany) Lawyer 's signature I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the information above and on all attachments is true and correct. . / Date: / j 5/ggg l City of Los Altos Name ofpetitioner Captain Kathryn Krauss Title This is not a Court Order. Petition for Workplace Violence Restraining Orders WV"°°- 98906 0‘6 (Workplace Vlolence Prevention) WMLZMG SHORTTITLE: Wm CH009797_Attachment 9f to Petition for Watkplace Violence Restraining Order 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 Send any communications to City of Los Altos employees relating in any way to Jessica Vernon, except for non- harassing communications necessary to report a legitimate safety concern. non-harassing communications related to the open investigation regarding Respondent's claims relating to Jessica Vernon's arrest of Respondent, or non- harassing communications regarding any open criminal complaints he is Involved in; post or share any communications on social media harassing Jessica Vernon, including but not limited to posting or sharing content of a graphic or sexual nature relating to Jessica Vernon. Enter the workplace of Agent Vemon, unless (1) the Los Altos Police Department or any of its employees request or require that Respondent enter the Los Altos Police Department building (2) Respondent has a legitimate emergency that requires him to enter the Los Altos Police Department. (Required for verified pleading) The items on this page stated on information and belief are (specify item numbers, not line numbers): This page may be used with any Judicial Council form or any other paper filed with the court. 7 Paco FaunW byu ADDITIONAL PAGEWMdW Attach to Judicial Council Form or Other Court Paper 080201. 501WWW 1. 197] Attachment 8c to Petition for Workplace Violence Restraining Order I. Introduction Jessica Vernon (“Agent Vernon"). the Protected Party, is a Police Agent with the Los Altos Police Department (“Petitioner") and requires the protection afforded by a Temporary Restraining Order and Workplace Violence Restraining Order against Arthur Master (“Respondent") because he poses a credible threat of violence to her. ln December of 2020, Respondent mass-emailed disturbing, hostile. graphic, and sexual communications to her coworkers at the City of Los Altos (the "City") and posted similar graphic and hostile content targeting Agent Vernon online. Within the past few days prior to the filing of this Petition for Workplace Violence Restraining Order, Respondent has rapidly escalated his threatening behavior towards Agent Vernon. On numerous occasions in December and January, he contacted Agent Vernon's colleagues and supervisors demanding to know about whether a relationship exists between her and one of her supervisors. Between on or about December 31, 2020 and January 2, 2021. Respondent repeatedly called the Police Department of Los Altos demanding to speak with Agent Vernon, and left her numerous voicemails even though he was directed to speak with another officer. On Saturday, January 2, 202]. Respondent sent a threatening email directly to Agent Vernon, and 0n Sunday, January 3, 2021, he called her supervisor, Sergeant Brian Jeffrey, to berate Agent Vernon. On Monday, January 4, 202 l , he called Agent Vernon and lefi a threatening voicemail asking for her whereabouts, stating that he needed t0 be “put into a mental institution". and stating "I‘ve missed you". The tone, content, and frequency of Respondent’s communications to and about Agent Vernon have rapidly escalated to the level of stalking and would cause a reasonable person to fear for her safety. Il. Factual Background Petitioner City of Los Altos (“Petitioner" or “the City“) is informed and believes that on or about December 7, 2020, Respondent mass-emailed a disturbing, bizarre, and overtly sexual attack on Agent Vernon to almost seventy City of Los Altos employees, including but not limited to the City Manager, City Council Members and numerous high level managers at the City. This email (the "December 7 Email") included a fictitious advertisement (the “First Flier") for a training class purporting t0 teach “Self Offense for Beginers (sic)" and "Fisticuffing". features a photograph of Agent Vernon, and portrays her as the teacher of the class. The First Flier has sexual overtones. Among other things, the First Flier states “All the information you need to put up your dukes: safely. correctly and enjoyably“. "Vernon says. this course is her way to give back to young women who lack fisting and duking skills" and "First you fist em". and includes a number of sequential illustrations of what appears to be a female hand forming a fist. Attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit A is a true and correct copy of the attachment to the December 7 Email. Petitioner is informed and believes that, although the pseudonym “Tia Barker" was used to send the December 7 Email, Respondent sent it. The December 7 Email was extremely similar to a communication that Respondent later posted on his social media, and it was traceable to an lP address that Respondent had used previously. Moreover, Respondent appears to have a motive 4822-9408-3285“ lETAYLOR\27916001 ' ' because Agent Vernon arrested Respondent several months before, and Respondent has become fixated on Agent Vernon since that incident and has complained to numerous department members about this arrest and about Agent Vernon. Furthermore, Respondent has been known to use numerous alternate names before, including but not limited to Tim Gaskin and Timothy Michael Gaskin. On or about December 18, 2020, Respondent posted on his own Twitter account an overtly sexual, graphic, and disturbing photo edit featuring Agent Vemon’s face on a body wearing various paraphernalia including a loin cloth-like piece ofclothing and numerous latex arms coming out ofthe torso. The Post and refers to Agent Vernon as a “scissor-fister" and includes the hashtag “#losaltospolice“, so that anyone who looks up the City of Los Altos on Twitter may come across it. Attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit B is a true and correct copy of the Post. Petitioner is informed and believes that, on or about December 20, 2020, Respondent escalated his attack on Agent Vernon by sending an even more disturbing, hostile, and sexual email (the “December 20 Email") about Agent Vernon to approximately sixty City of Los Altos employees. including City Council Members. entitled “Predator Alert. Review Photo and Description attached". The December 20 Email included a fake “Wanted" type of flier (the “Second Flier") featuring an unflattering and overtly sexual drawing of Agent Vernon naked, and includes numerous hostile gender identity comments. The Second Flier also calls for readers to “Report Sightings" of Agent Vernon. Attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit C is a true and correct copy of the attachment to the December 20 Email, which was traceable to the same 1P address used by Respondent in other communications. Throughout December and January, Respondent has repeatedly contacted Agent Vemon’s colleagues and supervisors demanding to know whether a relationship, impliedly a romantic one, exists between Agent Vernon and one of her supervisors. Petitioner is informed and believes that between December 31, 2020, and January 2, 2021, Respondent called the City of Los Altos Police Department four times demanding to speak with Agent Vernon, and lefi her four voicemails, even though he was told by another officer afier he lcfi the initial voicemail to direct his communications to officers other than Agent Vernon. On or about January 2, 202 I, Respondent sent a threatening email directly to Agent Vernon (the “January 2 Email"). ln it. Respondent poses a number of intrusive questions. Respondent demands to know whether Agent Vernon is in a relationship with another officer, asks inappropriate and threatening questions about gender identity, and asks for information about Agent Vemon’s finances. Among other things, the January 2 Email states: Do you drink socially or to get drunk Do you feel like you were bom in the wrong body Do you have image issues Which phrase do you identify with most: Daffy Duck, silent Duck, or orange Duck? 4822-9408-3285” 2ETAYLOR\27916w1 ' ' The January 2 Email concludes by asking whether Agent Vernon walks to work, which any reasonable person would interpret as a threat that Respondent is attempting to establish Agent Vernon's whereabouts because he plans to escalate from stalking Agent Vernon through repeated and purposeful harassing and hostile communications to physically attacking her. A true and correct copy of the January 2 Email is attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit D. On or about January 4, 202], Respondent called Agent Vernon and lefi her a lengthy voicemail asking for her location so that he could be “get arrested“ and stated that he needed to be “put into a mental institution" (the "January 4 Voicemail"). The January 4 Voicemail stated in pan: This voicemail is probably not even your voicemail. I know the voice changed. . . so it"s probably going to some. maybe Krauss is getting these now. Hi Krauss- how’s it going darling? Um...Jessica. Would you call me back please? Um. Somewhere l'm being belligerent and loud and yelling and screaming insanities. l should be arrested and put into a mental institution. Um so [just need to know what neighborhood you‘re going to be in so l can get arrested. Can you call me back? Please call me back. I‘ve missed you. So much. A true and correct transcription of the full January 4 Voicemail, to the extent that it is intelligible, is attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit E. III. A Temporary Restraining Order and Order Afier Hearing Are Necessary to Protect Agent Vernon from Workplace Violence by Respondent Respondent's actions described above constitute a credible threat of violence in the workplace, given their content, context, and continuity. Respondent’s communications about Agent Vernon have escalated since his initial email from a flier with sexual overtones, to a disturbing and graphic photo edit and an illustration ofportraying Agent Vernon naked with hostile comments relating t0 gender identity, to direct demands t0 speak with Agent Vernon and a lengthy, disturbing, and sexually harassing email demanding personal information from Agent Vernon and a threatening voice message demanding to know her location and stating that he was “yelling and screaming insanities", should be “put into a mental institution" and “I‘ve missed you". Any reasonable person subject to the targeted attacks described above would fear for her safety. Moreover, given that there is a pending investigation regarding Respondent‘s complaint against Agent Vernon relating to his arrest, there is a legitimate concern that once the investigation has concluded, whatever is decided, Respondent will escalate from threatening communications to a physical attack on Agent Vernon or her coworkers. There is a credible threat that Respondent will carry out violence in the workplace against Agent Vernon, given that all of his threatening messages have related to her work as a police agent and he has directed many of his hostile communications regarding Agent Vernon to her colleagues. For the foregoing reasons, Petitioner respectfully requests that this court issue a Temporary Restraining Order and an Order Afier Hearing in order to protect Agent Vernon from Respondent. wzz-mazasw _3_ETAYLommwom EXHIBIT A If watt U] Ihrm Hm IE/VT M W To:m m6 Slumm: "mam, nuance 10. 2am x so n w 1, :7 Untitled-G-compressed (2) 1' V‘'l‘: 'aIJ LlfllNSl 'WNO I(NlfllY)‘ M you And you: other (1th pm um. d count. and n we" u any pawn vuponsble (m (hen own ye" Meme. All m: un'o'nunon you need lo put up you! min satay (0"er y Ind mpy IN I‘fFlNSZ FUQ BtOINNUlS ludng Fm L Min (ours: Material mute“ flup‘qh IIH‘LU‘FII IV DAV waned Safety (maclms, m1. 3 Ncomwehemm leduvu sELF-m o SMy Malnul 0mm,m. m‘ cw I M" u MM.“ a Fm BEGWEm scuI-w r1 a «moo \y Iwu 4.1m 3 5M 35 L0! Altos Outta Panda Imhflnq profusumol ednm Man an onto! n Lm Mos WakmnWm Mum guphiu )D ammauw ma 30 lmuxm muuuh wnm Odom m a ism (h aM baa “neoinhomm ‘mam RM MMONMC'im. ‘.I J ubilN3L CUUHSL ’IAYUHI‘. Votmnms m:nnanhawlylow bochloyunq-mm‘ohcktsmmd chturu 20 mmmmmwm 0mm; 0 mm.mmhmnumdm DuMion 2‘3 how; Mhmg Skill level Ism Th1 mum ms ulna, am mo dwvvx.m “wen“ L. wmumaoonmewond Shnowlms.'Fmpurmeeruvmt-amnmdm :"M‘mm r mmwummmn.mmvm ’ ‘ nom‘ WHMM-lnmfl moans. FlSflCUFFING A matufl n a barehonded fight. a Donna mrch mzhom 9mm Fm: Ive mo ruledmm While mm! ol us mow how Io form a Ml. a pm uo our Guns . [he seam lo lmrrunq A glove! (m M all about tnluvul and exlemal Muqnmmi TM! ohmm Ind ulanu mow: me humuflev lo end lhen dutr‘ 0! dukes, safety and Mlhwi Injuries, - AMADHJ nub: A u-«ntav‘su. u “fl.“ LhMAHM svu‘m'M Bung all low hnorn aw your thumb together. kupuw nth av! sm-qN and hdd n date loqcthev n passib‘e Hold youv hand out and you: palm llal. h(lnq un and 93de i0 me ground As ll you m holdmc a pace ol papa lumiovm your hand) hon! ddlau mummu to poumhl wupom n (mu easy «em MAIIMUN MUSCLI MAXIMUM ICUV WIOOk' MAIIHUM Push. Huvy hm horde" Empdoymg move 04 me Use u much cum ofl lm- qrounu lcEngoqv M many mmdl 910nm u pow Ne. alqn nq them muscle gvcups w-II add My s m-th IN! can be pared behind gonad: mos! four pcwue and In me to ma ImpMy each other muule ma (he punch lhe huwu I'm punch woll be drvecl on lhal you am puncan tawuds goup'I alvenqlh ’ When the map! d yum hand resembles a doth bun, you nowhm a pevhclly lumed Im 99 Scnl from my iPhonc EXHIBIT B Twrrrefl #057" g timothy gaskin L Officer Teresa Vernon, Los Altos police department. She’s a fisticuff enthusiast, a community leader, and they call her thejudge (for having the highest number of S1 50 sentences during a shift). Some scissor-fisters already act like the Chief. “Iosaltospolice Los ,Tos. OFFICERVERNON EXHIBIT C E M n: c fl ’L A1746 Hm E/VT HAVE YOU SEEN JESSICA? Jessica Vernon Disguised? She can appear very masculine, and may have disguised herself to be unrecognizable by wearing make-up. White, 5'6", 220lbs. brown hair, wears a police unifiorm, REPORT SIGHTINGS CALL: (925) 238-3999 HAVE YOU BEEN VICTIMIEZED BY JESSICA? WERE YOU ASSAULTED BY JESSICA? DID JESSICA PROVIDE FALSE TESTIMONY, AFFIDAVIT, ARREST REPORT, ON THE STAND ABOUT YOU? WERE YOUR CIVIL RIGHTS TAKEN FROM YOU AND DID JESSICA DECLARE YOU A DAN -GER TO YOURSELF OR OTHERS? TELL YOUR STORY. EXHIBIT D From: Arthur Master Sent: Saturday, January 2, 2021 5:21:19 PM To:Jessica Vernon <'vernon losaltosca. ov> Subject: Kraus Are you and Krause in a relationship? Have you ever lied under oath Have you lied in a police report or affidavit Did you file bankruptcy? How many gay men have you assaulted After Los Altos, where would you like to work as an officer Do you drink socially or to get drunk Do you feel like you were born in the wrong body Do you have image issues Which phrase do you identify with most: Daffy Duck, silent Duck, or orange Duck? When you strike a match, do you strike it towards yourself or away from yourself. If being a police officer was the same as a busboy, would you consider a patrol busboy, a busboy captain, a sgt. busboy or chief busboy? Is body shaming a crime? The original Willy Winka movie, if you were one of the children in that film which one do you identify with. Have you ever hurt yourself intentionally? Have you ever been violent with (Sorry, we have smoke detail about this). If you could choose, would you rather have been born a boy or a girl. How do you identify yourself, as being male or female. Do you feel like you can be your true self around other officers? Do you ever feel like you have to be more like the men in order to rise up through the ranks? When you look in the mirror, do you recognize the person you are today. Has your appearance changed since first becoming an officer in Los Altos? Lastly, do you walk to work or carry your lunch? Sent from my iPhone EXHIBIT E EXHIBIT E Transcription Voicemail Message from Arthur Master on 4 January 202] This voicemail is probably not even your voicemail. l know the voice changed. . . so it‘s probably going to some, maybe Krauss is gening these now. Hi Krauss- how‘s it going darling? Um. . Jessica. Would you call me back please? Um. Somewhere I‘m being belligerent and loud and yelling and screaming insanities. l should be arrested and put into a mental institution. Um so l just need to know what neighborhood you‘re going to be in so l can get arrested. Can you call me back? Please call me back. I’ve missed you. So much. [Unintelligible voice in background] because she is, she‘s a nutjob. [Unintelligible voice in background] Well how else am I supposed to sound? She‘s. she had me arrested falsely, and falsified documents, and lied in affidavit and [unintelligible voice in background] regardless of what you're saying I’m not going to [unintelligible voice in background] she, she is a righteous, put her belt on in the morning. [Unintelligible voice in background] Listen you know when you’re a not an officer you know all the only power you have against the court system or the officers who you know exercise discretion in their arresting is. . .your voice what you have to say. um protest, uh put something in the press, do parity in terms of cartoons, make fun of them that is [another voice in background] that is our rights. Well, how can you prove them wrong when the whole establishment is. l mean her and Krauss and the whole crew they just they have breakfast, lunch, and dinner together. They just love each other. And even if they don't. they’re still. you know. l got Jessie’s back. Jessie scratches Krauss’ back, and then you know. backwards and forward.