RequestCal. Super. - 6th Dist.January 5, 2021Envelope: 5854426 NAME. ADDRESS, AND TELEPHONE NUMBER OF PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY STATE BAR NO.: FOR COURT USE ONLY Jolie Houston 171069 Berliner Cohen 10 Almaden Blvd., 11th Floor San Jose CA 951 1 3 ATTORNEY FOR: (Name):City of Los Altos SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY 0F SANTA CLARA STREET ADDRESS 191 North First St. MAILING ADDRESS: 191 North First Street CITY AND ZIP CODE: San José, California 951 1 3 BRANCH NAME: Downtown Superior Court (DTS) PLAINTIFF: City of Los Altos DEFENDANT: Arthur Master REQUEST FOR APPOINTMENT 0F OFFICIAL CASE NUMBER: REPORTER PRO TEMPORE 21 CH009797 Hearing/Triai Date: February 23, 2021 Department (if known): 4 1. Reporter Information Name; NOELIA ESPINOLA License No_j 8 O 6 0 (PRINT) Business Address; l 0 8 3 LINCOLN AVE . SAN JOSE , CA 9 5 l 2 5 STREET CITY ZIP CODE Email Address: katherine@arsdepos . com Telephone No.2 1408) 920-0222 2. Court Reporter Agreement L Noelia Espinola , accept this appointment as an official reporter pro tempore in this matter and confirm and agree that: (1) (2) i have a valid and current California Certified Shorthand Reporter License and E am in good standing with the Coun Reporters Board of California; I am not a current full-time empioyee of the court and appointment as an official reporter pro tempore will not interfere with my obligation as a court employee; I will provide current contact information with the court as directed by the Director of Court Services‘ AH fees for reponing services, including appearance, transcript and reaI-time fees, are the responsibility of the party or parties who arrange for the reporter services and may not be charged to the court; l will compty with statues and rules appiicabie to official reporter pro tempore, including the duty to timeiy prepare transcripts, including those for appeals, in the proper form; l will demonstrate the highest standards of ethics and impartiality in the performance of my duties; | wiil comply with the court’s requirements regarding uploading etectronic archiving of notes within 48 hours of the date of the proceedings except in extenuating circumstances and as approved in advance by the Director of Coun Services, or making other arrangements if the only notes are in paper form; CV'5100 REV 01/01/19 REQUEST FOR APPOINTMENT OF OFFICIAL 93991 0’ 3 Cal Rules oi Court. rule 2.956 GovLFor Manda‘ory Use REPORTER PRO TEMPORE Code woes & 70044 Filed February 18, 2021 County of Santa Clara Superior Court of CA Clerk of the Court 21CH009797 By: knguyen CASE NAME: CASE NUMBER: City of Los Altos v. Master 21 CH009797 (8) l will follow directions from the court and will be subject to the jurisdiction of the court to the same extent as an official reporter. (9) l will be available for read-back of notes taken during ajury trial within 30 minutes of the court‘s request; (10) If providing reaI-time reporting or other litigation support services (e.g. LiveNote), I am responsible for providing and connecting the necessary equipment. Instructions will be provided by the Director of Court Services. Date: Fabruary 17w 2021 Signature; ORDER APPOINTING OFFICIAL REPORTER PRO TEMPORE ' . . _ . . vernment Code Sections 68086 and 70044 and rule 2.956 the California Rules of Court a n o the signature of at least one o t e . ‘n - . ' = e . -- - forth on the pages folio A '- e -' a a - , e above identified Certified Shorthand Reporter is appointed a -- e '-' -po er u o r-s: : . -se nroceedings to be transcribed b th- c '.' = n r pro tempore and may be ordered to lodge a copy of the transcrlp wi = “ o I ' . An official court reporter is provided in Dept 4 on the civil harassment calendar IT IS ORDERED. Date: February 18, 2021 WWW _ Judicial Officer Commissioner Erik S. Johnson CV-Swo REV 01/01/19 REQUEST Fon APPOINTMENT 0F OFFICIAL Page 2 ofa Cal RuIes of Court. tule 2.956 Govt.F°’ Mandaw'y Use REPORTER PRO TEMPORE Code §§seoas & 70044 2/17/2021 CASE NAME: CASE NUMBER: City of Los Altos v. Master 21 CH009797 Request for Appointment The parties or their counsel Iisted below request that the Court appoint an official reporter pro tempore as set forth in the Court Reporter Agreement and Order Appointing Officiat Reporter Pro Tempore herein. Date: Name: Jolie Hougton Attorney for: City 0f L05 A'tOS Signature _W Date: Name: Attorney for: (Pawn Signature Date: Name: Attorney for: (Pawn Signature Date: Name: Attorney for:' (PRINT) Signature Date: Name: Attorney for:_-“ (PRINT) Signature Date: Name: Attorney for:m (Pm‘NT) Signature Date: Name: Attorney for:m (PRINT) Signature Date: Name: Attorney for:m (PRINT) Signature D Additional Stipuiations are attached to this document. CV-swo REV 01/01/19 REQUEST FOR APPOINTMENT 0F OFFICIAL Page 3 of 3 For Mandatory Use REPORTER PR0 TEMPORE Cal Rules ogiz:néggtsfo§695&67eom 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 City 0f Los Altos V. Master Case No. 21-CH-009797 PROOF OF SERVICE I, Sabina Hall, declare under penalty ofperjury under the laws ofthe State of California that the following facts are true and correct: I am a citizen of the United States, over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to the within action. I am an employee ofBerliner Cohen, LLP, and my business address is Ten Almaden Boulevard, Eleventh Floor, San Jose, California 951 13-2233. On February 17, 2021, I served the following document(s): REQUEST FOR APPOINTMENT OF OFFICIAL REPORTER PRO TEMPORE in the following manner: D by transmitting Via facsimile the document(s) listed above t0 the fax number(s) set forth below, or as stated on the attached service list, from the sending facsimile machine telephone number 0f . The transmission was reported as complete and Without error by the machine. Pursuant to California Rules of Court, Rule 2008(e)(4), I caused the machine t0 print a transmission record of the transmission, a copy 0f Which is attached to the original 0f this declaration. The transmission report was properly issued by the transmitting facsimile machine. by placing the document(s) listed above in a sealed envelope With postage thereon fully prepaid, in the United States mail at San Jose, California addressed as set forth below. by overnight mail by placing the document(s) listed above in a sealed overnight mail envelope With postage thereon fully prepaid, addressed as set forth below. by personally delivering the document(s) listed above t0 the person(s) at the address(es) set forth below. by e-mail or electronic transmission. Pursuant t0 Code of Civil Procedure §1010.6, I caused the document(s) t0 be sent t0 the person(s) at the e-mail address(es) listed below. CED! DEFENDANT Arthur Master 2080 E1 Camino Real #3200 Mtn. View, CA 94040, Arthur Master 1455 172nd Avenue Havward. CA 94541 I am readily familiar with my firm’ s practice for collection and processing Ofcorrespondence for mailing with the United States Postal Service/Express Mail, Federal Express and other overnight mail services, t0 Wit, that correspondence will be deposited With the United States Postal Service/overnight mail service this same day in the ordinary course of business. Executed 0n February 17, 2021, at San Jose, California. SABINA HALL