Order Ex ParteCal. Super. - 6th Dist.January 5, 2021WOO‘JQM-LUJNH NNNNNNNNMI-IHHr-tr-At-Ih-Ia-IHu-n WQONLh$bJNHO©OOHJQLII$UJNHO Arthur Master 839 Morrison Park Drive, Apt 102 San Jose, CA 95126 41 5-3 1 7-9290 artmaster@usa.com ARTHUR MASTER, IN PRO PER SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA Case No.: 2’M 00 fivfly PROPOSED RDER GRANTING THE RESPONDEN MOTION TO DISDIISS ORDER GRANT THE RESONDENTS SPECIAL MOTION STRIKE (SLAAP) PETITION FOR W0 VIOLENCE PREVENTIO ORDER )ORDER RE: (1) REQUEST FOR ORDER )GRANTING RESPONDENT'S MOTION To )DISMISS AND (2) REQUEST FOR ORDER )GRANTING RESPONDEN'TS SPECIAL MOTION )To STRIKE (SLAPP! ) igned: 12/1/2021 09:09 AM ) City of Los Altos Petitioner vs. ARTHUR MASTER ReSpondent VVVVVVVVV x Respondent Arthur Master’s motion to dismiss,. andWXX Respondent Arthur Master’s special motion to strike Pursuant to Cal. Code Proc. 425.16,mam are hereby DENIED, without prejudice, as they were not brought upon properly noticed motion.(kxmmfimxfimmxmfifimmmxafiiodmwkmxadnmmm WMWMMXWWWWKWMKWW WgWKWXWWmmm ' mg m Max Dated: 12-1-2021 EMU“?m 0V1 Judge of the Superior CourtWWNQXWWWW XXXXQXXWXWXKXWQNWNWWQWWXQMXXXIDWQXXXKWKXX XXXXXXXXXXXWQXNKKWWWXQMWWWQWWXXXXXXXX City ofLos Altos v. Arthur Master, Superior Court of California, County cf Santa Clara, Case Ne 2101009797 -1- Filed December 1, 2021 County of Santa Clara Superior Court of CA Clerk of the Court 21CH009797 By: msorum \DOONJQUI-bUJN 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Violence Restraining der stayed or set aside until afier a new hearing is scheduled with the Protected Party and the Res ndent both in attendance. IT IS SO ORDERED. Dated: Judge the Superior Court 0f California County of nta Clara RESPONDENTS EX PARTE NOTICE 0F MOTIO , OTION 'I‘O DISMISS “’ITH PREJUI)ICE,SPECIAL MOTION T0 S’I‘RlKE (SLAPP) PETITION OR IN THE AL RNA'I‘IVE ORDER T0 SET ASIDE THE ORDER UNTIL HEARINGS CAN BE HELD AND THE OURT HEARS FROM BOTH PARITES. City ofLos Altos v. Arthur Master. Superior Court of Califo ' . County cf Santa Clara, Case Ne 21CH009797 -2-