Notice of Hearing no feeCal. Super. - 6th Dist.January 5, 2021Notice of Hearing on Request to Clem stamps dare hem when ronn is filed. WV-61 0 D Modify Terminate Workplace io nce Restraining Order Party M’uking order cnmp/cles items® and® F I L EParty Seeking ModificationITermination a. Your Full Name: Arthur Master MAY - 3 2021 b. Your Lawyer (ifyou have onefor this case) C's f t rt . 8'3 Name: State Bar No.: WW 0°” A _ - av lv, L Ar F'rm Name: Fill in mun name and street address: c. Your Address (lfyou have a lawyer, give your lawyer 's information. Superior Court 0f California. County 0f Ifyou d0 n0! have a lawyer and wan! to keep your home address Santa C lara private. you may give a different mailing address instead. You do SUpGl’iOf CCU”: no! have lo give telephone. fax, 0r e-matl.) 191 N. First Street Address: 2260 w m Camino Real. Unit Ion San Jose, CA 951 1 3 City: Mountain View State: CA Zip: 94040 Fillin case number Telephone: Fax: Case Number: E-Mail Address: 2|CH009797 ® Other Party a. Full Name: City 0f Los Altos b. Address (ifknown): l NSan Antonio Rd City: LosAllos State! CA Zip: 94040 ® Court Hearing The judge has set a court hearing date. Cour! willfill in box below. The current restraining order stays in efl'ect unless terminated by the court. Name and address of court if difierent from above: Hearing Date: Q Lag [2,! Time: q 00m Dept: j Room: ® Service on Other Party Someone age 18 or older-not you-must serve a copy of the following forms on the other party or parties: o WV-600. Request lo ModifiI/Terminate Workplace Violence Restraining Order; - WV-6 l 0. Notice ()fHearing (m Request (0 Modifv/Terminate Workplace Violence Restraining ()rder (this form); ¢ WV-620. Response Io Request (0 Modify/Terminule Workplace Violence Restraining Order (blank copy). The forms must be served on the other party 5 days before the hearing. . , . . . . 1wcwfgofgmm "gymflmw Notice of Hearing O_n Request to qulfynermlnate WV-610. Page of2 cmO'CWrW-sww Workplace VIolence Restraining Order (Workplace Violence Prevention) Case Number: 2 1 CH009797 b- If you are the Respondent: You must have the Protected Person personally served with these forms. This requirement of personal service on the Protected Person is not a justification for you to violate the terms of the restraining order. You must also serve the Petitioner employer. Service on the employer may he by mail. c. If you are the Petitioner employer and you are requesting modification or termination other than at the request of the Protected Person: You must have the Protected Person personally served with these forms. You must also serve the Respondent. Service on the Respondent may be by mail. d If you are the Protected Person: The Respondent and Petitioner employer may be served with these forms by mail. e. The person who serves the forms must fill out either form WV-200, ProofofPersonal Service. or form WV-250. ProonfService ofResponse by Mail (0r both). Have the person who served sign the original. Take the signed original proof-of-service form back Io the court clerk for filing or bring it with you to the hearing. For help with personal service, see form WV-200-INFO, What Is "l’roofofPersonal Service "3). Date: %\§\ZOZ/ J (‘lcrk- b)‘ 1- , Deputy To the Other Party: fi lfyou wish to make a written response to this request to modify or tcmlinatc the current workplace violence restraining order, you may fill out form WV-620, Response to Request Io Modifii/Terminule Workplace Violence Restraining ()rder. File the original with the coun before the hearing and have someone age l8 or older-not you- mail a copy of it to the other party at the address in ®at least days before the hearing. Also file form WV-250, ququService of Response by Mail. with the court before the hearing. Request for Accommodations Assistive listening systems, computer-assistcd real-time captioning, or sign language interpreter services are available ifyou ask at least five days before the hearing. Contact the clerk’s office for Requestfor Accommodations by Persons With Disabilities and Response (form MC-4 l 0). (Civ. Code, § 54.8.) (Clerk willfill out (his part.) -Clerk's Certificate- I certify that this Notice ofilearing on Request (0 Modifiz/Terminate Workplace Violence Restraining ()rder is a true and correct copy of the original 0n file in the court. Clerk 's Certificate Date: [seal] Clerk. by ’ Deputy "WWW” Notice of Hearing on Request to Modifleerminate WV-610. Page 20f? Workplace Violence Restraining Order (Workplace Violence Prevention) Mmmum.mpmmcm: l_