Notice New Hearing Date Order on ReissuanceCal. Super. - 6th Dist.January 5, 2021Envelope: 5912501 WV-1 16 Order on Request to Continue Hearing C'erkgi‘f‘ggm‘e “erewmmrm ‘Sfi'ed' February 25, 2021 Complae items® and® only. Clerk of the Court - - Su erior Court of CA® Petitioner (Employer):CIty of Los Altos (Jesswa Vernon) COlpmty of Santa Clara 21 CH009797 ® RespondentAnhur MaSter By: knguyen Thecourt will oompldethe rad of thisform Fill in court name and street address:® NeXt court Date Superior Court of California, County of a D The requed to reschedulethe oourt date is denied. Santa Clara Your oourt dateis: 191 North Fi'St St- (1) Any Ta‘rporary Rwraining Orde' (form WV-1 10) alreaiy sa" Jose' CA 951 1 3 granted gays in full foroe amd dfect until the next court date. (2) Your oourt date is not rescheduled becaJse: Fm in case number: Case Number: 21 CH009797 b. E The requefl to reschedule the oourt date is ganted. Your oourt date is rwchedul ed for the day and time liaed below. See@-. for more informmion. Nane and addraes of court, if different from above: New I Dae: March 22, 2021 Time:8;45 am Court ‘ . Date Dmt.‘ 22 Room_n/a ® Temporary Restraining Order a. D There is no TmaryRedrainingOrw' (TRO) in thism$ until the next court date because: (1) D A TRO was not previously granted by the court. (2) D The oourt terminatae (camels) the previously granted TRO because: b.Z A Tarporaryflaraining Orw- (TR0) issill in full force and dfed. Warning and Name (1) M The court extendstheTRO previoudy granted on (date):January 5. 2021 t0 the Rmdent: If® b ischecked, aIt now a(piws on (date):March 22. 2021 t a I I. . . . . emporary r ra nI ng (Ifn0 datelsllsted, the TFD expires at the end 0f the court date llded In 3b.) order has been iwed . . aina ou. You mus (2) D The oourt changestheTRO pra/Iously grmted a1d sgns a new TRO (form fagllow tile orders um“ WV'1 10)- they expire. c. D Other (30901730: This is a Court Order. Jd"|C 'IfCalif ', . . . . . nuev'ics'idfa’fiflilfnméinfiiafléflginmw Order on Request to Continue Hearing WV-116. Page1 of3 C de fC' 'l P ed , 527.8 . .° ° 'V' '°° "re § (p) (Temporary Restraining Order) (CLETS-TWH) (Workplace Violence Prevention) Case Number: 21 CH009797 ® Reason Court Date ls Rescheduled a. There is good cause to reschedul e the oourt date (chxk one): (1) D The paitioner has not served the respondent. (2) g Other:When the matter came on for hearing on February 23, 2021 at 2:00 p.m. in Department 4, the restrained party declined to stlpulate to a hearing before a commisswner and requested a hearing before a judge of the Superior Court. b.D This isthefira timethat the rewondent has asked for moretimeto prepare. c.D The oourt r&echedula the oourt date on its own moti on. ® Serving (Giving) Order to Other Party The requefi to reschedulewasmwe by the: a D Paitioner (Employer) b. E Ramondent c. D Court (1) D You d0 not haveto servethe (1) You do not haveto servethe (1) D Further notioeis r&epondent becausethe/ petitioner becausethey not required. or their lawyer were at the 0r their lawyer were at the oourt date or agreed t0 court date or agreed t0 rwchedule the oourt date. rwchedule the oourt date. (2) D You must havethereepondent (2) D You must havethe pditioner (2) D The court will mail aoopy pasonally served with a persondly served with a 0f this order t0 a” P3ti$ oopy of thisorder 31d aoopy oopy 0f thisorder by by of all documents Iiaed on (date),- (date),- form WV-109, item©, by - (date): (3) D You must servethe (3) D You must servethe petitioner (3) D Other; respondent with aoopy of this with aoopy of this order. This order. This can be done by can be done by ma' |. You ma'l. You mug serve by mug serve by (date): (date): (4) D Other: (4) D Other: This is a Court Order. Order on Request to Continue Hearing WV-116, Page 2 of3 (Temporary Restraining Order) (CLETS-TWH) (Workplace Violence Prevention) Revised January 1, 2020 Case Number: 21 CH009797 ® No Fee to Serve (Notify) Respondent D Ordered Not Ordered The sheriff or marshd wi || serve this order for free because: a D The order isbwed on unlawful violence, acrediblethreat of violence, or adking. b. D Thepersonin (D isentitledtoafeewaiver. D Other Orders Date: JJdicial Officer Request for Accommodations A$‘ stive listeni ng syaema computer-m aed red -time cwti oni ng, or si gn lmguage interpraer services are avai lee if you ad< at least five days ba‘orethe hearing. Contact the clerk’soffioe or go to www.oourtscagov/formshtm for Requw for Acoommdations by Persons With Diwbi/itiaand Remonsefiorm MC-410). (Civ. Code, § 54.8.) Instructions to Clerk If the heari ng is rescheduled md the oourt extended, modified, or termi nated a temporary r&drai ni ng order, then the oourt must enter this order into CLEI'S or send this order to law enforcement t0 enter into CL EI'S. This must be done withi n one bus'm day from the day the order is made. -Clerk's Certificate- C|erk’ s Certificate | certify that this Order 0n quuest to Continue Haring (Tarporary Redraining Order) (CLEI'STWH) (form WV-1 16) is atrue and correct oopy of the origi nal on file [seal] in the oourt. Dame: Clerk, by , Deputy This is a Court Order. ““59“““W'2020 Order on Request to Continue Hearing (Temporary Restraining Order) (CLETS-TWH) (Workplace Violence Prevention) WV-1 1 6, Page 3 of 3 February 25, 2021 Commissioner Erik S. Johnson