Notice Hearing TRO Civil HarassmentCal. Super. - 6th Dist.January 5, 2021,1 Notice of Court Hearing CMWmmm"”MM FILED C1) Petitioner (Employer) 01/05/2021 a- Namei Cm 0' L03“m Clerk of The Court Lawyer for Petitioner (ifany for this case): Superior Court of CA Name: Jolie Houstonlcny Attorney State Bar No.: 121992 _ County of Santa Clara Finn Name: Mm; Cohen. LLP 21 CH009797 b. Address (Ifyou have a lawyer, give your lawyer's information): By: knguyen Fancounnameandsmm; Address: 10Almaden Boulevard. 11thFloot mmuno'c‘mmm“ City: s ! a SmECA limes“; nu Ctara 191 Noah FlmsuatSan se CA 951 13 Downtown Superb: Court] Telephone: 408-286-5800 Fax; 403.993.5333 ms) E~Mail Address: 1g“: hmnmmmfim ® Employee in Need of Protection F”m I Full Name: Jessica Vernon [Cu- Number: 21cu009797 ® Respondent (Person Ftom Whom Protection Is Sought) Full Name: Arthur Mastct The court will complete the rest of this form. ® Notice of Hearing A court hearing is scheduled on the request for restraining orders against the respondent Name and address of coun if different from above: abate: 02 25 Z Time:W I Dau .Dept;#- Room ® Temporary Restraining Orders (Any orders granted are on Form WV-I 10. served with this notice.) a. Temporary Restraining Orders for personal conduct and stay away orders as requested in Form WV-lOO. Request for Workplace Violence Restraining Orders. are (check only one box below): (1) m All GRANTED until the court hearing. (2) D All DENIED until (he court hearing (Specib reasons for denial in b. below.) (3) D Partly GRANTED and panly DENIED until xhe coun hearing. (Specibi reasons for denial in b, below.) mm'fa'u”;m“$m“w Notice of Court Hearing VW-M. Pao- 1 o: 3“““m "m (Workplace Violence Prevention) '9Whom Cm Numbor: 21cHoo9797 b. Reasons that Temporary Remaining Orders as requested in Form WV- 100. Petition for Workplace Violence Restraining Orders, for petsonal conduct or stay away are denied am: (1) D The facts as stated in Form WV-IOO do nol sufficiently show reasonable proof that the employee has suffered unlawful violence or a credible threat of violence by the respondent. and that great or imparable harm to the employee would result if a temporary restraining order is not issued. (2) D Other (specib): D As stated on Attachmeme. Sewice of Documents by the Petitioner At least m five D days before the hearing. someone age 18 or older-not you or anyone to be pmected-musx penan-auy give (serve) a coun file-slamped copy of this Form WV-109. Notice of Court Hearing. lo the respondent along with a copy of all the fomus indicated below: WV-100. Petition for Workplace Violence Restraining Orders (file-slamped) b. m WV-llo, Temporany Restraining Order (file-stamped) IF GRANTED c. d. E. WV-120. Response to Petition [or Workplace Violence Restraining Orders (blank form) WV-lZO-INFO. How Can I Respond to a Petition for Workplace Wolence Restraining Orders ?. WV-ZSO, Proof of Servicr of Response by Mail (blank form) Styled 1 5,2021 02.27 PM f.fl Other (specibl): l €- CCmfl; @401 (QML m Judicial Officer CAROL OVERTON To the Petitioner: The coun cannot make the restraining orders after the coun heanng unless the respondent has been personally given (served) a copy of your request and any temporary orders. To show that the mpondem has been served. the person who served (he forms must fill om a proof of service form. Form WV-200, ProofofPersonaI Service, may be used. For information about service. mad Form WV-ZOO-INFO, What ls “Proof ochrsonal Service”? If youm unable lo serve the respondent in time. you may ask for mom u‘mc to serve (he documents. Use Form WV-l 15, Request (o Continue Court Hearing and lo Reissue Temporary Restraining Order. WM L ”u Notice of Court Hearing “'1“ "9° 3 °' 3 (Workplace Violence Prevention) 9 CaseNumber: 2 1 c fl an 92 9 z To the Respondent ° If you wam to respond to the request for orders in writing. file Form WV-120, Response to Request for Workplace Violence Restraining Orders, and have someone age 18 or older-not you or anyone to be pntectcd-mail it to the petitioner. o 11m person who mailed the form must fill out a proof of service form. Form WV-250. ProofofService of Response by Mail, may be used. File the completed fonn with the coun before the hearing and bn'ng a copy with you to the coun hearing. - Whether or not you respond in writing. go lo the hearing if you want the judge to hear from you before making an order. You may tell the judge why you agree or disagree with the orders requested. ° You may bring witnesses and other evidence. 0 Anhehearingthejudgemymaktmuainingordenagahmyouthalcouldlastupmthmyunand may order you to sell ormmlnany firearms that you own orpouess. Request for Accommodations Assistive listening systems. computer-assisted real-time captioning. or sign language interpreter services are available if you ask at least five days before the hearing. Contact the clerk's office or go to for Request for Accommodations by Persons with Disabilities and Response (Form MC-410). (Civ. Code. § 54.8.) (Clerk will fill our this pan.) -CIerk's Certificate- l cenify that this Notice of Court Hearing is a (me and correct copy of the original on file in the coun. Clerk's Certificate [seal] Dale: Clerk. by - DQPU‘)’ Wm L m“ Notice of Court Hearing VW-m. Pave 3 o! a Workplace Vvolencc Prevention)