Civil Case Cover SheetCal. Super. - 6th Dist.January 4, 2021CM-01D ATTORNEY 0R PARTY \MTHOUT ATTORNEY (Name, szare Barnumber, and address).- GEORGE C. KASOLAS, BAR#52519 1190 SOUTH BASCOM AVENUE SUITE 213 SAN JOSE CA 95128 TELEPHONE No; 408-993-9000 FAX N0. (Oprronau: ATTORNEY FOR (Name): JUVENAL CHAVEZ FOR COURT USE ONLY FME SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY 0F SANTA CLARA STREETADDRESSI‘IQ1 NORTH FIRST STREET MAJLING ADDRESS: CITY ANDZIF’ CODESAN JOSE CA 951 13 BRANCH NAMECIVIL DIVISION JAN ‘4 2021 CASE NAME: CHAVEZ v. YEPEZ ”DC, rk of the aO DEPUTY ’90? CIVIL CASE COVER SHEET Complex Case Designation omegafi CH fl fl g ? 9, _ E Joinder Z5CI Unlimited E Limited E Counler Amount . .( (Amount . Filed With first appearance by defendant JUDGE:demanded demanded IS (Cal Rules of Court rule 3 402) exceeds $25,000) $25,000) ‘ ' ‘ DEPT‘: Items 1-6 below must be completed (see instructions on page 2). 1. Check one box below for the case type that best describes this case: ‘ Auto Tort Contract Provisionally Complex Civil Litigation " j Auto (22) E Breach 0f contracuwarranty (05) (Cal. Rules of Court. rules 3.400-3.403) [j Uninsured motorist (46) D Rure 3.740 collections (09) E AHtitmst/Trade regulation (03) ozher PIIPDIWD (Personal Injuxylpropeny D Other couecfions (09) E Construction defect (10) Damagemrongml Deathnon E Insurance coverage (1B) E M355t°”(40)E Asbesto§ (0f) E Other contract (37) D Securities litigation (28)E Pr°dIUd "ab'l'W(?4) Real propem, E Environmentall‘l’oxictort(30),E Medical malpractlce (45) E Eminent domaimmverse D Insuranpe covera’gg cla1ms ansing from theE Other PHPD/WD (23) condemnanon (14) above(tlst)ed prOVISIonally complex case . , types 41 Non-PllPDIWD(0ther)Tort E Wrongfulewcllon(33) Enforcement of Judgment | ] Business tortlunfair business practice (07) IU I MI Otlhgr {elal property (25) E Enforcement ofjudgmem (20)E Cwnl rights (08) n a cl: e a n‘ercfl) Mlscellaneous Civil ComplalntE Defamation (13) E 0mmerma E Rlco (27) R id i I 32E FraUd (1 5) D Des 628a) ( ) E Other complaint (nor specified above) (42)D Intellectual property (19) E '“95 Miscenaneous cw“ Petmon CI meess'onal negligence (25) Jamaal RBVIBW E Partnership and corporate governance (21)forfeiture (05)E Other non-PI/PDAND tort (35) E Asse‘ H , Employment E Petition re: arbitration award (1 1) E Other Pem‘on (”O’SPec’fiEd above) (43)E Wrongful termination (36) CI WV“ 0f manda'e (02)E Other employment (15) E Otherjudicial review (39) 2. This caseE is E is not complex under rule 3.400 0f the California Rules of Court. lfthe case is complex, mark the factors requiring exceptional judicial management: a. E Large number ofseparately represented parties d. b‘ E Extensive motion practice raising difficult or novel e. issues that will be tfme-consuming to resolve c. E Substantial amountofdocumentary evidence 3 Remedies sought (check alfthatappfy): a E monetary b -nonmonetary; decl 4. Number ofcauses ofaction (specify): CIVIL HARRASSMENT PROTECTIVE ORDER 5 This caseD is E is not a class action suit. 6‘ 1f there are any known related cases file and serve a notice of re Date: 12 [2020 GEORGE C. KASOLAS (TYPE 0R PRINT NAME) E Large number ofwitnessesE Coordination with related actions pending in one or more courts in other counties, states, or countries, or in a federal counE Substantial post] ngmentjudi ial supervision ratory or in' nctive relief c E puni ive lated case (You may us g / / (SIGNMIJRE 0F PARTYOR AWORNEY FOR PARTY)V - Plaintiff must file this cover sheet with the first paper filed in the ac under the Probate Code, Family Code, orWelfare and Institutions in sanctions. other parties to the action or proceeding. NOTICE File this cover sheet in addition to any cover sheet required by local court rule. o If this case is complex under rule 3.400 et seq. ofthe California Rules of Court. you must serve a copy of this cover sheet on all 0 Unless this is a collections case under rule 3.740 or a complex case. this cover sheet will be used for statistical purposes only. tion or proceedirfg (except small claims cases or cases filed Code). (Cal. Rutes of Court. rule 3220.) Failure to file may result Page 1 of 2 Form Adopted tor Mandatory Use Cal. Rules o! Court. rures 2.30. 3.220. 3400-3403, 3.740; Judicial Council of California CIVI L CASE COVER SHEET ' ’ ’ CM-010 [Raw Juiy 1, 2007] Cal. Standards 01 Judicial Admmisvauon, std. 3.10 www.coun‘