Civil case cover sheetCal. Super. - 5th Dist.July 12, 2021ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY (Name, State Bar number. and address): AHerman Orozco ' I FOR COURT use orva Post Office Box 5003 Coalinga, CA 93210-5003 TELEPHONE No‘: (559) 935-3267 FAX No.{0p1ianal): . u L EéATTORNEY-Foamame): Plaintiff, In Pro Se SUPERIOR COURT 0F CALIFORNIA. COUNTY 0F Fresno STREETADDRESS. 1130 "O" Street JUL 1 2 2021MAILING ADDRESS: C'TYAND Z'P CODE Fresno californla 93724'0002 SUPERIOR coum 0F CALIFORNIA BRANCH NAME: BY COUNTY OF FRESNO CASE NAME: Milton Nchinda Vs. Hernah Orozco ”TU” . ' CIVIL CASE COVER SHEET ' Complex‘Case Designation ‘CASE NUMBER: a Im unlimited E Limited E Counter I E Joinder 2 1 m CG 0 ‘2 O 3|4 ’ (Amount U (Amount . Filed with first "appearance byA defendant JUDGE: ’ demanded ' demanded 'ls (Cal Rules of Court -rule 3 402)exceeds $25,000) $25,000) _ -' ~ - - DEPT; ‘Items 1-6 below-must'be completed (see instructions on page.2). I 1. Check one box below for the case type'that best describes this case: , a Auto Tort Contract Provisionally Complex Civil LitigationD Auto (22) E Breach of contract/wananty (06) ' (Cal. Rules of Court, rules 3.400-3.403)IE Uninsured motorist (46) D Rule‘3_74o_co”ections (09) E AntitrustlTrade regulation (03) , Other PIIPDMID (Personal lnj'urylProperty E Other COHections-(Og) E Construction defect (10) E . DamageIWrongful-Death) Tor.t E Insurance coverage (18) E Mass tort (40) lE Asbestos (04) - E Other contract (37) E Securities litigation (28)E PmdUCt ”abmty (24) ?Real probeny ‘ E Environmental/Toxic tort (30) ’D Medical malpractice (45) E Eminent domain/lnverse E [anti]:?igfegovgsigifilaalilmioanzis:23 Eraosn; theE ‘ Other PI/PD/WD (23) condemnation (14) types (41) p y p Non-PIIPDIWD (Other) Tort E Wrongful:eviction‘(33) Enforcement of JudgmentE Business tort/unfair business practice (O7) D Other realpropefty (26) E Enforcement ofjudgment (20)E C'V” ”ghts (08) unlawm.‘ Deta'n'er Miscellaneoué Civil ComplaintE Defamation (13) E confmer‘f'a' (31) E RICO (27) jE Fraud (16) E :es'denst'aal (32) E Other complaint (notspecified above) (42)D 'nteuecma' pmperty (19) Fdicialrziiigw) Miscellaneous Civil Petition :: Professional negligence (25) - , s I . [ Partnershl and cor orate governance 21E Other non-PI/PD/WD tort (35) E Assetf‘m‘e'mre (05) p p I : ( ) Employment E Petition re: arbitration award (11) E Other Pemw” ("0t Spec’fied abOVe) (43)E Wrongful termination (36) E Wm 0f mandate (02)E Other employment (15) E ‘ 0therjudicia|~review (39) 2. This case": is ‘ m ‘is not cdmplex under rule 3.400 ofthe California Rulesof Court. If the case is Complex, mark the ' factorS're‘quiring exceptional judicial mahagement: a. E Large number ofseparately represented parties d. fl Large number of witnesses ' _ b. E Extensive motion practice raising difficult qr novel e. D Coordination with related actions pending in one or more issues that~will be timé-consumingtto resolve courts in other‘counties, states, or countries, or in a federal c. fl Substantial amount of documentary evidence court ,\ f. Substantial post ud ment 'udicial 'supervision ,J 9 J 3. Remedies s_ought (check all that apply): a. E monetary b. E nonmonetary; declaratory or injunctive relief c. fl punitive 4. Number of causes of action (specify): Three causes of action 5. This case E is m is'not a class.action suit. 6 If there are any known related cases fiie and serve a notice of related case. (You may use form 5.) Date: July 6 2 2021 Herman OrozCo ’ . (TYPE 0R PRINT NAME) [SIGNATURE 9% P 0R ATrORNEY FOR PARTY) . NOTICE _ o Plaintiff must file this cover sheet‘with the first paper filed inlthe action or proceedinggept small Ims‘cases or cases filed under the Probate Code, Family Code. or Welfare and Institutions Code). (CalfiRules of Court, ru 3.220.) Failure to file may result -in sanctions. - File this cover- sheet in addition- to any cover sheet required by local court rule. If this case is complex under rule 3.400 et seq. Of the California Rules of Court, you must serve a copy of this cover sheet on all other parties to the action or proceeding. - Unless t_his'Is a collections case under rule 3. 740 or a complex case, this cover sheet will be used for statistical purposes orgly. fage 1 o 2 Fonp Adopted for Mandatory Use l ' “ . V CIVIL CASE COVER. SHEET ' ' “ . Cal. Rules of Court.-ru|es£ 2.30.3220. 3.400-13.403. 3.740; ~Jud|clal Councll of Callfomla Cal. Standards of Jummal Admmugcmcmn cm a 1n