Minute Order AttachmentCal. Super. - 5th Dist.June 22, 2021SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA - COUNTY OF FRESNO Entered by: Civil Department - Non-Limited TITLE 0F CASE: ln the matter of Joseph Andre Yanez Case Number: LAW AND MOTION MINUTE ORDER 21050601783 Hearing Date: October 25, 2021 Hearing Type: Order to Show Cause - Name Change Department: 404 ‘ Judgefl'emp. Judge: Cullers, Mark " Court Clerk: Balleza, Claudia Reporterfl'ape: NR Appéaring Parties: Plaintiff: Jose Andre Yanez via court call Defendant: Counsel: Counsel: [X] Order for Decree Changing Name is Granted, Order signed in open court. Copy of Granted Order mailed to plaintiff Jose Andre Yanez. [ ]Continued to .[ ]Setfor _ at _ Dept. H for H I ] Submitted on points and authorities withlwithout argument. [ ] Matter is argued and'submitted. [ ] Upon filing of points and authorities. [X] Motion is grénted [ 1in part and denied in part. [ ]Motion is denied [ ]with/withoutprejudice. [ ]Taken under advisement [ ]Demurrer [ ]overruled [ ]‘sustained with _ daysto [ ]answer [ ]amend [ ]Tentative ruling becomes the order of the court. No further order is necessary. [ ] Pursuant to CRC 3.1312(8) and CCP section 1019.5(3). no further order is necessary. The minute order adopting thé tentative ruling serves as the order of thé court. [X] Service by the cl_erk will constitute notice of the order. [ ] See attached copy of the Tentative Ruling. [ ]Judgrfient debtor_ sworn and examined. [ ] Judgment debtor _ failed to appear. Bench warrant issued in the amount of $ _ JUDGMENT: [ 1Money damages I ]Default [ ]Other _ entered inthe amountof: Principal $_ lnterest$_ Costs $_ Attorney fees $___ Total $_ [ ]Claim of exemption [ ]granted I ]denied. Court orders withholdings‘modifiedto 5H per_ FURTHER, COURT ORDERS: [ ] Monies held by levying officerto be I ] released tojudgment creditor. [ ] returned tojudgment debtor. [ ]$_to be released to judgment creditor and balance returned tojudgment dthor. [ ]Levying Officer, County of_, notified. [ ]Writto issue [ ] Notice to be filed within 15 days. [ 1 Restitution of Premises [ ]Other: _ CV-14b R03-18 LAW AND MOTION MINUTE ORDER Mandatory‘Form SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA - COUNTY OF FRESNO FOR COURTUSEONLY Civil Department, Central Division 1130 "O“ Street Fresno,Califomia 93724-0002 (559) 457-2000 TITLE 0F CASE: In the matter of Joseph Andre Yanez CLERK'S CERTIFICATE 0F MAILING °§§E2§é§§§a | certify that] am not a party to this cause and that a true copy of the: Order to Show Cause - Name Change Minutes/Copy of Granted Order was placed in a sealed envelope and placed for collection and mailing on the date and at the place shown below following our ordinary business practice. l am readily familiar with this court’s practice for collecting and processing correspondence for mailing. On the same day that correspondence is placed for collection and mailing, it is deposited in the ordinary course of business with the United States Postal Service with postage fully prepaid. Place of mailing: Fresno, California 93724-0002 On Date: 10/25/2021 Clerk, by , Deputy C. Balleza Joseph Andre Yanez 4994 E. Leisure Ave Fresno, CA 93727 D Clerk's Certificate of Mailing Additional Address Page Attached TGN-OSb R08-06 CLERK'S CERTIFICATE OF MAILING