Declaration FiledCal. Super. - 5th Dist.May 17, 2021 1 Declaration of Plaintiff’s Counsel in Support of Default Judgment 21CECG01397 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Nicolas W. Spigner (SBN 312295) SPIEGEL & UTRERA, P.C. 8939 S. Sepulveda Blvd., Suite 400 Los Angeles, CA 90045 Tel: (800) 603-3900 Fax: (800)520-7800 Attorneys for Plaintiff Robert Waller d/b/a Norcal Ag Service THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA IN AND FOR FRESNO COUNTY ROBERT WALLER, an Individual, doing business as NORCAL AG SERVICE, Plaintiff, vs. MMN FARM MANAGEMENT, LLC, a California Limited Liability Company, doing business as AGRI-SOLUTIONS; and, MARK M. NAKATA, an Individual, Defendants. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Case No.: 21CECG01397 DECLARATION OF NICOLAS W. SPIGNER IN SUPPORT OF DEFAULT JUDGMENT [Code Civ. Proc., § 585] I, NICOLAS W. SPIGNER, hereby certify and declare as follows: 1. I am a member of the bar of the State of California and an associate attorney with the law firm of Spiegel & Utrera, P.C 2. . I am the lead counsel on this matter for Plaintiff ROBERT WALLER, an individual doing business under the fictional name NORCAL AG SERVICE, (hereinafter collectively referred E-FILED 9/2/2021 8:00 AM Superior Court of California County of Fresno By: M. Sanchez, Deputy 10 11 12 l3 14 15 16 I7 18 19 20 2] 22 23 24 to as “Plaintiff”) and if called upon and sworn, I could and would competently testify to the following facts. 3. Plaintiff retained my law firm to represent him in the instant action on or about April 7, 2021. 4. The reasonable rate of my legal services is $250 per hour. 5. From April 7, 2021 t0 the present, a total of 6.2 hours were billed for legal services provided to Plaintiff. for a total of $1,550.00. A summary of my billing and costs are attached hereto as Exhibit I. 6. Plaintiff also paid $698.14 in costs, including: filing fees ($450.56); postage; ($9.10); service of process ($148.75); and, credit card processing fees ($89.78). Exhibit 1. l declare under penalty of the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. DATED: August 3, 2021 M// Nicolas W. Spigner SPIEGEL & UTRERA, P.C. Attorneysfor Plaintiff Robert Waller, d/b/a Norcal AG Service 2 Declaration ofPlaintiff‘s Counsel in Support ofDefault Judgment 21CECG01397 3 Declaration of Plaintiff’s Counsel in Support of Default Judgment 21CECG01397 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Table of Exhibits 1. Exhibit 1: Billing Summary EXHIBIT 1 gang 3/2021 Spiegel & Utrera, P.A. Client Ledger ALL DATES Page l Date ‘fl Received From/Paid To .‘ Che# Gengral Entry# Explanation cht# chts Dlsbs Fees Bla Inv# Trust Acc chts Disbs Balance 6798 Norcal AG Service Inc. I ‘ _6798-52 Representation of Norcal AG Service Inc., a Californla corporatlon relatlng Apr 13/2021 Norcal 12572 2250-00 414935 RET - Payment received Apr 13/2021 Expense Recovery 09221 89.78 414936 Credit or Debit Card Convenience Fee 3.99% Apr 16/2021 Lawyer: NWS 0.20 Hrs X 0.00 0-00 415472 Review client file & Legal Research Apr 16/2021 Lawyer: NWS 0.30 Hrs X 250.00 75-00 415621 Open client file; Draft Complaint Apr 22/2021 Lawyer: NWS 0.40 Hrs X 0.00 0.00 415500 Review Client file & Legal Research Apr 22/2021 Lawyer: NWS 0.80 Hrs X 250.00 200-00 415622 Draft Complaint and related legal research Apr 30/2021 Billing on Invoice 55233 0-00 416218 FEES 275.00 DISBS 89.78 RCPTS 364.78 Apr 30/2021 55233 -1885.22 416220 RET - Extra Retainers Billed Apr 30/2021 55233 1885.22 416221 RET - Retainers Carried Forward May 11/2021 Lawyer: NWS 0.30 Hrs X 0.00 0.00 416611 Review client file & Legal Research May 11/2021 Lawyer: NWS 0.20 Hrs X 250.00 50.00 416799 Review client correspondence and draft response (update) May 12/2021 Lawyer: NWS 0.40 Hrs X 0.00 0.00 416634 Review client file & Legal Research May 12/2021 Lawyer: NWS 0.30 Hrs X 250.00 75.00 416800 Draft Complaint and related legal research May 13/2021 Lawyer: NWS 2.40 Hrs X 0.00 0.00 416637 Review client file fl Legal Research May 13/2021 Lawyer: NWS 2.40 Hrs X 250.00 600.00 416638 Draft Complaint and related legal resear:h; Review Corporate Status of MMN (FTB Sus); Review Fic. Business Name records (Agri-solutions); Calculate current balances and interest; Organize Exhibits and prepare computer for filing; Draft client correspondence (update) May 14/2021 Lawyer: NWS 0.50 Hrs X 0.00 0.00 416655 Review client file & Legal Research May 14/2021 Lawyer: NWS 0.50 Hrs X 250.00 125.00 416656 Finalize Draft Com; Draft Civil Case Cover Sheet May 17/2021 Lawyer: NWS 0.50 Hrs X 0.00 0.00 416659 Review client file a Legal Research May 17/2021 Lawyer: NW8 0.40 Hrs X 250.00 100.00 416660 File Ccmplaint; Summary and Civil Case Cover Sheet May 18/2021 Lawyer: NWS 0.70 Hrs X 0.00 0.00 416679 Review client file & Legal Research May 18/2021 Lawyer: NWS 0.50 Hrs X 250.00 125.00 416680 Review filed Summons, Complaint and Civil Cover Sheet and Case Management Conference Notice and Judge's Assignment; Conference with Process Server (Serve of Process) May 19/2021 Expense Recovery 09265 450.56416297 Filing Fee May 19/2021 Lawyer: NW3 0.20 Hrs X 0.00 o_00416693 Review client file & Legal Research May 19/2021 Lawyer: NW3 0.10 Hrs X 250.00 25.00416694 Conference with Process Server (Service of Process) May 24/2021 Lawyer: NW3 0.30 Hrs X 0.00 0.00416737 Review client file & Legal Research May 24/2021 Lawyer: NWS 0.20 Hrs X 250.00 50.00416738 Review settlement correspondence from to any 55233 55233 55233 55233 55233 55233 55233 55233 55378 55378 55378 55378 55378 55378 55378 5537B 55378 55378 55378 55378 55378 55378 55378 55378 55378 55378 and all claims for money due and eAug 3/2021 Spiegel & Utrera, P.A. Client Ledger ALL DATES Page 2 Date Entry# Che# cht# Received From/Paid To Explanation chts General Disbs Bld Inv# Trust Fees Acc chts Disbs Balance May 31/2021 417291 31/2021 417293 31/2021 417294 1/2021 416564 16/2021 418214 16/2021 418215 May May Jun Jun Jun 25/2021 418280 25/2021 418281 28/2021 418287 28/2021 418288 Jun Jun Jun Jun 29/2021 417781 29/2021 418300 29/2021 418301 30/2021 418653 Jun Jun Jun Jun 30/2021 418655 30/2021 418656 7/2021 419192 7/2021 419193 Jun Jun Jul Jul Jul 12/2021 419196 12/2021 419197 16/2021 419198 16/2021 419199 Jul Jul Jul Jul 30/2021 419048 Opposing Counsel and draft response Billing'on Invoice 55378 FEES 1150.00 DISBS 1600.56 450.56 RCPTS 55378 RET - Extra Retainers Billed 55378 RET - Retainers Carried Forward Expense Recovery Service of process Mark M. Nakata Lawyer: NWS 0.20 Hrs X 0.00 Review client file & Legal Research Lawyer: NWS 0.10 Hrs X 250.00 Review Proofs of Service and related legal research Lawyer: NWS 0.20 Hrs X 0.00 Review client file a Legal Research Lawyer: NWS 0.10 Hrs X 250.00 Client Conference (update) Lawyer: NWS 0.40 Hrs X 0.00 Review client file & Legal Research Lawyer: NWS 0.20 Hrs X 250.00 Review voice message from S&E Manager; Client Conference (update/settlement) and draft related follow-up correspondence Expense Recovery Postage Lawyer: NWS 0.30 Hrs X 0.00 Review client file & Legal Research Lawyer: NWS 0.10 Hrs X 250.00 Check docket for Response from Defense Billing on Invoice 55555 FEES 125.00 DISBS 278.30 09280 09325 153.30 RCPTS 55555 RET - Extra Retainers Billed 55555 RET - Retainers Carried Forward Lawyer: NWS 0.40 Hrs X 0.00 Review client file & Legal Research Lawyer: NWS 0.30 Hrs X 250.00 Review filed Default and Proofs of Service; re-file Default Request Lawyer: NWS 0.20 Hrs X 0.00 Review client file & Legal Research Lawyer: NWS 0.10 Hrs X 250.00 Review filed Default and re-file Lawyer: NWS 0.50 Hrs X 0.00 Review client file & Legal Research Lawyer: NWS 0.30 Hrs X 250.00 Review Settlement correspondence from Opposing Counsel and draft response Expense Recovery Postage 09362 -284.66 284.66 -6.36 6.36 0.00 148.75 4.55 55378 55378 55555 55555 55555 25.00 55555 55555 25.00 55555 55555 50.00 55555 55555 55555 25.00 55555 55555 55555 75.00 25.00 75.00 TOTALS PERIOD END DATE General Retainer UNBILLED | RECOV FEES+ = TOTAL 4.55 175.00 179.55 4.55 175.00 179.55 6.36 CHE+ 0.00 0.00 DISBS + 693.64 693.64 BILLED FEES + 1550.00 1550.00 | | RECEIPTS 2243.64 2243.64 BALANCES = A/R 0.00 0.00 | TRUST 0.00 0.00 FIRM TOTALS PERIOD END DATE General Retainer I-h UNBILLED I CHE+ RECOV FEES+ = TOTAL 3.00 4.55 175.00 179.55 3.00 4.55 175.00 179.55 6.36 REPORT SELECTIONS Report: Requested by: Finished: Date Range: Client Ledger ADMIN DISBS + 693.64 693.64 BILLED FEES + 1550.00 1550.00 Tuesday, August 03, 2021 at 03:27:44 PM ALL DATES | | RECEIPTS 2243.64 2243.64 BALANCES = A/R 0.00 0.00 I TRUST 0.00 0.00 fiug ‘3/2021 Spiegel & Utrera, P.A. Page 3 Client Ledger ALL DATES Date Received From/Paid To Che# General Bld Trust Entry# Explanation cht# chts Disbs Fees Inv# Acc chts Disbs Balance Matters: Clients: Major Clients: Responsible Lawyer: Introducing Lawyer: Assigned Lawyer: Type of Law: Sort by Resp Lawyer: New Page for Each Lawyer: New Page for Each Matter: Totals Only: No Activity Date: Ver: 6798-52 All All All All All All No N0 No N0 Dec 31/2199 5.55.20020505 Firm Totals Only: Entries Shown - Billed Only: Entries Shown Entries Shown Entries Shown Entries Shown Working Lawyer: Incl. Matters with Retainer Bal: Incl. Matters with Neg Unbld Dish: Trust Account: Disbursements: Receipts: Trust: Time or Fees: Show Client Address: No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No All No