Minute Order AttachmentCal. Super. - 5th Dist.April 27, 2021SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA - COUNTY 0F FRESNO Entered by: Civil Department - Non-Limited TITLE 0F CASE: lh the matter of Bryan Keith DeVoe Case Number: LAW AND MOTION MINUTE ORDER 21050601175 Hearing Date: June 21, 2021 Hearing Type: Order to Show Cause - Name Change Department: 404 JudgelTemp. Judge: Cullers, Mark ' Court Clerk: Yang, Julie Reporterfl'ape: Not Recorded Appearing Parties: Plaintiff: Bryan Keith DeVoe Defendant: Counsel: ' Counsel: [X] Proof of publication filed in ppen court. Petitioner is sworn for testimony. Court grants the Petition for Change of Name. Order signed. A copy of the signed order is handed to Petitioner with instructions on how to obtaifi certified copy. [ ]Continued to [ ]Setfor _ at _ Dept. _ for _ [ ] Submitted on points and authorities with/without argument. [ ] Matter is argued and submitted. [ ] Upon filing of points and authorities. [ ]Motion is granted [ ]in part and denied in pafl. [ ]Motion is denied '[ ]with/withoutprejudice. [ ]Taken under advisement [ ] Demurrer [ ] overruled [ ]sustained with _ days to [ ] answer [ ] amend [ ]Tentative ruling becomes the order of the court. No further order is necessary. [ ] Pursuant to CRC 3.1312(a) and CCP section 1019.5(a), no further order is necessary. The minute order adopting the tentative ruling serves as the order of the court. [ ] Service by the cl_erk will constitute notice of the order. [ ]See attached copy of the Tentative Ruling. [ ] Judgment debtor _ sworn and examined. [ ]Judgment debtor _ failed to appear. Bench warrant issued in the amount of $ _ JUDGMENT: [ ]Money damages [ ]Default [ ]Other _ entered inthe amountof: Principal $_ |nterest$_ Costs $_ Attorney fees $_ Total $_ [ ]Claim of exemption [ ]granted [ ]denied. Court orders withholdings modifiedto $_ per_ FURTHER, ,COURT ORDERS: [ ]Monies he'ld by levying officerto be [ ]released tojudgmentcreditor. [ ]returned tojudgmentdebtor. [ ] $_to be released to judgment creditor and balance returned tojudgment debtor. [ ] Levying Officer, County of _, notified. [ ]Writto issue [ ] Notice to be filed within 15 days. [ ] Restitution of Premises [ ]Other: _ CV-14b R03-18 , LAW AND MOTION MINUTE ORDER n.__.|_n.__. l-__.._