Order Received for SignatureCal. Super. - 5th Dist.March 19, 2021ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY (Name, state bar number, and address): John W. Phillips, #147117 Whitney, Thompson & Jeffcoach, LLP 970 W. Alluvial Avenue, Fresno, CA 93711 TELEPHONE NO: (559) 753-2550 FAX NO: (559) 753-2560 ATTORNEY FOR (Name): Javier Valdovinos an individual dba Four SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF FRESNO CIVIL UNLIMITED DEPARTMENT B Central Division 1130 "O" Street Fresno, California 93724 PLAINTIFF/PETITIONER: JAVIER VALDOVINOS, et al. DEFENDANT/RESPONDENT: STEVE WALLA, an individual (!I PUBLICATION 0 POSTING OF O SUMMONS O CITATION 0 EXTENSION OF TIME Case Type: [!I Civil D Unlawful Detainer D Family Law D Probate FOR COURT USE ONLY 21 CECG00793 1. The I!) complaint O petition O responsive pleading D amended pleading was filed on (date): 10311912021 1 2. Application is made for an order directing service of: l!I Summons O Summons and Notice of Case Management Conference D Citation O Statement of Damages I!] Other (specify) : Complaint for Breach of Contract; Common Counts I!) By publication in the followin news a er which is most likel to give actual notice to the party to be served (specify newspaper): Fresno Business Journal on (name): lsteve Walla D By posting ;;:::( =============: on (name): !._ ____________ __, at (address): I..__ ____________ ___, 3. The party to be served cannot, with reasonable diligence, be served in another manner specified in Code of Civil Procedure sections 415.10 through 415.4 7, and [j a cause of action exists against the party upon whom service is to be made. [j the party to be served is a necessary or proper party to the action. [j the party to be served has or claims an interest in real or personal property in this state. The person and the property are subject to the jurisdiction of the Court or the relief demanded in this action. 4. D Application is made for an extension of time for service of the summons and complaint. □ Other (specify): ---------.====================== Extension previously granted (list dates): -------------.=:=:; ==========::::::;;---' I request the Court to extend the time for the following number of days: PCV-23 R04-1s OPTIONAL APPLICATION AND ORDER FOR: PUBLICATION; POSTING OF SUMMONS, CITATION; EXTENSION OF TIME Reset Form Page 1 of2 RECEIVED 5/26/2021 5:08 PM FRESNO COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT By: I. Herrera, Deputy Javier Valdovinos, et al. v. Steve Walla 21 CECG00793 5. Ii] Facts in support of this application are: Plaintiff attempted service on the following dates: Please see attached the Affidavits of Due Diligence that are attached hereto as Exhibit "A", and google search attached hereto as Exhibit "B". [j] Facts in support of this application are set forth in an attachment. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Dated: 5/26/2021 John W. Phillips ( TYPE OR PRINT NAME) ORDER Good cause shown, it is ordered that: O Application for service is: □ Granted. Publication or posting shall be made as provided in Government Code section 6064. A copy of the document to be served shall be mailed to the party if the party's address becomes known before expiration of time prescribed for publication or posting. The clerk is ordered to enter the default of the person served upon proper application. □ Denied. □ Application for extension of time for service is: D Granted. O The time is extended days. D To □ The Case Management Conference date is continued to defendants. D Denied. Date: Plaintiff is to notice all Judge of the Superior Court PCV-23 R04-19 OPTIONAL APPLICATION AND ORDER FOR: PUBLICATION; POSTING OF SUMMONS, CITATION; EXTENSION OF TIME Reset Form Page 2 of 2 Exhibit ''A'' xhibit “A” Attorney or Party without Attorney: For Court Use Only JOHN W PHILLIPS (#147117) WHITNEY, THOMPSON & JEFFCOACH LLP 8050 N. PALM AVENUE SUITE 110 FRESNO, CA 93711 Telephone No: 559-753-2550 Attorney For: Plaintiff ~ ef. No. Or' FIie No.: 00-01 6 Insert name of Court, and Judicial District and Branch Court: IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF FRESNO Plaintiff: JAVIER VALDOVINOS, AN INDIVIDUAL, DBA FOUR SEASONS CONTRACTING Defendant: STEVE WALLA, AN INDIVIDUAL AFFIDAVIT OF DUE DILIGENCE I Hearing Date: I Time: I Dept/Div: Case Number: 21CECG00793 1. I, Albert Moles 63 (R), Madera County, and any employee or independent contractors retained by FIRST LEGAL are and were on the dates mentioned herein over the age of eighteen years and not a party to this action. Personal service was attempted on subject STEVE WALLA, AN INDIVIDUAL as follows: 2. Documents: SUMMONS; COMPLAINT FOR BREACH OF CONTRACT; NOTICE OF CASE MANAGMENT CONFERENCE; CIVIL CASE COVER SHEET; ADR PACKET I Attempt Detail 1) Unsuccessful Attempt by: Albert Moles (63 (R), Madera County) on: Mar 26, 2021, 8:27 pm PDT at 10421 E FIELDSTONE AVE, CLOVIS, CA 93619 no answer at door 2) Unsuccessful Attempt by: Albert Moles (63 (R), Madera County) on: Mar 27, 2021, 1 :09 pm PDT at 10421 E FIELDSTONE AVE, CLOVIS, CA 93619 no answer at door.no activity 3) Unsuccessful Attempt by: Albert Moles (63 (R), Madera County) on: Mar 28, 2021, 8: 12 am PDT at 10421 E FIELDSTONE AVE, CLOVIS, CA 93619 no answer at door,lights on,no vehicles present AFFIDAVIT OF DUE DILIGENCE 5500363 (8373718) Page 1 of 2 Attorney or Party without Attorney: For Court Use Only JOHN W PHILLIPS (#147117) WHITNEY, THOMPSON & JEFFCOACH LLP 8050 N. PALM AVENUE SUITE 110 FRESNO, CA 93711 Telephone No: 559-753-2550 Attorney For: Plaintiff ~ef. No. or R/e No.: 00-016 Insert name of Court, and Judicial District and Branch Court: IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF FRESNO Plaintiff: JAVIER VALDOVINOS, AN INDIVIDUAL, OBA FOUR SEASONS CONTRACTING Defendant: STEVE WALLA, AN INDIVIDUAL AFFIDAVIT OF DUE DILIGENCE I Hearing Date: I Time: I Dept/Div: Case Number: 21CECG00793 Recoverable cost Per CCP 1033.5(a)(4)(B) 3. Person who served papers a. Name: b. Address: c. Telephone number: d. The fee for service was: e. I am: Albert Moles FIRST LEGAL 1517 W. Beverly Blvd. LOS ANGELES, CA 90026 (213) 250-1111 $68.90 (1) D not a registered California process server. (2) D exempt from registration under Business and Professions Code section 22350(b). (3) [K] a registered California process server: (i) D owner D employee [!] independent contractor (ii) Registration No: 63 (R), Madera County (iii) County: Madera County 4. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California and under the laws of the United States of America that the foregoing is true and correct. 04/12/2021 (Date) AFFIDAVIT OF DUE DILIGENCE (Signature) 5500363 (8373718) Page 2 of 2 Attorney or Party without Attorney: For Court Use Only JOHN W PHILLIPS (#147117) WHITNEY, THOMPSON &JEFFCOACH LLP 8050 N. PALM AVENUE SUITE 110 FRESNO, CA 93711 Telephone No: 559-753-2550 Attorney For: Plaintiff ~~! No. or File No.: 00-016 Insert name of Court, and Judicial District and Branch Court: IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF FRESNO Plaintiff. JAVIER VALDOVINOS, AN INDIVIDUAL, DBA FOUR SEASONS CONTRACTING Defendant: STEVE WALLA, AN INDIVIDUAL AFFIDAVIT OF DUE DILIGENCE I Hearing Date: I Time: I Dept/Div: Case Number: 21 CECG00793 1. I, Robert Reyes 5200210000003, Fresno County, and any employee or independent contractors retained by FIRST LEGAL are and were on the dates mentioned herein over the age of eighteen years and not a party to this action. Personal service was attempted on subject STEVE WALLA, AN INDIVIDUAL as follows: 2. Documents: SUMMONS; COMPLAINT FOR BREACH OF CONTRACT; NOTICE OF CASE MANAGMENT CONFERENCE; CIVIL CASE COVER SHEET; ADR PACKET I Attempt Detail 1) Unsuccessful Attempt by: Robert Reyes (5200210000003, Fresno County) on: Apr 6, 2021, 4 :40 pm PDT at 1865 HERNDON AVE, CLOVIS, CA 93611 NEEDS STE LETTERA-R m 11r,I UCilll AFFIDAVIT OF DUE DILIGENCE 5545754 (8374000) Page 1 of 2 Attorney or Party without Attorney: For Court Use Only JOHN W PHILLIPS (#147117) WHITNEY, THOMPSON &JEFFCOACH LLP 8050 N. PALM AVENUE SUITE 110 FRESNO, CA 93711 Telephone No: 559-753-2550 Attorney For: Plaintiff ~~! No .. or File No.: 00-016 Insert name af Court, and Judicial District and Branch Court: IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF FRESNO Plaintiff. JAVIER VALDOVINOS, AN INDIVIDUAL, DBA FOUR SEASONS CONTRACTING Defendant: STEVE WALLA, AN INDIVIDUAL AFFIDAVIT OF DUE DILIGENCE I Hearing Date: I Time: I Dept/Div: Case Number: 21 CECG00793 Recoverable cost Per CCP 1033.S(a)(4)(8) 3. Person who served papers a. Name: b. Address: c. Telephone number: d. The fee for service was: e. lam: Robert Reyes FIRST LEGAL 1517 W. Beverly Blvd. LOS ANGELES, CA 90026 (213) 250-1111 $98.30 (1) D not a registered California process server. (2) D exempt from registration under Business and Professions Code section 22350(b). (3) [KJ a registered California process server: (i) D owner D employee m independent contractor (ii) Registration No: 5200210000003, Fresno County (iii) County: Fresno 4. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California and under the laws of the United States of America that the foregoing is true and correct. m FIRSTLEGAL 04/19/2021 (Date) AFFIDAVIT OF DUE DILIGENCE (Signature) 5545754 (8374000) Page 2 of 2 Exhibit "B" xhibit “B” 3/31/2021 Walla Services Directions Save Real estate consultant in Clovis, California Located in: Windmill Marketplace Address: 1865 Herndon Ave, Clovis, CA 93611 Phone: (559) 291-9140 walla services, clovis - Google Search https ://www.google.com/search?q=walla+services%2C+clovis&rlz== 1 C 1 SQJ L_ enUS946US946&oq=walla+&aqs=chrome.0.69i59j69i57j46i433j46i 131 i,.. 1 /1 3/31/2021 Steven J Walla, (559) 348-1585, 10421 E Fieldstone Ave, Clovis, CA I Nuwber PERSON C!J2.!..:!1 ~ §Vuwber I :n : ,,,::,,,.,.. Steven J Walla I, ' ~' 1' Clovis, CA Steven J Walla from Clovis, CA Age: 68 years old VIEW F\JLL FIEf'ClHT Also known as: Mr Steve Walla, Mr Steven J Walla, Mr Steven Walla, Steven Walla l. z,11dli1w r 1u:nbG (559) 348-1585 10421 E Fieldstone Ave, Clovis, CA, 93619-4604 Mobile number (559) 978-5361 l:11,ilil cheddabob2316@hotma ... defectdefy@comcast.net defectdefy@localnet.com defectdefy@yahoo.com dwalla@rocketmail.com sales@wallaservices.com stevenwa I la@world net.. .. swalla@mbe.com swalla@sbcglobal.net swalla@yahoo.com l~elatives DonnaGWalla Matt Walla See more results for Steven Walla in Clovis, CA in the US (2) MORE ABOUT STEVEN J WALLA Address History Public Records Driving Records https ://nuwber.com/person/563a57d27686b0176b1 b5b04 SHOW ON MAP See more results for Walla in Clovis, CA in CA Sponsored by lruthfinder Social Profiles Court Records Background Reports LOGIN YOU'RE PROBABLY LOOKING FOR I Steven P Walla Age 65-70' Keedysville. MD MORE RESULTS FROM truthf inder Steven James Walla Age 68' Clovis, CA VIEW ALL RESULTS 1/10 3/31/2021 Walla Services~ Real Estate Consultants Be the first to review! OPEN NOW Today : 9:00 am - 5:00 pm YEARS IN BUSINESS Walla Services 1865 Herndon Ave, Clovis, CA 93611 - VP.com \.(559) 291-9140 1865 Herndon Ave Clovis, CA 93611 0Map & Directions hltps://www.yellowpages.com/clovis-ca/mip/walla-services-9963901 1/1 3/31/2021 Walla Farms, LLC in Clovis, CA I Company Info & Reviews im · f 4 Hffi ., Horne > U.S. > California > Clovis WALLA FARMS, LLC California Secretary Of State Business Registration· Updated 3/14/2021 Sponso, ed I inks COUPON COD AVAILABLE Company Name: WALLA_ft\HMS, .LLC ,______,] [ ______ __,] [ _ I W jj9.1:9_om, LLC is a California Domestic Li rnited- Uability Company filed On January 1, 2005. The company's filing status is listed as Active and its File Number is 20050031 021 4. The Registered Agent on file for this company is Steven J Wallc1 and is located al 10421 E Fieldsto11e Ave, Clovis, CA 93619. The company's principal address is 10421 E Fieldstone Ave, Clovis, CA 93619 and its mai ling address is 10421 E Fieldstone Ave, Clovis, CA 93619. The company has 1 prin cipal on record. The principal is Steven J Walla from Clovis CA. Sponso, ed Links Entity Type: File Number: DOMESTIC I_IMITED-LIABILITY COMPANY 700500310?.14 Fi ling Sta te: California (CA) Filing Status: Aclive Filing Date: January 1, 2005 Company Age: 16 Years, 2 Months Registered Agent: o ~ Steven J Walla 10421 E Fieldstone Ave Clovis, CA 93619 Principal Address : ,0, Mailing Address: o ~ 10421 E Fieldstone Ave Clovis, CA 9:3619 10421 E Fieldstone Ave Clovis, CA 9361 9 Managed By: Al l Members Are Products/Services : FARM ING Source: California Secretary of State Affiliate Links COUPON COD AVAILABLE Search any.!lQQy by narne, n--mail adclress,_phone nwnber, onqu,;ernarnn_or_even friend~, in .your address book and instantly return lots of info. STEVEN J WALLA Officer ft 10421 E Fieldslone Ave iY:J. Clovis, CA 93619 VieyY_f'.J_