Proof of ServiceCal. Super. - 5th Dist.March 1, 2021Attorney or Party without Attorney: For Court Use Only RUSSELL D. COOK (#SBN 094934) LAW OFFICE OF RUSSELL D. COOK 1233 WEST SHAWSUITE 100 5;,r2lll'2E0D21 12.30 PMFRESNO, CA 93711 . ' . . Telephone No: (559) 225-251 0 EUpeilor chourt 0f callfomla Atmme For: , , Rq'. No. orFile No.: O'Lm y o resno y Plaintiff By. C. York, Deputy Insert name of Court, cmdjudicial District and Branch Court: SU PERIOR COU RT OF CALIFORNIA COU NTY OF FRESNO Plaintifl': MARIA ARCE; et al. Defendant: PERFORMANCE WELDING AND MACHINE, |NC., a Nevada Corporation; et al. PROO F OF SERVI C E Hearing Date: Time: Dept/Div: Case Number; SUMMONS 21CECGOOS90 At the time ofservice I was at least 7 8 years of age and not a party to this action. Iserved copies 0f the Summons; Civil Case Cover Sheet; Complaint; Notice Of Case Management Conference And Assignment ijudge For A|| Purposes; Statement Of Damages (Personal Injury Or Wrongful Death) X6 (Guadalupe Crosland- Davis, Foster Poultry Farms; Maria Arce, Foster Poultry Farms; Guadalupe Crosland-Davis, Performance Welding And Machine, |nc.; Maria Arce, Performance Welding And Machine, |nc.; Guadalupe Crosland-Davis, Sarah Oegel; Maria Arce, Sarah Oegel) a. Party served: FOSTER POU LTRY FARMS b. Person served: DAISY MONTENEGRO, PROCESS SPECIALIST, CT CORPORATION SYSTEM, REGISTERED AGENT FOR SERVICE OF PROCESS. Address Where the party was served: 81 8 W Seventh St., #930, Los Angeles, CA 9001 7 I served the party: a. by personal service. Ipersonally delivered the documents listed in item 2 to the party or person authorized to receive service 0f process for the partyfl) on (date): Thu, Mar 11 2021 (2) at (time): 01 :45 PM (1) m (business) (2) D (home) (3) E (other): The "Notice to the Person Served" (0n the summons) was completed as follows: a. E as an individual defendant. b. E as the person sued under the fictitious name of (specifil): c. E as occupant. d E 0n behalf of (specijjx): FOSTER POULTRY FARMS underthe following Code of Civil Procedure section:E 41 6.1 0 (corporation) m 415.95 (business organization, form unknown)E 41 6.20 (defunctcorporation) E 416.60 (minor)E 41 6.30 (joint stock compa ny/association) E 41 6.70 (wa rd 0r conservatee)D 41 6.40 (association or partnership) E 41 6.90 (authorized person) |:| 41 6.50 (public entity) El 415.46 (occupant)E other: Judicial Council Form POS-01O PROOF OF 5448067 Rule 2.150.(a)&(b) Revjanuary 1, 2007 SERVICE (8373147) SUMMONS Page1 sz Attorney or Party without Attorney: For Court Use Only RUSSELL D. COOK (#SBN 094934) LAW OFFICE OF RUSSELL D. COOK 1233 WEST SHAW SUITE 100 FRESNO CA, 93711 Telephone No: (559) 225-251 0 Attorney For; Plaintiff Rfi NO. Of File No.3 Insert name of Court, cmdjudicial District and Branch Court: SU PERIOR COU RT OF CALIFORNIA COU NTY OF FRESNO Plaintifl': MARIA ARCE; et al. Defendant: PERFORMANCE WELDING AND MACHINE, |NC., a Nevada Corporation; et al. PROOF OF SERV|CE Hearing Date: Time: I Dept/Div: Case Number: SUMMONS 21CECGOOS90 Recoverable cost Per CCP 1033.5(a)(4)(B) 7. Person who served papers a. Name: Douglas Forrest b. Address: FIRST LEGAL 2300 Tulare Street, Suite 130 FRESNO, CA 93721 c. Telephone number: (559) 233-1 993 d. The fee for service was: $78.75 e. lam: (1) E not a registered California process server. (2) E exempt from registration under Business and Professions Code section 22350(b). (3) m a registered California process server: (i) E owner E employee m independent contractor (ii) Registration No: 5141, Los Angeles (iii) County: Los Angeles 8. I declare under penalty ofperjury under the laws of the State of California that theforegoing is true and correct. %- 03/1 1/2021 (Date) Douglas Forrest Judicial Council Form POS-01O PROOF OF 5448067 Rule 2.150.(a)&(b) RevJanuary 1, 2007 SERVICE (8373147) SUMMONS PageZon