Application FiledCal. Super. - 5th Dist.February 17, 2021E-FILED 2/17/2021 5:39 PM Superior Court of California County of Fresno By: I. Herrera, Deputy 21CECG00479 LOZANO SMITH 7404 N. Spalding Avenue Fresno, CA 93720-3370 Tel 559-43 1-5600 Fax 559-261-9366 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Dale E. Bacigalupi, State Bar # 97197 LOZANO SMITH 7404 N. Spalding Avenue Fresno, CA 93720-3370 Telephone: (559) 431-5600 Facsimile: (559) 261-9366 E-mail: Attorneys for Consolidated Mosquito Abatement District SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF FRESNO In Re: Case No. CONSOLIDATED MOSQUITO APPLICATION FOR 2021 AREA ABATEMENT DISTRICT, INSPECTION AND ABATEMENT WARRANT; DECLARATION 0F STEVE Petitioner. MULLIGAN I, Steve Mulligan, declare: 1. I am now, and at all times mentioned herein have been, the District Manager employed by the Consolidatcd Mosquito Abatement District (“District”); and am familiar with the facts stated herein based upon my personal observations, experience and training. I hold a Master of A113 degree in Biological Science and have over 48 years of experience in mosquito and mosquito~borne disease research, surveillance and control. I have been employed as Manager at the District for 30 years. Prior to that, I was employed for 18 years with the University 0f California, Berkeley/Davis, at the Mosquito Control Research Laboratory. 2. If called to testify as a witness, I can competently testify to the matters stated herein based on my personal knowledge. 3. The District’s jurisdiction covers 1,058 square miles and includes the cities of Clovis, Fowler, Kingsburg, Orange Cove, Parker, Reedley, Sanger, Selma and a portion of the City of Fresno, APPLICATION FOR 2021 AREA INSPECTION AND ABATEMENT WARRANT; DECLARATION OF STEVE MULLIGAN LOZANO SMITH 7404 N. Spalding Avenue Fresno, CA 93720-3370 Tel 559-431-5600 Fax 559-261-9366 NNNNNNNNNI-KHr-nt-ny-tp-IHHHH wummthr-tOOOOQONUx-PWNb-‘O and the communities 0f Caruthers, Del Rey, Friant, Laton, Raisin City and Riverdale, all within Fresno County. 4. Icurrently hold the position of District Manager and I administer and oversee all District operations and programs. These programs include mosquito control and surveillance as well as mosquito- borne disease surveiliance, which is a program to detect such pathogens as West Nile virus (WN), Saint Louis encephalitis virus (SLE), Western equine encephalomyelitis virus (WEE), and most recently the threat from imported cases of Dengue (DEN), Chikungunya virus (CHIK), and Zika Virus. 5. The District is responsible for the control of mosquito vectors of WN, SLE, WEE, DEN, CHIK and Zika within its jurisdictional boundaries. It accomplishes this using an integrated mosquito management (IMM) approach that includes physical control and source reduction/elimination, biological control, chemical control of immature and adult mosquitoes, sterile insect technique, legal abatement, public education, and surveillance of mosquitoes and mosquito-borne diseases. There is no question that the active control ofmosquitoes plays a major role in preventing human cases ofmosquito-borne diseases; however, despite the efforts taken to control these viruses, they annually pose a threat to the health of area residents and visitors. 6. The District uses various types oftraps and sampling devices to collect immature and adult mosquitoes as part of its mosquito surveillance program and can use collections 0f live adult mosquitoes to test for disease agents. Appropriate and timely response to surveillance data is the key to preventing human and animal diseases associated with these mosquito-bome pathogens. WEST NILE AND ST. LOUIS ENCEPHALITIS VIRUSES 7. West Nile and St. Louis encephalitis Viruses are diseases of birds that can be transmitted by mosquitoes to humans and can severely affect human health. WN is widespread throughout Africa, the Middle East and parts of Europe and was first found in the Western Hemisphere in 1999 in New York City. In less than 10 years, WN spread from New York City west to the Pacific Ocean, 1101111 to central Canada and south through the Caribbean Islands, Central America and Argentina. SLE was first detected in the 1930’s within the United States with an epidemic occurring the 1933 in St. Louis, Missouri. SLE is now widespread throughout the Americas but most cases occur in the U.S. WN is found in over 60 mosquito species and 300 bird species in the United States alone. However, SLE is found primarily in the APPLICATION FOR 2021 AREA INSPECTION AND -2- ABATEMENT WARRANT; DECLARATION OF STEVE MULLIGAN LOZANO SMITH 7404 N. Spalding Avenue Fresno, CA 93720-3370 Tel 559-431-5600 Fax 559-261-9366 NMNNNNNNNHHflMv-‘HHr-tr-t WQCNM-PWNi-‘OWOOQCNM-PUJNH Culex mosquito species and birds that are abundant in the urban-suburban environment, such as the house sparrow, pigeon, blue jay, and robin. 8. These viruses have caused human infections in the U.S. each year. WN has caused 52,358 confirmed cases reported from 1999 through 2020, with 25,712 0f those cases (49%) exhibiting WN neuro-invasive disease (WNND), a serious form of the disease with complications that can result in persistent neurological damage. SLE has caused 123 confirmed cases reported from 2009 through 2020, With 83 of those cases (67%) exhibiting SLE neuro-invasive disease. The severe symptoms in humans can include high fever, headache, neck stiffness, stupor, disorientation, coma, tremors, convulsions, muscle weakness, Vision loss, numbness and paralysis. These symptoms may last several weeks, and neurological effects can be permanent. The diseases have also caused 2,41 9 human deaths from WN and 7 human deaths from SLE in the U.S. and has required the blood bank industry to screen every donation for presence ofWN virus. 9. These Viruses have also caused human infections in California each year. Since the spread of WN into California in 2003, it has caused 8,225 known human infections in the State, including 317 fatalities. Over 52% of these infections (4,260 reported cases) have resulted in persistent neurological symptoms including paralysis. In 2020, there were 197 individuals known to be infected in California with WN (including 26 asymptomatic blood donors), 5 infected with SLE, 8 WN related fatalities, and 151 people were diagnosed with WNND. 10. Since the first detection ofWN in Fresno County in 2004, there have been 341 confirmed symptomatic human infections, and there have been 9 WN related human fatalities. In 2020, there were 10 confirmed symptomatic infections with no WN related fatalities. There were 2 human SLE infections. Historically, from 2004 to date, WN has been detected in Fresno County as early as March, and it has remained active through October. 11. To improve our control program, direct control efforts and to protect Fresno County residents, the District has continued to collect mosquitoes to detect WN and SLE activity. In 2020 the District collected and submitted for Virus testing 1,603 separate collections of mosquitoes, of Which 159 samples tested positive for WN, 133 samples tested positive for SLE, and 51 samples tested positive for both WN and SLE. In 2019 there were 967 collections with 304 samples testing positive for WN and l7 APPLICATION FOR 2021 AREA INSPECTION AND ~3- ABATEMENT WARRANT; DECLARATION OF STEVE MULLIGAN LOZANO SMITH 7404 N. Spalding Avenue Fresno, CA 93720-3370 Tel 559-431-5600 Fax 559-261-9366 NNNp-dy-AI-Ir-Ap-tp-ar-Ah-AI-In-a NHOKOOOQQUIAUJNHO 23 24 25 26 27 28 testing positive for SLE, and 15 samples testing positive for both WN and SLE. In collaboration with the Fresno County Department 0f Public Health, the District is a founding member and an active partner in the Fresno County Emerging Infectious Diseases Taskforce. The District’s mission is to prevent disease transmission and exposure of residents to WN, SLE and other mosquito-borne diseases. Therefore, the District’s response must be immediate to provide effective mosquito control. 12. The District has found that the types (species) of immature mosquitoes collected from neglected or maintained swimming pools and spas, water features, yard drains and other water-holding containers (residential mosquito breeding sources) in residential backyards in Fresno County include two species that are the primary vectors (carriers, transmitters) of WN and SLE in California: the Western encephalitis mosquito (Culex tarsalis) and the Southern house mosquito (Cx. pipiens sensu lato). When these species 0f mosquitoes are produced in neighborhoods, the risk of humans becoming infected with WN and SLE are greatly increased. Development time for these species, from egg to adult, can be relatively short, from 7 t0 10 days. Sources such as neglected swimming pools have the potential to produce tremendously large numbers of adult mosquitoes, in the tens 0f thousands, a_nd adult mosquitoes of these species have potential flight ranges of two miles or more. The key to preventing WN and SLE infections in residential neighborhoods is the timely detection and early treatment to control mosquitoes found in these residential mosquito breeding sources. 13. Neglected swimming pools and other residential mosquito breeding sources can produce large numbers of mosquitoes that can transmit WN, SLE and other mosquito-bome diseases and are capable of infesting entire neighborhoods and sections of residential areas within incorporated cities, communities and rural areas in Fresno County. The creation of this public nuisance by a property owner, whether intentional or not, endangers the health of surrounding property owners and residents, including women, children and minorities, who all have a right and an expectation to be free of such nuisance. Ofientimes, these affected parties are socio-economically disadvantaged and can least afford to take precautionary measures to prevent mosquito bites through house-hold protective measures such as proper screening of windows and doors and availability of central air conditioning. 14. By nature of normally being located within an enclosed (fenced) backyard with the right and expectation of privacy due occupants of private property, residential mosquito breeding sources that APPLICATION FOR 2021 AREA INSPECTION AND ~4- ABATEMENT WARRANT; DECLARATION OF STEVE MULLIGAN LOZANO SMITH 7404 N. Spaldjng Avenue Fresno, CA 93720-3370 Tel 559-431-5600 Fax 559-261-9366 [\_) [\Q -n >- ~-n t-A >- p-A y-A >-A H w ’-‘ O KO 00 fl ON U} g DJ [\.) )--n O 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 are producing a public nuisance are difficult t0 identify and access. The District currently identifies suspect sources through estabiished procedures that include: a) sewice requests and complaints from neighbors; b) previous source activity at that property; c) adult suwefliance and trapping data; d) property records showing a swimming p001 0r other source at the location near aduit activity; and e) aerial photographic surveys t0 identify sources based 0n color (neglected swimming pools tum green from algal growth). 15. In 2020, the Distn'ct identified and treated 1,513 neglected swimming pools and spas 011 individual propertias that required ongoing inspection 0r treatment for mosquito production Within the District’s jurisdiction. An aerial photographic survey done in 2020 captured a total 0f 447 propeflics with swimming pools/spas that were identified as suspect, possiny unmaintained and potentially producing mosquitoes, and all were inspected by the District. The number Ofneglected swimming pools and Spas requifing treatment has remained high over the last several years: 1,049 in 2015, 1,109 in 2016, 1,026 in 2017, 1,002 in 2018, 1,253 in 2019 and 1,513 in 2020. CHIKUNGUNYA, DENGUE AND ZIKA VIRUSES, AND THE AEDES AEGYPTI MOSQUITO 16. On June 7, 201 3, adult mosquitoes 0f an exotic Species, Aedes czegjpnf, were collected in the City ofMadera (Madera County), 3nd subsequently on June 20, 2013, adultAe. aegypn' were collected in the City 0f Clovis, located Within the District. AH specimens were coilected during routine surveillance for other local mosquito species. These collections represent not only the first time this invasive species has been detected in the inten'or of Califomia, but also the first records of adults collected in the State. Since thé initial collections, larvae, pupae, eggs and additional adults have been found, establishing these as breeding populations. In August 0f 201 3, this mosquito was also found in San Mateo County (City 0f M61110 Park). Within the District, this mosquito has now become established in the cities 0f Clovis, Fresno, Fowler, Kingsburg, Orange Cove, Parlier, Reedley, Sanger and Selma and in the communities 0f Caruthers, Del Rey, Friant, Laton, Raisin City and Riverdale. It is an extreme biting nuisance in residential areas 0f the District where it is present. In addition to Fresno, Madera and San Mateo Counties, this mosquito was discovered in Tulare, Kern, L03 Angeies, and San Diego Counties during 2014, in Alameda, Imperial, Orange, Riverside and San Bernal‘dino Counties in 2015, in Kings and Merced Counties in 201 7, APPLICATION FOR 2021 AREA INSPECTION AND -5- ABATEMEN'I‘ WARRANT; DECLARA'I‘ION OF STEVE MULLIGAN LOZANO SMITH 7404 N. Spalding Avenue Fresno, CA 93720-3370 HHH WNH Tel 559-43 1-5600 Fax 559-261-9366 M )-A h-I v-I I-l rd p-n O \O 00 fl O LII «b N H 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 in Placer, Sacramento, San Joaquin and Stanislaus Counties in 201 9, and in Shasta, Butte, Sutter, Yolo, Santa Barbara and Ventura Counties in 2020. 17. Aedes aegzpti mosquitoes are found throughout the world in tropical and subtropical regions and are not native t0 California or the Central Valley. This mosquito lays its eggs in natural and artificial containers, and adult females bite throughout the day, with a preference for biting humans. It is highly adapted to living in or near human habitation, and people readily provide all the necessary requirements for this mosquito t0 thrive in residential neighborhoods and urban environments, even inside homes. Known by its common names, the Yellow Fever mosquito or the Dengue mosquito, Ae. aegypti is the principal vector for several serious mosquit0~borne, human diseases, including DEN, CHIK, Zika, and Yeilow Fever viruses. 18. DEN, CHIK and Zika are emerging diseases that have recently been increasing in prevalence worldwide. DEN is a human disease transmitted by mosquitoes that is caused by one of four closely related Vims serotypes, DEN 1-4. An infection from one serotype does not provide immunity against infections from other serotypes. In fact, if a person is sequentialiy infected with another serotype, that person is at greater risk to develop more serious forms of the disease, such as Dengue hemorrhagic fever and Dengue shock syndrome, which increases the chance of fatality. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that as many as 400 million people are infected with DEN annually. According to the World Health Organization, about half of the world’s population is now at risk. CHIK is a mosquito-bornc virus that causes fever and severe joint pain, and often muscle pain, headache, nausea, fatigue and rash. Most patients recover fully, but the joint pain can be debilitating and usually lasts for several days and may persist for months or even years. Fatalities are rare. Outbreaks of CHIK have occurred sporadically, mainly in the regions around the Indian Ocean, and can cause hundreds of thousands of infections. Locally transmitted infections have occurred in European countries in the Mediterranean and more recently in some Can'bbean countries, beginning in December 2013. In 2014, 2,811 CHIK cases were reported in the U.S., 0f which 12 were locally transmitted cases fi‘om Florida, the rest were travel related. That same year there were 4,710 cases reported from U.S. territories, with 4,659 of those cases being locally transmitted. A total of 21 CHIK cases were reported in the U.S. during 2020. A11 reported cases in 2020 occurred in travelers returning from affected foreign countries. Zika is a APPLICATION FOR 2021 AREA INSPECTION AND ~6~ ABATEMEN’I‘ WARRANT; DECLARATION OF STEVE MULLIGAN LOZANO SMITH 7404 N. Spalding Avenue Fresno, CA 93720-3370 Tel 559-43 1-5600 Fax 559-261-9366 \OOOQQ NNMr-AHr-tr-ty-Ar-‘I-IHH HOKOOOQQUI-PUJNv-KO 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 mosquito-borne Virus that was discovered in 1947 in the Zika Forest of Uganda. and the first human case was detected in 1952. Outbreaks of Zika were reported in tropical Africa, Southeast Asia and Pacific Islands, and other cases likely occurred but were not reported. However, in 2015, the Ministry of Health of Brazil reported widespread, epidemic local transmission as well as a possible link between Zika Virus infection in pregnant women and increased cases of babies born with microcephaly (a rare condition in Which infants are born with shrunken skuils). There have also been increased reports 0f a nervous system disorder, Guillain-Barré Syndrome, in areas of Zika.. Mosquito-borne Zika transmission occurred in 48 countries and territories and also in the states of Florida and Texas in 2016. The illness is usually mild With symptoms lasting several days to a week. Symptoms may include fever, rash, joint pain and conjunctivitis (red eyes). Zika virus can also be transmitted sexually by an infected partner. There are no vaccines or medicine to prevent either DEN, CHIK 01‘ Zika. 19. Between 2001 and 2020, the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) has recorded 1,366 confirmed cases 0f DEN in people who had traveled to DEN endemic areas but became ill in California. There were 59 cases reported in California in 2020 with l case from Fresno County. The number of confirmed and probable imported cases of CHIK in California was 4 in 2020, with no cases reported in Fresno County. In 2020, California reported 3 imported Zika cases, with n0 cases from Fresno County. Since Ae. aegypti can become infective and transmit DEN, CHIK and Zika viruses if they bite infected humans, there is concern that imponed cases might become a source for local transmission of these diseases in Fresno County, now that the vector has been found in our area. 20. Aedes aegypti lays its eggs on the walls and edges of water-filled containers and small impoundments that are commonly found around houses in patio and yard areas. These eggs can survive desiccation for months and will hatch when the container is once again filled with water. Upon hatching, the mosquito takes about one week to develop from the immature to adult stage in water. Adult mosquitoes can live for a month or longer. The adult female requires blood meals to suwive and produce eggs, and people are the preferred host. A single female can bite multiple people. Any container that can hold water is a potential breeding source. These may include buckets, pots (with 0r without plants), pot bases, ornamental ponds, decorative fountains, birdbaths, animal water dishes, bowls, toys, plastic containers, broken appliances, discarded tires, portable pools, cisterns, leaking water supplies, evaporative APPLICATION FOR 2021 AREA INSPECTION AND -7- ABATEMENT WARRANT; DECLARATION OF STEVE MULLIGAN LOZANO SMITH 7404 N. Spalding Avenue Fresno, CA 93720-3370 Tel 559-43 I -5600 Fax 559-261-93 66 \OOONO\UI-b NNMNNMNNNHHHp-AHHHHHH OOQONUI-b-WNv-‘OKOOOQQUIAUJNHO coolers, gutters, yard drains, drain pipes, and utility company vaults and subsurface structures, among others. These sources may either be filled with rainwater 01' filled with water by human activity. Where established, Aedes aegypti is an extreme biting nuisance that greatly diminishes quality of fife and enj oyment of property by residents. Furthermore, because it is the primary vector of the aforementioned, serious diseases, any and all efforts t0 survey and control this non-native mosquito are warranted to promote and enhance public health and disease control. It is necessary to enter private properties to conduct a thorough and complete inspection of the outside premises and areas around a house to find and treat or eliminate all potential breeding sources and t0 make necessaly insecticide applications t0 control immature and adult mosquitoes harboring on the propefly. These site entries are necessary to determine the presence 0f this invasive species, to effect control actions, and to prevent or stop local mosquito-bome disease transmission. USE 0F WARRANT 21. When a property is suspected of having a mosquito breeding source or of harboring or producing immature or adult mosquitoes, District staff follow set procedures for the purpose of gaining access to the backyard and side-yards to inspect and treat; which may include: a) attempting to contact the resident at home by knocking on the door or by contacting the resident by phone; b) mailing a notice informing the resident/owner of the need to enter the property t0 inspect and treat; c) leaving a notice informing the resident to contact the District to allow an inspection ofthc property; or d) leaving a 24 hour notice informing the resident to contact the District to allow access to the property or be subject to an inspection walrant. 22. Many of the properties with neglected swimming pools 01‘ any other potential residential mosquito breeding sources in Fresno County are in the process 0f changing ownership, often through the foreclosure process, and these properties generally appear to have no one residing in them. This situation makes it extremely difficult to use the established protocol to secure consent from an authorized individual to inspect and treat the site in a timely manner. At other times, occupants do not respond to notices and repeated attempts at contact to obtain permission to enter for inspection. On extremely rare occasions, an occupant, when contacted, presented with information and requested to allow an inspection, may deny permission t0 access the backyard. Further, during times when there is an elevated risk ofmosquito-bome APPLICATION FOR 202] AREA INSPECTION AND -8- ABA’I‘EMENT WARRANT; DECLARATION OF STEVE MULLIGAN LOZANO SMITH 7404 N. Spalding Avenue Fresno, CA 93720-3370 Tc} 55943 1-5600 Fax 559-261-9366 AU) \OOOQO [\JNp-h-Ah-ar-tr-AHMP-AMH i-‘OKOOONQUI&UJNHO 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 disease, it becomes acutely necessary to access all properties within certain critical areas to staunch an outbreak of local disease transmission. In our hot summer climate, immature mosquitoes have a shortened development time and may progress from egg to adult in about a week 01‘ less. If our staff were required. to either track down a person who is authorized to approve access for an inspection or to obtain an abatement warrant for each individual property, the District would not achieve timely and effective mosquito control. This, in tum, would result in an increased exposure of our residents t0 potentially high populations of infected mosquitoes when WN, SLE, DEN, CHIK, Zika or other mosquito-borne diseases are detected in Fresno County. 23. On February 7, 2020, the District obtained an Area Inspection and Abatement Warrant from the Superior Coufi of California, County of Fresno (Case No. 20CECG00315). A true and correct copy of the Area Inspection and Abatement Warrant is attached hereto as Exhibit “A”. District staff used this Warrant to inspect and treat properties within the District’s jurisdiction. There was a total of 87 propefiies and a total 0f 208 Visits where use of the Warrant was necessary and where it was used in order to inspect. Of these warrant-inspected properties, 66 properties required treatment with mosquitofish and/or mosquito control products. 24. I am aware of similar abatement districts within California (e.g. Kings Mosquito Abatement District, Kings County; Madera County Mosquito and Vector Control District, Madera County) who have received an area warrant authorizing that particular district to enter all properties from 8:00 am. to 6:00 pm. within that district’s jurisdiction for the purpose 0f inspecting and abating health and safety conditions for a 7 t0 9 month period. Because vector mosquitoes can be active and reproduce for an extended time beyond the months of March through November, when mosquito-borne disease activity can occur in Fresno County, the District is again seeking an area inspection and abatement warrant as described above for a nine and one-half month period from mid-February to the end 0f November, in order to protect the health and safety of the District residents in Fresno County. Further, during the summer season, most District staff begin their workday at 6:30 3.111., so the District is again seeking to extend the hours that the warrant can be used to enter all properties to include the time period from 6:30 am. to 6:30 pm. (The 2020 Warrant provided for the hours from 6:30 am. t0 6:30 pm. and for a nine and one-half month effective period.) APPLICATION FOR 2021 AREA INSPECTION AND -.9- ABATEMENT WARRANT; DECLARATION OF STEVE MULLIGAN ' LOZANO SMITH 7404 N. Spalding Avenue Fresno, CA 93 720-3370 Lh~hb~>N QG Tel 55943 1-5600 Fax 559-261-9366 N N N to N N N to xx.) H r-d r-t H r-l >-* r“ v-d oo \I ox Ln A L» to v-A o \o oo \1 ox U: A w N 25. The purpose of the warrant is to access such properties Where, for example, the District cannot locate an occupant, occupant does not respond to notices, or occupant denies request for access for inspection t0 determine whether a residential mosquito breeding source or public nuisance exists on the property which is producing mosquitoes, or which could support the development, attraction or harborage ofmosquitoes. Inspection consists of sampling for mosquito larvae and/or collectingprimafacie evidence that the water is or could potentially become a public nuisance. Abatement, including any necessary mosquito control actions, such as application of insecticides to control immature or adult mosquitoes, or preventative measures, such as the elimination of containers, will be done at the time of inspection. District staff would perform the abatement procedure pursuant to established guidelines and would post notices on the homes so that persons who come onto the property in the future will know the neglected swimming pool or other mosquito breeding source was treated. The District would also include in the notice a date that the District staff intends to return for re-entry and re-inspection of the property. The District is not required by applicable law to post the property afler treatment; however, we will do so as a courtesy to avoid any potential issues. District staff will access the property utilizing reasonable means, including use of a ladder or removal of locks. If necessary, a removed lock will be replaced with a. District lock, and the owner will be noticed to contact the District. 26. The District wiH utilize appropriate and established control measures to treat neglected swimming pools and other residential mosquito breeding sources, which includes application of mosquito control products for public health use. These products are registered by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) for mosquito control use in California and have a 10w level of toxicity to humans and non-target organisms. The District will also stock the swimming pools, ponds and other breeding sources with mosquito-eating fish for long-term mosquito control if it is determined that cleanup of the swimming pool or other source, and ongoing maintenance, will not be achieved within 14 days. The District may also make use of and deploy mosquito traps and collection devices for surveillance and/or control of adult mosquitoes by placing them 0n the propelfics. 27. Based upon this affidavit, the District requests that the Court find that it is in the public interest that the effective time period 0f this warrant be in effect for nine and one-half months from the issuance date of the warrant or through November 30, 2021, whichever is later date, and that the hours of APPLICATION FOR 2021 AREA INSPECTION AND -10« ABATEMENT WARRANT; DECLARATION OF STEVE MULLIGAN LOZANO SMITH 7404 N. Spalding Avenue Fresno, CA 93720-3370 Tel 559-43 1-5600 Fax 559-261-9366 NNNNNNNHHr-HHHHHHH OM-PWNH0000QQM-PUJNHO 27 28 ently include 6:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.111. In the event that continuing abatement or treatment measures are necessary or that conditions conducive to immature mosquito development exist on the property, and that swimming pools 0r other residential mosquito breeding sources are inspected or treated pursuant t0 this warrant Which require follow-up Visits for re-inspection or treatment, that the warrant will cover all such follow-up visits. At the end ofthe warrant effective period, a warrant return would be filed with the Court. A true and correct copy of the Return filed With the Court in 2020 is attached hereto as Exhibit “B”. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. fix Executed this [lay of February, 2021, at Fresno, California. ,%2:W Steve Mulligan J:\wdocs\019l 1\001\pld\00846210.DOCX APPLICATION FOR 2021 AREA INSPECTION AND -l 1- ABATEMENT WARRANT; DECLARATION OF STEVE MULLIGAN EXHIBIT “A” LOZANO SMITH 7404 N. Spalding Avenue Fresno, CA 93720-3370 Tel 559-43 l -5600 Fax 559-261-9366 31‘ \DOOQQM-bUJNv-A p-ID-l r-‘O 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Dale E. Bacigalupi, State Bar # 97197 F U L E DLOZANO SMITH . 7404 N. Spalding Avenue " FEB 07 2020 Fresno, CA 93720-3370 Facsimile: (559) 261-9366 _ By E-mail: Attorneys for Consolidated Mosquito Abatement District $ RECEIVED 1/24/2020 3. 33 PM FRESNO COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT By: A. Ramos Deputy SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF FRESNO In Re: Case No. 200E060031 5 CONSOLIDATED MOSQUITO WARRANT TO INSPECT AND ABATE ABATEMENT DISTRICT, Petitioner. INSPECTION AND ABATEMENT TO COMPLIANCE AGENTS, OFFICERS, AND/OR EMPLOYEES OF THE CONSOLIDATED MOSQUITO ABATEMENT DISTRICT (“DISTRICT”), ANY REPRESENTATIVE THEREOF, AND ANY SHERIFF, POLICEMAN, OR PEACE OFFICER IN THE COUNTY OF FRESNO: Proof by Declaration of Steve Mulligan of the District, having been made before the above- entitled Court that there is probable cause to believe that all pools, spas, water features, and other water- holding containers (e.g., buckets, pots (with or without plants), pot bases, ornamental ponds, decorative fountains, birdbaths, animal water dishes, bowls, toys, plastic containers, broken appliances, discarded tires, portable pools, cisterns, leaking water supplies, evaporative coolers, gutters, yard drains, drain pipes, and utility company vaults and subsurface structures, among others) on the properties within the District are potential mosquito breeding sources for vectors of West Nile virus (WN), Saint Louis encephalitis virus (SLE), Western equine encephalomyelitis virus (WEE), Dengue (DEN), Chikungunya WARRANT TO INSPECT AND ABATE LOZANO SMITH 7404 N. Spalding Avenue Fresno, CA 93720-3370 Tel 559-43 l -5600 Fax 559-261-9366 \OOOQQUIADJNp-I NNNNNNNNNHr-‘Hp-Ap-tp-lp-Ap-np-Afi WQaMAWNHOWmflQM-bWNP‘o virus (CHIK), Zika virus, and other mosquito-bome diseases and must be inspected and treated and that the risk of public health danger is imminent and will last through November 30, 2020, the Court issues the Warrant to Inspect and Abate as herein contained. By this reference, the Declaration of Steve Mulligan, which accompanies this warrant, is incorporated herein as if stated in full herein. The District’s jurisdiction includes the incorporated areas of the following municipalities: Clovis, Fowler, Kingsburg, Orange Cove, Parlier, Reedley, Sanger, Selma and a portion of the City of Fresno, and the communities of Caruthers, Del Rey, Friant, Laton, Raisin City and Riverdale, all within Fresno Couhty (collectively hereinafter, the “District’s Jurisdiction”). This warrant is an area-warrant, authorizing the District to enter all preperties within the District’s Jurisdiction for purposes of impacting and abating health and safety conditions described more fully in the Declaration of Steve Mulligan. Area warrants of this type were upheld in the case of Camara v. Municipal Court ofSan Francisco (1967) 387 U. S. 523. As the United States Supreme Court recognized in that case, when health and safety issues arise, an agency’s need “to conduct an area inspection is unavoidably based on its appraisal of conditions in the area as a whole, not on its knowledge of conditions in each particular building. (Id. at 536.) For this reason, the Court further noted that area warrants have historically been used to prevent epidemics and are therefore of “indispensable importance to the maintenance of community heath.” (1d. at 537.) THE MANAGEMENT AND STAFF OF TI-[E CONSOLIDATED MOSQUITO ABATEMENT DISTRICT ARE THEREFORE COMMANDED AND AUTHORIZED: Commencing on February 15, 2020, or as soon thereafler as practicable, and for a pen'od extended through and including November 30, 2020, to enter the exterior of any property in the District’s Jurisdiction when the Distn'ct has reasonable cause to believe that said property contains a pool, spa, water feature, other water-holding container, or any residential mosquito breeding source or mosquito harborage. You may enter the exterior area of these properties for the purpose of inspecting for the presence of immature or adult stages of mosquitoes, including eggs, larvae or pupae, that are potentially capable of transmitting West Nile virus, Saint Louis encephalitis virus, Western equine encephalomyelitis virus, Dengue, Chikungunya virus, Zika virus, and other mosquitQ-borne diseases once they become adults. Once it is determined by you that mosquito breeding or harborage is WARRANT TO INSPECT AND ABATE -2- LOZANO SMITH 7404 N. Spalding Avenue Franc, CA 93720-3370 Tel 559-43 l -5600 Fax 559-26 I -9366 OOOQOMAWN “I H NNNNNNNNNr-Ip-n-u-np-nr-v-nr-In-w mfimmth-OOWQQMAUNWO occurring, you may identify the various mosquito stages that are present and utilize insecticides, mosquitofish, source elimination methods, and any and all other authorized control measures. A peace officer may use reasonable force to enter a property to be inspected. Prior to entering each said property, you shall knock on the front door of the property and request voluntary- consent to enter the property. If you do not receive consent for any reason, you may immediately enter the exterior of the property to conduct the inspection, testing, evaluation and treatment. You may use minimal reasonable force to enter an area (e.g., opening, unlocking, or otherwise entering into areas behind locked fences and gates) of any property within the District’s Jurisdiction if you have reasonable cause to believe that said area contains a pool, spa, water feature, other water-holding container or any residential mosquito breeding source, or that harbors mosquitoes. Upon identification of mosquitoes that are potentially capable of transmitting West Nile virus, Saint Louis encephalitis virus, Western equine encephalomyelitis virus, Dengue, Chikungunya, Zika virus, or other mosquito-bome diseases, once they become adults, you may take any and all necessary actions to inspect, evaluate, test, treat, remediate, and abate such conditions consistent with applicable Federal, State and local regulations. This warrant may only be eXecuted between the hours of 6:30 am. and 6:30 pm. each day it is in effect. You shall file a return with this Court by December 30, 2020, which sets forth for the Court proof that your actions under this Inspection and Abatement Warrant were consistent with the terms and conditions of the Warrant. Dated: [7A7 Z2920 J:\wdocs\01 9| l\00 l\pld\00707380.DOCX WARRANT T0 INSPECT AND ABATE -3- EXHIBIT “B” E-FILED 12/8/2020 12:31 PM Superior Court of California County of Fresno By: M. Sanchez, Deputy LOZANO SMITH 7404 N. Spalding Avenue Fresno, CA 93720-3370 Tel 559-431-5600 Fax 559-261-9366 OOflQ AU.) 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Dale E. Bacigalupi, State Bar # 97197 LOZANO SMITH 7404 N. Spalding Avenue Fresno, CA 93720-3370 Telephone: (559) 43 1 -5600 Facsimile: (559) 261-9366 E-mail: Attorneys for Consoiidated Mosquito Abatement District SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF FRESNO In Re: Case N0. 20CECG003 1 5 CONSOLIDATED MOSQUITO WARRANT RETURN ABATEMENT DISTRICT, Petitioner. The Consolidated Mosquito Abatement District hereby files its Return for the Warrant t0 Inspect and Abate previously issued herein and states and declares as follows: 1. On February 7, 2020, the Court issued an area inspection and abatement warrant entitled Warrant To Inspect And Abate (“Inspection Warrant”) authorizing the Consolidated Mosquito Abatement District (“District”) to enter ail properties within the District’s jurisdiction, which includes the incorporated areas of Clovis, Fowler, Kingsburg, Orange Cove, Parlier, Reedley, Sanger, Selma, and a portion ofthe City of Fresno, for the pulpose of inspecting, testing and treating swimming pools, water features, and other sources standing water for mosquitoes, which are vectors for diseases such as West Nile Virus, Zika Virus, Dengue, and Chikungunya Virus for a period extending through and including November 30, 2020. 2. The District staff used this Inspection Warrant to inspect and treat properties within the District’s jurisdiction, as more specifically listed in Exhibit “A”, for mosquitoes. There were a total of WARRANT RETURN Case No. 20CECGOO315 LOZANO SMITH 7404 N. Spalding Avenue Fresno, CA 93720-3370 Tel 559-431-5600 Fax 559-261-9366 \OOOQQUI-b NNNNNNNNpr-tu-AHHv-ti-Ap‘b-Ar-t WNQMAWNHO©WNQMADJNHO eighty-seven (87) properties and a total of two hundred eight (208) visits where use of the Inspection Warrant was necessary and where it was used in order to inspect. Sixty-six (66) of the propemies wan'ant-inspected required treatment with mosquitofish and/or mosquito control products. 3. Exhibit “A” includes summaJy infonnation for each property where use 0f the Inspection Warrant was necessary to gain access to the propelty t0 inspect and abate. Hard copies of the listed locations with addresses and step by step procedures taken are available upon request by the Coufi. 4. In all cases, the process specified in the Inspection Warrant was followed. CONSOLIDATED MOSQUITO ABATEMENT DISTRICT Dated: /‘Q’/é’6 [/3090 'xfil wflm StéVe Mulligan, Distri anager APPROVED. Dated: JUDGE OF THE SUPERIOR COURT J:\wdocs\0]9l l\001\pld\00827789.DOCX WARRANT RETURN -2- Case No. 20CECG003 15 Date 6/1 1/2020 7/7/2020 3/13/2020 4/3/2020 4/24/2020 6/2/2020 7/6/2020 8/7/2020 9/8/2020 4/8/2020 7/21/2020 10/22/2020 4/24/2020 5/15/2020 6/9/2020 7/14/2020 8/6/2020 8/27/2020 9/17/2020 10/16/2020 11/6/2020 9/4/2020 3/18/2020 4/10/2020 9/8/2020 6/17/2020 7/6/2020 7/27/2020 10326 N WILLOW AVE 10326 N WILLOW AVE 1042 EZIE AVE 1042 EZIE AVE 1042 EZIE AVE 1042 EZIE AVE 1042 EZIE AVE 1042 EZIE AVE 1042 EZIE AVE 10815 E BULLARD AVE 1116 E FREMONT AVE 113 ARMSTRONG AVE 118 W ESCALON AVE 118 W ESCALON AVE 118 W ESCALON AVE 118 W ESCALON AVE 118 W ESCALON AVE 118 W ESCALON AVE 118 W ESCALON AVE 118 W ESCALON AVE 118 W ESCALON AVE 1185 E SAN RAMON AVE 1223 E SAMPLE AVE 1223 E SAMPLE AVE 1223 E SAMPLE AVE 1245 L ST 1245 L ST 1245 L ST Tuesday, December 1, 2020 Exhibit "A" to Warrant Return Property Address Owner MAIN STREET PROMENADE LLC MAIN STREET PROMENADE LLC KEYS LEWIS C & LORENA E TRUSTEES KEYS LEWIS C & LORENA E TRUSTEES KEYS LEWIS C & LORENA E TRUSTEES KEYS LEWIS C & LORENA E TRUSTEES KEYS LEWIS C & LORENA E TRUSTEES KEYS LEWIS C & LORENA E TRUSTEES KEYS LEWIS C & LORENA E TRUSTEES NICHOLS ROBERT E & MARY TRUSTEES BIG HOLDING LLC GUEST RONALD A VEGA IRENE C TRUSTEE VEGA IRENE C TRUSTEE VEGA IRENE C TRUSTEE VEGA IRENE C TRUSTEE VEGA IRENE C TRUSTEE VEGA IRENE C TRUSTEE VEGA IRENE C TRUSTEE VEGA IRENE C TRUSTEE VEGA IRENE C TRUSTEE MILLIGAN DAVID LTRS OLLAH HABIB ZION OLLAH HABIB ZION OLLAH HABIB ZION FIERROS RICK FIERROS RICK FIERROS RICK APN 58007132 58007132 49825114 49825114 49825114 49825114 49825114 49825114 49825114 30818207 40815412 55012216 40712109 40712109 40712109 40712109 40712109 40712109 40712109 40712109 40712109 41826106 40925302 40925302 40925302 36823207 36823207 36823207 Technician Eric Ferguson Eric Ferguson Derek Hill Derek Hill Derek Hill Derek Hill Derek Hill Derek Hill Derek Hill Tracy Autrey Derek Hill Derek Hill Derek Hill Derek Hill Derek Hill Derek Hi|| Derek Hill Derek Hill Eric Ferguson Derek Hill Derek Hi|| Eric Ferguson Derek Hill Derek Hill Derek Hill Jeff Carter Jeff Carter Jeff Carter Page 1 of 8 Date Owner APN TechnicianProperty Address 8/17/2020 FIERROS RICK 36823207 Jeff Carter1245 L ST 9/10/2020 FIERROS RICK 36823207 Eric Ferguson1245 L ST 10/1/2020 FIERROS RICK 36823207 Eric Ferguson1245 L ST 3/31/2020 CARTER MACHIKO M 41827407 Derek Hill1295 E ALMENDRA DR 4/28/2020 CHOHAN GURDEEP & NIRMALJIT KAUR 57719016S Eric Ferguson1328 E ROSEMONT LN 6/8/2020 CHOHAN GURDEEP & NIRMALJIT KAUR 57719016S Eric Ferguson1328 E ROSEMONT LN 6/30/2020 CHOHAN GURDEEP & NIRMALJIT KAUR 57719016S Eric Ferguson1328 E ROSEMONT LN 7/20/2020 CHOHAN GURDEEP & NIRMALJIT KAUR 57719016S Eric Ferguson1328 E ROSEMONT LN 8/10/2020 CHOHAN GURDEEP & NIRMALJIT KAUR 57719016S Eric Ferguson1328 E ROSEMONT LN 10/19/2020 SANDOVAL AUGUSTIN J 40928105S Derek Hill1465 E ESCALON AVE 10/30/2020 SANDOVAL AUGUSTIN J 40928105S Derek Hill1465 E ESCALON AVE 5/20/2020 MACK THOMAS GEORGE 39315104 Jeff Carter16178 S DEL REY AVE 6/17/2020 MACK THOMAS GEORGE 39315104 Jeff Carter16178 S DEL REY AVE 3/23/2020 WATERS MARK 41036121 Derek Hill162 N PEACH AVE 4/15/2020 WATERS MARK 41036121 Derek Hill162 N PEACH AVE 5/15/2020 WATERS MARK 41036121 Derek Hill162 N PEACH AVE 6/16/2020 WATERS MARK 41036121 Derek Hill162 N PEACH AVE 7/17/2020 WATERS MARK 41036121 Derek Hill162 N PEACH AVE 8/17/2020 WATERS MARK 41036121 Derek Hill162 N PEACH AVE 5/1/2020 MAZZEI PAUL E & PATRICIA M 42008205 Derek Hill1635 PEACH AVE 6/2/2020 MAZZEI PAUL E & PATRICIA M 42008205 Derek Hill1635 PEACH AVE 8/4/2020 MAZZEI PAUL E & PATRICIA M 42008205 Derek Hill1635 PEACH AVE 8/26/2020 MAZZEI PAUL E & PATRICIA M 42008205 Derek Hill1635 PEACH AVE 9/17/2020 MAZZEI PAUL E & PATRICIA M 42008205 Eric Ferguson1635 PEACH AVE 10/23/2020 MAZZEI PAUL E & PATRICIA M 42008205 Derek Hill1635 PEACH AVE 2/25/2020 RUOF ALICIA N 47421102S Emma Lee1920 S CLAREMONT AVE 3/9/2020 RUOF ALICIA N 47421102S Tara Black1920 S CLAREMONT AVE 5/11/2020 CYGNUS 3 LLC 56303207 Eric Ferguson1933 ALLUVIAL AVE 6/1/2020 CYGNUS 3 LLC 56303207 Eric Ferguson1933 ALLUVIAL AVE Tuesday, December 1, 2020 Page 2 of 8 Date Owner APN TechnicianProperty Address 6/9/2020 STRAYER CHRISTOPHER J 56308519 Eric Ferguson2052 DECATUR AVE 7/23/2020 STRAYER CHRISTOPHER J 56308519 Eric Ferguson2052 DECATUR AVE 8/13/2020 STRAYER CHRISTOPHER J 56308519 Eric Ferguson2052 DECATUR AVE 7/16/2020 PEREZ-LOPEZ YAZMIN 55105043 Derek Hill2093 WRENWOOD AVE 8/4/2020 MOBLEY JAMES F & LAUREL A TRS 49721224 Derek Hill216 KEATS AVE 8/14/2020 KUNKEL ERIC DAVID & KATHY MARIE 55016202 Eric Ferguson2180 ELLERY AVE 7/23/2020 PALACIOS AMANDA C 42816303S Derek Hill2218 E RICHERT AVE 4/20/2020 HEDMAN RANDALL TRUSTEE 55130209 Tracy Autrey2220 DAWSON COVE LN 4/29/2020 GREGORY CHARLES KEVIN & ELIZABETH J 55007109 Tracy Autrey2233 MENLO AVE 6/15/2020 GREGORY CHARLES KEVIN & ELIZABETH J 55007109 Tracy Autrey2233 MENLO AVE 7/8/2020 GREGORY CHARLES KEVIN & ELIZABETH J 55007109 Tracy Autrey2233 MENLO AVE 7/29/2020 GREGORY CHARLES KEVIN & ELIZABETH J 55007109 Tracy Autrey2233 MENLO AVE 8/20/2020 GREGORY CHARLES KEVIN & ELIZABETH J 55007109 Tracy Autrey2233 MENLO AVE 9/14/2020 GREGORY CHARLES KEVIN & ELIZABETH J 55007109 Tracy Autrey2233 MENLO AVE 10/7/2020 GREGORY CHARLES KEVIN & ELIZABETH J 55007109 Tracy Autrey2233 MENLO AVE 8/5/2020 JACKSON KENNETH & SANDRA 49721225 Heidi Hubbard226 KEATS AVE 8/17/2020 JACKSON KENNETH & SANDRA 49721225 Derek Hill226 KEATS AVE 4/28/2020 TRINITY FINANCIAL SERVICES LLC 55018318 Tracy Autrey2346 ESCALON AVE 3/27/2020 ROBINSON TRACY TRUSTEE 49126215 Derek Hill235 N ACACIA AVE 4/23/2020 ROBINSON TRACY TRUSTEE 49126215 Derek Hill235 N ACACIA AVE 5/12/2020 ROBINSON TRACY TRUSTEE 49126215 Derek Hill235 N ACACIA AVE 5/11/2020 GREER CHARLES H 31510206 Jeff Carter2404 WEBSTER ST 6/2/2020 LAURI JOSEPH DENNIS 40262402 Eric Ferguson243 W RIDGEPOINT DR 3/30/2020 WOODS JOHN J JR TRUSTEE 39405310 Eric Ferguson2480 18TH AVE 5/20/2020 NISHIMURA GAREY 56215108 Eric Ferguson25 CHENNAULT AVE 6/9/2020 NISHIMURA GAREY 56215108 Eric Ferguson25 CHENNAULT AVE 7/6/2020 NISHIMURA GAREY 56215108 Eric Ferguson25 CHENNAULT AVE 7/27/2020 NISHIMURA GAREY 56215108 Eric Ferguson25 CHENNAULT AVE 3/23/2020 EMBREY LARISSA D & PAUL B ANDREWS 49210022 Derek Hill254 CAESAR AVE Tuesday, December 1, 2020 Page 3 of 8 Date Owner APN TechnicianProperty Address 7/27/2020 SIHAN JOHNNIE S & SUKHVINDER K 55311219 Tracy Autrey2723 BURLINGAME AVE 8/27/2020 SIHAN JOHNNIE S & SUKHVINDER K 55311219 Tracy Autrey2723 BURLINGAME AVE 9/28/2020 SIHAN JOHNNIE S & SUKHVINDER K 55311219 Tracy Autrey2723 BURLINGAME AVE 5/14/2020 PETROSYAN ARSHAK & SHACKE 56837206 Eric Ferguson2851 E WATERFORD AVE 7/22/2020 VILLANUEVA BEATRICE & FEDERICO 55407322S Tracy Autrey2852 PURVIS AVE 8/13/2020 VILLANUEVA BEATRICE & FEDERICO 55407322S Tracy Autrey2852 PURVIS AVE 8/17/2020 VILLANUEVA BEATRICE & FEDERICO 55407322S Eric Ferguson2852 PURVIS AVE 9/8/2020 VILLANUEVA BEATRICE & FEDERICO 55407322S Tracy Autrey2852 PURVIS AVE 9/29/2020 VILLANUEVA BEATRICE & FEDERICO 55407322S Tracy Autrey2852 PURVIS AVE 10/23/2020 VILLANUEVA BEATRICE & FEDERICO 55407322S Derek Hill2852 PURVIS AVE 11/6/2020 VILLANUEVA BEATRICE & FEDERICO 55407322S Derek Hill2852 PURVIS AVE 7/22/2020 MOUA JEFFERY 55225101 Tracy Autrey2913 FOWLER AVE 5/1/2020 BEATON LOUISE M TRS 40739107 Derek Hill309 W MESA AVE 5/22/2020 BEATON LOUISE M TRS 40739107 Derek Hill309 W MESA AVE 6/22/2020 BEATON LOUISE M TRS 40739107 Derek Hill309 W MESA AVE 7/13/2020 BEATON LOUISE M TRS 40739107 Derek Hill309 W MESA AVE 8/5/2020 CARDENAS SAMUEL & ANNA D 49951106S Heidi Hubbard3149 EZIE AVE 8/14/2020 PRICE CHARLES J 30915033 Eric Ferguson3220 N HIGHLAND AVE 3/12/2020 SMITH JEFFREY R 31037103 Tara Black3278 MAGNOLIA AVE 8/5/2020 URIAS JOHN & DIANE 35860105 Jeff Carter3502 DOCKERY AVE 8/26/2020 URIAS JOHN & DIANE 35860105 Jeff Carter3502 DOCKERY AVE 9/21/2020 URIAS JOHN & DIANE 35860105 Jeff Carter3502 DOCKERY AVE 10/12/2020 URIAS JOHN & DIANE 35860105 Jeff Carter3502 DOCKERY AVE 11/3/2020 URIAS JOHN & DIANE 35860105 Tracy Autrey3502 DOCKERY AVE 6/8/2020 ALAZAZI ABDULLAH A 40252033 Eric Ferguson354 W HAGLER AVE 7/2/2020 ALAZAZI ABDULLAH A 40252033 Eric Ferguson354 W HAGLER AVE 4/22/2020 SIKORA KEVIN M 49520203 Emma Lee3634 PHILLIP AVE 3/20/2020 GILL LAKHBIR S & MANJIT K 31342019 Tracy Autrey372 S LOCAN AVE 4/13/2020 GILL LAKHBIR S & MANJIT K 31342019 Tracy Autrey372 S LOCAN AVE Tuesday, December 1, 2020 Page 4 of 8 Date Owner APN TechnicianProperty Address 5/26/2020 GILL LAKHBIR S & MANJIT K 31342019 Tracy Autrey372 S LOCAN AVE 5/13/2020 GRL SIGO SIENDO EL REY LLC 42829406 Derek Hill3798 E AUSTIN WAY 6/3/2020 GRL SIGO SIENDO EL REY LLC 42829406 Derek Hill3798 E AUSTIN WAY 7/6/2020 GRL SIGO SIENDO EL REY LLC 42829406 Derek Hill3798 E AUSTIN WAY 6/18/2020 ZAPATA JOHN JOSEPH & ROSEMARY 35836134 Jeff Carter3808 WRIGHT ST 5/26/2020 MADRIZ MARCELINO D 30015060 Eric Ferguson3910 E MARCUS AVE 7/2/2020 MADRIZ MARCELINO D 30015060 Eric Ferguson3910 E MARCUS AVE 5/14/2020 OCAMPO FELICITAS 40210006 Eric Ferguson411 E SHEPHERD AVE 6/29/2020 OCAMPO FELICITAS 40210006 Eric Ferguson411 E SHEPHERD AVE 6/11/2020 SAHAKYAN VALERI & SATENKIK BAGHDASARYAN 57617112S Eric Ferguson411 E SWALLOW CT 3/12/2020 SECRETARY OF HOUSING & URBAN DEVEL 42827246 Derek Hill4256 N FIRST ST 6/1/2020 SECRETARY OF HOUSING & URBAN DEVEL 42827246 Derek Hill4256 N FIRST ST 6/22/2020 SECRETARY OF HOUSING & URBAN DEVEL 42827246 Derek Hill4256 N FIRST ST 7/14/2020 SECRETARY OF HOUSING & URBAN DEVEL 42827246 Derek Hill4256 N FIRST ST 4/14/2020 VELAZCO SAMUEL 43013041 Heidi Hubbard4522 E SAN GABRIEL AVE 5/29/2020 HARPER PATRICE 43040612 Heidi Hubbard4563 N MAPLE AVE 6/29/2020 HARPER PATRICE 43040612 Heidi Hubbard4563 N MAPLE AVE 8/18/2020 HARPER PATRICE 43040612 Heidi Hubbard4563 N MAPLE AVE 10/1/2020 HARPER PATRICE 43040612 Eric Ferguson4563 N MAPLE AVE 5/28/2020 RENFROE DANIEL & PAMELA 04226012S Jeff Carter462 E CARUTHERS AVE 6/18/2020 RENFROE DANIEL & PAMELA 04226012S Jeff Carter462 E CARUTHERS AVE 7/13/2020 RENFROE DANIEL & PAMELA 04226012S Jeff Carter462 E CARUTHERS AVE 5/19/2020 GONZALEZ EDUARDO 44714114 Heidi Hubbard4771 E BROWN AVE 6/15/2020 GONZALEZ EDUARDO 44714114 Heidi Hubbard4771 E BROWN AVE 7/7/2020 GONZALEZ EDUARDO 44714114 Heidi Hubbard4771 E BROWN AVE 6/11/2020 TANG FIONA 49410225 Heidi Hubbard4821 E HARVARD AVE 7/13/2020 TANG FIONA 49410225 Heidi Hubbard4821 E HARVARD AVE 7/22/2020 WILSON ROBERT & JUDY 43029105 Heidi Hubbard4825 E SANTA ANA AVE 5/29/2020 REEVE EILEEN M NELSON TRUSTEE 55405322S Tracy Autrey5105 N LEONARD AVE Tuesday, December 1, 2020 Page 5 of 8 Date Owner APN TechnicianProperty Address 11/6/2020 VERA TOMAS A & LESLIE J 41821220 Derek Hill5308 N CALLISCH ST 9/4/2020 GARTZKE KEITH WILLIAM 49922115 Eric Ferguson5577 E SWIFT AVE 8/27/2020 QUINTERO STEVE 31610312 Eric Ferguson5667 E KAVILAND AVE 8/11/2020 EMORY LEON & LORRAE L 41838312 Emma Lee5726 N EIGHTH ST 7/20/2020 VOHRA VINAY 55403055 Tracy Autrey5740 N DE WOLF AVE 7/15/2020 MAGANA JOAQUIN E & ALICE 47406304 Tracy Autrey5877 E ALTA AVE 8/27/2020 MCVICKER JAMIE 31348202 Eric Ferguson5918 E GRANT AVE 3/17/2020 CAVALLA MICAH & JESSICA 47419106S Tracy Autrey5939 E HAMILTON AVE 4/8/2020 CAVALLA MICAH & JESSICA 47419106S Tracy Autrey5939 E HAMILTON AVE 4/2/2020 CASTILLO ALFONSO 31312104 Tracy Autrey6057 E ALTA AVE 4/2/2020 ALRAWASHDEH MURAD 40905201S Derek Hill6114 N ANGUS ST 4/24/2020 ALRAWASHDEH MURAD 40905201S Derek Hill6114 N ANGUS ST 5/18/2020 ALRAWASHDEH MURAD 40905201S Derek Hill6114 N ANGUS ST 6/19/2020 ALRAWASHDEH MURAD 40905201S Derek Hill6114 N ANGUS ST 7/21/2020 ALRAWASHDEH MURAD 40905201S Derek Hill6114 N ANGUS ST 3/13/2020 DE FENDIS BERNICE A 40736218 Derek Hill6142 N MAROA AVE 8/10/2020 DE FENDIS BERNICE A 40736218 Derek Hill6142 N MAROA AVE 7/8/2020 STEHR ROBERT E JR & DIANE E 40714206 Derek Hill6143 N GLENN AVE 6/25/2020 RAMIREZ MARIA 43045120 Heidi Hubbard623 W PICO AVE 7/23/2020 RAMIREZ MARIA 43045120 Heidi Hubbard623 W PICO AVE 8/18/2020 RAMIREZ MARIA 43045120 Heidi Hubbard623 W PICO AVE 3/27/2020 SECRETARY OF HOUSING & URBAN DEVEL 40813312 Derek Hill633 E FREMONT AVE 4/17/2020 SECRETARY OF HOUSING & URBAN DEVEL 40813312 Derek Hill633 E FREMONT AVE 8/24/2020 SECRETARY OF HOUSING & URBAN DEVEL 40813312 Derek Hill633 E FREMONT AVE 7/8/2020 AGUILAR JENNIFER L 40921432 Emma Lee634 E ESCALON AVE 6/8/2020 RIVAS MIGUEL 30321202 Eric Ferguson645 E MINARETS AVE 7/2/2020 RIVAS MIGUEL 30321202 Eric Ferguson645 E MINARETS AVE 7/22/2020 SCHEDLER WAYNE A C/F 58201010 Tracy Autrey6903 E HARVEY AVE 8/24/2020 SCHEDLER WAYNE A C/F 58201010 Tracy Autrey6903 E HARVEY AVE Tuesday, December 1, 2020 Page 6 of 8 Date Owner APN TechnicianProperty Address 9/21/2020 SCHEDLER WAYNE A C/F 58201010 Tracy Autrey6903 E HARVEY AVE 10/12/2020 SCHEDLER WAYNE A C/F 58201010 Tracy Autrey6903 E HARVEY AVE 11/12/2020 SCHEDLER WAYNE A C/F 58201010 Derek Hill6903 E HARVEY AVE 4/1/2020 MAGDALENO GERARDO 31318306 Tracy Autrey6924 E LIBERTY AVE 6/4/2020 MAGDALENO GERARDO 31318306 Tracy Autrey6924 E LIBERTY AVE 4/23/2020 DEVINO JOHANNES 55107123 Tracy Autrey732 FILBERT AVE 5/26/2020 KHALSA DILPREET SINGH 40409014 Eric Ferguson7465 N PAULA AVE 7/7/2020 KHALSA DILPREET SINGH 40409014 Eric Ferguson7465 N PAULA AVE 5/7/2020 ABSOLUTE VALUE INVESTMENT GROUP LLC 40407150 Eric Ferguson7521 N CHESTNUT AVE 5/26/2020 ABSOLUTE VALUE INVESTMENT GROUP LLC 40407150 Eric Ferguson7521 N CHESTNUT AVE 7/7/2020 ABSOLUTE VALUE INVESTMENT GROUP LLC 40407150 Eric Ferguson7521 N CHESTNUT AVE 3/23/2020 TRINITY FINANCIAL SERVICES LLC 41030304 Derek Hill777 W POLSON AVE 3/16/2020 COLDREN STERLING TRUSTEE 15022007S Tracy Autrey8308 CHAMISE AVE 4/8/2020 COLDREN STERLING TRUSTEE 15022007S Tracy Autrey8308 CHAMISE AVE 5/11/2020 COLDREN STERLING TRUSTEE 15022007S Tracy Autrey8308 CHAMISE AVE 6/8/2020 COLDREN STERLING TRUSTEE 15022007S Tracy Autrey8308 CHAMISE AVE 7/8/2020 COLDREN STERLING TRUSTEE 15022007S Tracy Autrey8308 CHAMISE AVE 7/29/2020 COLDREN STERLING TRUSTEE 15022007S Tracy Autrey8308 CHAMISE AVE 8/21/2020 COLDREN STERLING TRUSTEE 15022007S Tracy Autrey8308 CHAMISE AVE 5/18/2020 MORENO MIGUEL 56125111 Eric Ferguson850 N ORANGEWOOD AVE 7/8/2020 MORENO MIGUEL 56125111 Eric Ferguson850 N ORANGEWOOD AVE 9/8/2020 MORENO MIGUEL 56125111 Eric Ferguson850 N ORANGEWOOD AVE 3/18/2020 LAW CLEMY SIU YEE 30929002 Tracy Autrey9216 E BELMONT AVE 4/21/2020 LAW CLEMY SIU YEE 30929002 Tracy Autrey9216 E BELMONT AVE 3/19/2020 MARTENS DOUGLAS L & CAROL L TRUSTEES 30920016 Tara Black9418 E CLINTON AVE 4/21/2020 MARTENS DOUGLAS L & CAROL L TRUSTEES 30920016 Tracy Autrey9418 E CLINTON AVE 9/23/2020 DAOUD ALAN 56112603 Eric Ferguson960 N BUSH AVE 10/14/2020 DAOUD ALAN 56112603 Jeff Carter960 N BUSH AVE 6/29/2020 GUZMAN EDWARD 43048223 Heidi Hubbard965 W EUCLID AVE Tuesday, December 1, 2020 Page 7 of 8 Date Owner APN TechnicianProperty Address 7/13/2020 FLORES CHARLES 49130203 Tracy Autrey973 FREMONT AVE 3/19/2020 FANUCCHI MICHAEL WALTER 30827079 Tara Black9746 E SHAW AVE 4/13/2020 FANUCCHI MICHAEL WALTER 30827079 Tracy Autrey9746 E SHAW AVE 5/18/2020 FANUCCHI MICHAEL WALTER 30827079 Tracy Autrey9746 E SHAW AVE 6/18/2020 FANUCCHI MICHAEL WALTER 30827079 Tracy Autrey9746 E SHAW AVE 7/9/2020 FANUCCHI MICHAEL WALTER 30827079 Tracy Autrey9746 E SHAW AVE Tuesday, December 1, 2020 Page 8 of 8