Abstract of Judgment IssuedCal. Super. - 5th Dist.February 9, 2021EJ-001 ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY (Name, arafrees, and Slats Bar numaeri After recradrng return io Raymond A. Policar (CA SB¹ 84253) Law Offices of Raymond A. Policar P. O. Box 74093 (114 nEn Street) Davis, CA 95617-5093 pohcarlaw@att. net TEL Not 530-756-5701 FAX NO (0Paorlal) 530-756-5702 E.MAIL ADDRESS IDPlronal) abOVe ~X ATTORNEY ~X JUDGMENT ~ ASSIGNEE FOR CREDITOR OF RECORD sUPERloR coURT oF cALIFoRNIA, coUNTY oF Fresno sTREEr AooREss 1130 "0" Street MAILING ADDRESS'ITY AND zip coDE. Fresno, CA 93721 BRANGHNAME B.F. Sisk Courthouse PLAINTIFF: PACCAR Financial Corp., a Washington corp. DEFENDANT: Elite One Transport, Incu a Calif. corp.; and Tarjinder Singh FOR RECORDER'S USE ONL Y CASE NUMBER 21 CECG 00387 FOR COURT USE ONLY Ekte One Transport, Inc, a Cahf. corp.; 7140 E. Fountain Way, Fresno, CA 93737 ABSTRACT OF JUDGMENT-CIVIL AND SMALL CLAIMS ~ Amended 1. The ~x judgment creditor ~ assignee of record apphes for an abstract of judgment and represents the following: a. Judgment debtor' Name and last known address tte One Transport, Inc., a Calif. corp. 140 E. Fountain Way L Fresno, CA 93737 b. Driver's license no [last 4 digits] and state: ~x Unknown c Social security no. [last 4 digits]: ~x Unknown d. Summons or notice of entry of sister-state judgment was personally served or mailed to (name and address) 2. ~x Information on additional judgment debtors is 4. shown on page 2. 3. Judgment creditor (name and address): 5. PACCAR Financial Corp, a Washington corp.; cio Policar Law, P. O. Box 74093, Davis, CA 95617-5093 Date Apnl21,2021 Raymond A. Policar (TYPE OR PRINT NAME) 6. Total amount of judgment as entered or last renewed: $ 91,635. 57 7. All judgment creditors and debtors are listed on this abstract. 8. a. Judgment entered on (dare): March 26, 2021 b. Renewal entered on (dare): 9. ~ This judgment is an installment judgment. ISEALI This abstract issued on (dale): Information on additional judgment creditors is shown on page 2.~ Original abstract recorded in this county: a. Date: b. Instrument Nou ~3) (SIGNATURE OF APPLI)ANT OR ATTORNEY) 10 ~ An ~ execution lien/ ~ attachment lien is endorsed on the iudgment as follows: a. Amount: $ b. In favor of (name and address): 11. A stay of enforcement has a ~x not been ordered by the court. b. ~ been ordered by the court effective until (dare): 12. a. ~x I certify that this is a true and correct abstract of the judgment entered in this action. b. ~ A certified copy of the judgment is attached. Form Adopted for Mandatory Uee Juaroai Counol of California EJ-001 IRev July I, 2014] Clerk, by ABSTRACT OF JUDGMENT-CIVIL AND SMALL CLAIMS , Deputy Pagelof2 cotta ol ovrl Procedure, N 4fla 4ao, ST4, Tcd 190 4/22/2021 /s/ Ashley Ramos PLAINTIFF: PACCAR Financial Corp., a Washington corp. 0EFENDANT: Ekte one Transport, Inc., a calif, corp; and Tarjinder singh COURT CASE No 21 CECG 00387 NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF ADDITIONAL JUDGMENT CREDITORS: 13. Judgment creditor (name and address). 14. Judgment creditor (name and address): 15. ~ Continued on Attachment 15. INFORMATION ON ADDITIONAL JUDGMENT DEBTORS 16. Name and last known address arpnder Singh 140 E. Fountain Way L Fresno, CA 93737 Driver's license no. [last 4 digits) and state: ~x Unknown Social secunty no. [last 4 digits]: 1657 ~ Unknown Name and last known address L Driver's license no [last 4 digits] and state: ~ Unknown Social security no. [last 4 digitsj: ~ Unknown Summons was personally served at or mailed to (address): Tarjinder Smgh 7140 E. Fountain Way Fresno, CA 93737 Summons was personally served at or mailed to (address): Name and last known address Name and last known address L J L J Dnver's license no. [last 4 digits] and state: ~ Unknown Social security no. [last 4 digits): ~ Unknown Dnver's kcense no. [last 4 digits] and state: ~ Unknown Social security no. [last 4 digits]: ~ Unknown Summons was personally served at or mailed to (address): Summons was personally served at or mailed to (address): 20. ~ Continued on Attachment 20. EJJioi IRee Juir 1,20iel ABSTRACT OF JUDGMENT-CIVIL AND SMALL CLAIMS Page 2 ei 2