Minute OrderCal. Super. - 6th Dist.April 9, 2020SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA MINUTE ORDER Santa Clara County Federal Credit Union vs Scott Hearing Start Time; 1:00 pM DelCastillo et al Hearing Type: Claim: Plaintiffand 205C083448 Defendant Date 0f Hearing: 04/13/2021 Comments: Line #2 Heard By: Copeland, Christine Location: Department 15 Courtroom Reporter: Recording Electronic Courtroom Clerk: Sylvia Roman Court Interpreter: Court Investigator: Parties Present: Future Hearings: DelCastillo, Nicole E. Defendant Santa Clara County Federal Plaintiff Credit Union Exhibits: - 01:20 p.m. The case is recalled. The parties were directed t0 meet and confer in the lobby. Yvonne McDuffy, plaintiff's representative is personally present in court. She is duly sworn. Nicole E. Delcastillo, defendant is AKA: Nicole Johns and is personally present. She is also duly sworn. She completes a Change/ Correction 0f Address form. It is filed in court. Plaintiff's exhibit 1 is marked and admitted. It is returned t0 plaintiff. The COURT FINDS and ORDERS as follows: Plaintiff has filed its case timely; Defendant Scott L. Delcastillo was not properly served and is DISMISSED With Prejudice; JUDGMENT IS for the plaintiff: Nicole Johns shall pay $2,500 (principal), $120 (Costs & service fees), TOTAL $2,620. Since this was a community debt, Ms. Johns may recover her loss in family court. ************************* Primfid: 4/13/2021 04/13/2021 Claim: Plaintiff and Dfifc‘ndant - EDSCOSS-HS Page l 0f l