Judgment SatisfactionCal. Super. - 6th Dist.April 9, 2020EJ-100 ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY (Name. address. and Stars Bar numben: Afler recording, return to: ~ Santa Clara Countv Federal Credit Union 852 N. First Street San Jose. CA 95112 TEL No.1 FAX NO. (optional): E-MAIL ADDRESS (Optional):E ATIORNEV E JUDGMENT D ASSIGNEEFOR CREDITOR OF RECORD SUPERIOR COURT 0F CALJFORNIA. COUNTY 0F Santa Clara STREET ADDRESS: 191 NA First Street MAILING ADDRESS: crrv ANDZIP cone: San Jose. CA 95113 BRANCH NAME: .2 FOR RECORDER'S OR SECRETARY OF STATE'S USE ONLY ' PLAINTIFF: Santa Clara County Federal Credit Union CASE NUMBER: DEFENDANT: Scott L DeICastiuo and Nicole E DelCastjuo 2050083443 ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF SATISFACTION OF JUDGMENT FOR coum use ONLYE FULL D PARTIAL E MATURED INSTALLMENT IE51. Satisfaction 0f the judgment is acknowledged as follows: a. E Full satisfaction ' (1) l Judgment is satisfied In full. (2) The judgment creditor has accepted payment or perfonnanoe other than that specified in the judgment in full satisfaction 0f the judgment _. b. E Partial satisfaction Superlcf ou a ' nurfiy ofSanta Clara The amount received in partial BY_ ' DEPUTY satisfaction of the judgment is S - c. E Matured installment - u- : r0 All matured installments under the installmentjudgment have been satisfied as of (date): 2. Full name and address ofjudgment creditor1‘ , Santa Clara County Federal Credit Union 852 N. First Street. San Jose, CA 95112 3. Full name and address of assignee of record. if any: 4. Fuil name and address ofjudgment debtor being fully 0r partially releasedz' Scott L DelCastilJo and Nicole E DelCastiIlo 332 Mira Vista Way, S San Francisco. CA 94080 5. a. Judgmententered on (date): 04/13/2021 b. D Renewal entered on (dare): 6. D An E abstract ofjudgment E certified copy ofthejudgment has been recorded as follows (complete all information for each county where recorded): COUNTY DATE 0F RECORDING INSTRUMENT NUMBER 7, E A notice ofjudgment lien has been filed in the office of the Secretary of State as file number (specify): NOTICE TO JUDGMENT DEBTOR: lfthis is an acknowledgment of full satisfaction ofjudgment, it will have to be recorded in each county shown in item 6 above, if any. in order to release the judgment lien. and will have to be filed In the office of th ecretary of State to terminate any judgment lien on personal property. fl KDate: 05/2812021 ! } (SIGMATURF’WDéMENf CREDMDR 0R ASSIGNEE 0F CREDITOR 0R AUORNEw-z 'The names of me judgment aadilor and Judgment debtor mus! be stated as shown in any Abstract of Judgmentwhich‘Waa recordad and is being released by mls satisfaction. " A separate notary acknowledgment mus! be attached for each signature. igmgpgflfi gé‘l’ggfiause ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF SATISFACTION OF JUDGMENT cweofcmmduragggzggegH.100 (Rev. July 1‘ 201A] 724,120. 724.250 For ybur protection anth privaéy, pleasé Mess the Clear: I a '_ ,_ V m_fiw: - This Formbunon after you have pyingeu mg fo‘rm. '_ is “Print this form I I Save this form] [Clear thus form ‘ 4-.- _.._..a_.’