Proof of Service SubstitutedCal. Super. - 6th Dist.April 9, 2020SC _1 04 Proof of Service Clerk stamps date here when form is filed Use this form to serve a person, business, or a ublic entity. To learn more about proof of service, read What is "Proofof grvice”?, Form SC-104B. T0 16am more about how to serve a business or entlty, read How to Serve a Business 0r Public Entity, Form SC-104C. To serve a business, you must serve one of the following people: l 6 2021 -' 1“ ° Owner (for a sole proprietorship) V ' U _ ' Partner (for a partnership) or genera] partner (for a limited pannership) Supe Er) Er \ 9P ‘ woeufi ° Any officer or general manager (corporation or association) B f , ’ ‘9 W '3' "‘amgggy‘fn ° Any person authprizpdfor service by the business (corporation, association, 3V; [3m 91(0- general partnerhlp, 11m1ted partnershlp) ° Any per_son authorizqd fqr service with the Segregary qf Stgte (corporation, Superior Court assomatgoq, limlted 11ab1_11 company [LLC], 11m1ted habxhty partnership Santa Clara County. California [LLP], 11m1ted partnershlp Small Claims . . . . . 191 N. 1st St To serve a public entity, you must first file a clalm w1th that entlty, then San Jose! California 951 13 serve one 0f the followmg people: ° Clerk (0f a city or county) ' Chief officer or director (of a public agency) ° Any person authorized for service by the entity Case Number: . . . _ 20 sc 083447® a. If you are servmg a person, wnte the person s name below. Maria A. Balderas-Vasquez Case Name: . . . . . Santa Clara Coun Federal Credit b. If you are servmg a busmess, or entity, wnte the name of the busmess Union VS. BalderagVasquezl Maria 0r entity, the person authorized for service, and that person's job title: A_ Business or Agency Name Hearing Date: 4/13/2021 Person Aumodud forgewice Job Tine Time: 1:00 pm Dept: |§ ® Instructions to Server: You must be at least 18 years old and not be named in this case. Follow these steps: ° Give a c0py of all the documents checked in® to the person in© , 0r ° Give a copy of all the documents checked in® to one of the following people: a. A competent adult (at least 18) living with, and at the home 0f the person in®, 0r b. An adult (at least 18) who seems to be in charge at the usual workplace 0f the person in® , or c. An adult (at least 18) who seems to be in charge where the person in® usually receives mail, (but not a U.S. Post Office box), ifthere is no known physical address for the person i116). and mail a copy of the documents lefi with one 0f the adults in a, b, or c above to the person in® . THEN, - Complete and sign this form, and - Give or mail your completed form to the person who asked you t0 serve these court papers in timefor theform to befiled wzth the court at least 5 days before the hearing. ® l served the person in® a copy of the documents checked below: a. SC-I 00, Plaintifi’s Claim and ORDER to Go r0 Small Claims Court b. D SC-120, Defendant's Claim and ORDER t0 Go t0 Small Claims Cour! c. D Order for examination, (Thisform must be personally served. Check {heform that was served): Note: The court can issue a civil arrest warrant [frhe servedpan‘y does n0! come to com! only {fthe orderfor examination was personally served by a registered process server, shenfif marshal, 0r someone appointed by the court. (l) D SC-134, Application and Order t0 Produce Statement ofAssets and r0 Appearfor Examinan‘on (2)D AT-l38/EJ-125, Application and Orderfor Appearance and Examination d. Other, (specifi): Request to Participate in On-Line Dispute Resolution (ODR) for Small Claims Litigants; Notice to Small Claim Lttlgants fifiéfigfiflffifimfliml pm Proof of Service 30'104' Page 1 °f 3 SOfClvfl Procedure 116.340. 415.10. 415.20 Job Number COP_2021 001 585 (Small Claims) Case Number: Case name: Santa Clara County Federal Credit Union vs. 20 SC 083447 Ealderas-Vasquez, Marla A. @ Fill out "a" or "b" below: a. D Personal Service: I personally gave copies ofthe documents checked in® to the person in® : On (date): At (time): At this address: City: State: Zip: b. Substituted Service: I personally gave copies ofthe documents checked in® (a, b, d) to (check one): D A competent adult (at least 18) at the home of, and living with the person in® , 0r An adult who seems to be in charge where the person in® usually works, or D An adult who seems to be in charge where the person in® usually receives mail, 0r has a private post office box (not a U.S. Post Office box), ifthere is no known physical address for the person i116) . I told that adult, "Please give these court papers to (name ofperson in® ).” Idid this on (date): 02/1 1/2021 At (time): 11:10 AM At this address: 70 West Heddinq 8th Floor City: San Jose State: CA Zip: 95110 Name or description ofthe person I gave the papers to: Jane Doe (refused name) [Apparently In Charge Age: 40. Sex: f, RacelSkin Color: cauc, Height: 5'9". Weight: 160, Hair: dark, Glasses: n After serving the court papers, I put copies of the documents listed in© in an envelope, sealed the envelope, and put first-class prepaid postage on it. I addressed the envelope t0 the person in® at the address where I lefi the copies. Imailed the envelope on (date): 02/1 1/2021 fiom (city, srate): San Jose CA by leaving it (check one): a. At a U.S. Postal Service mail drop, or b. At an office or business mail drop where I know the mail is picked up every day and deposited with the U.S. Postal Service, or c. D With someone else I asked to mail the documents to the person in® and I have attached that person's completed Form SC-104A © Server's Information Name: Joe Bly Phone: (408) 297-6070 Address: 31 E. Julian Street City: San Jose State: CA Zip: 95112 Fee for service: $ 40.00 County ofregistration: Santa Clara County Registration Number: 979 © I declare under penalty 0f perjury under California state law that I am at least 18 years old and not named in this case and that the information above is true and correct. Date: H Zd Ll p yfi "//A k J /V xv Judicial Councnl o! California RevisedJanuary 1. 2009. Optional Form PrOOf Of Nice 80-1 04' Page 2 Of 3 Coda ofCiVil Procedure 116.340,415«10.4l5.20 (small Claims) Job Number COP-2021 001585 Case Number: 20 SC 083447 Case name: Santa Clara Coun% Federal Credit Union vs. a eras- asquez, aria . Type or print server's name Server signs here afier serving filflii‘fiififliflfififlmmmm Proof of Service '39'104' Page 3 0f 3 Code DYCMJ Pmdum 115.340,415‘10,41520 Job Number COP-2021 001 585 (Small Claims)