Proof of Service PersonalCal. Super. - 6th Dist.February 25, 2020Proof of Service Use this form to serve a person, a buslnessfor a publlc entity. To learn more about proof o! service, read Whal/s 'Proo/o/Servlce?’, Form SC-104B. To learn more about how to serve a business or entlty, read How to Serve a Busines or Public Entity. Form SC-1 04C To serve a buslness, you mus: serve one o! the fol|owlng people: D D p D Owner (for a sole proprletorship) Partner (for a partnership) or generél partner (for a Ilmlted partnershlp) Any oflker or general manager (corporation or assocIatlon) Any person authorized for service by the buslness (corporation. assoclation, general partnership. limited partnershlp) Any person authorlzed for servlce wlth the Secretary ofStaIe (corporatlon. associatlon. Ilmlted llablllty company [LLCL Ilmlted llablllty partnershlp [LLP]. llmited partnership) To serve a publli emity, you must first file a claim with that enmy, then serve one of [he following people: o Clerk (ofa clty or countY) Chlefofllcer or dlrector (ofa public agency) Any person authorized for service by the entity a. Ifypu are servlnga person. wrlte the person's name below: TONY CHEN(dba) SUCCESSFUL CONSTRUCI‘ION, INC b. Ifyou are servlng a business or entity, write {he name of the buslness or entity, [he person authorized for service, and that person's Job title: Buslness or Agency Name Person Authodzed for Service Job Tltle ® Instructions to Server: Vou must be at least 18 years old and no! be named In this case. Follow these steps: I Give a copy olall (he documents checked In [o the person ln® or o Gve a copy ofall the documents checked in {o one ofthe following people: a‘ A competent adult (at least 18) Ilvlng wlth, and at the home ofthe person In , Fill In court name and street address: Superior Court uf Callfomia, County of SANTA CLARA 191 NORTH FIRST STREET SAN JOSE. CA 951 13 Fill In case number, case name. hearlng date. day. tlme, and department below: Case Number: 2092083384 Case Name: KHOI PHAN(dba) FIVE STAR GARAGE DOOR SERVICE, UNC vs. TONY CHEN(dba) SUCCESSFUL CONSTRUCTION Hearing Date: 10/13/2020 Tlme: 1:00PM Dept; 14 Or b. An adult (at least 18) who seems to be In charge at the usual worleace ofthe person In Q, ar c. An adult (at least 18) who seems to be In charée where the person In usually recelves mall (but not a U3 Post omce box), Ifthere Is no known physlcal address for the person In . and mall a copy ofthe documents let wlth one o! (he adults In a. b, or c above to the person ln G. THEN o Complete and sigx this form. and o lee or mall your completed form to the person who asked you to serve these court papers, In tlmefor thelorm to befiled wlth the coun at least 5 days before the hearing. I served the person in ®a copy ofthe documents checked below: a. m SC-100, Plalnufis Claim and ORDER to Go w Small (Ialms Court b. D 50120, Defendant‘s Claim and ORDER to Go to Small Claims Coun c. D Order for examlnatlon (Thisfarm must be personally served. Check the form (hat was served): Note: The court can Issue a civil arrest warrant I/the served party does not come (a rourr only I/ the order/or examination was personally served by a registered process server, Sheri] marshal, or someone appointed by me court (1) D SC-1 34. Application and Order to Produce Statement o/Axses and to Appearfor Examination (2) D AT-138/EJ-125, Application and Order [or Appearance and Examination d. D Other (specify): :udidaICouna'I ofCaufornla,www.cmrunru.mgw ' moot: 0F SERVICE 50104. Pasc 1 0‘2 Revked January 1.2009. Opdonal Form (SMALL CLAIMS) Code OfCMl Woccdure, §§ 116340. d1 5.10. 41 5.20 Case Name: KHOI PHAN(dba) FIVE STAR GARAGE DOOR SERVICE, INC v5. TONY CHEN(dba) case Nun‘ben SUCCESSFUL CONSTRUCTION - 205C083384 Fill out "a" or "b" below: a. m Personal Service: I personally gave coples ofthe documents checked In® to the person in G): 0n (date): Wed, Sep 02 2020 At (time): 06:1 0 PM At thls address: 197 MAZEY STREET Qty: MILPITAS State: CA Zip: 95035 b. D Substituted Service: I personally gave coples of the documents checked In @(a, b, or d) to (check one):D A competent adult (at least 18) at the home of, and living with the person InD An adult who seems to be In charge where the person in usually works. orD An adult who seems to be In charge where the person ln usually receives mail, or has a private post office box (not a U.S Post Oflice box), Ifthere Is no known physlcal address for the person In G. I told that adult, "Please glve these court papers to (name of person In ." I dld this on (dale): ‘ At (time): At this address: . Qty State: le: Name or descriptlon ofthe person I gave {he papers to: After sewing [he court papers, I put copies ofthe documents llsted In® In an envelope, sealed the envelope, and put first-class prepaid postage on it. I addressed the envelope to the person InG at the address where I left the copies. I mailed the envelope on (dale): from ((lly, state): by leaving It (check one): a. D At a U‘S. Postal Service mall drop, or b. D At an office or buslness mail drop where I know the mail Is picked up every day and deposlted wlth the U5 Postal Service, or c. D Wlth someone else I asked to mall the documents to the person ln G, and I have attached that person‘s completed Form SC- 104A ® Server'slnformation Name: MARCUSWATSON Phone: 626499-5099 Address: 230 EASY FOOTHILL BLVD Qty ARCADIA State: CA le: 91006 Fee for service: s 75.00 I/you are a registered process server: County of regstratlon: SANTA CLARA Regstratlon number: 1704 © Ideclare under penalty of perjury under Callfornla state law that I am at least 18 years old and not named In thls case and that the Information above ls true and correct. Date: Q/LKY/7 o L MARCUS WATSON f / Type or prlnl server's name Server signs here aftervservlng Revised pnuary 1,2009 PROOF 0F SERVICE sc-104. Page 20f2 (SMALL CLAIMS)