Request Postponement Small ClaimsCal. Super. - 6th Dist.May 19, 2020u u _ Oferk stamps here when form 1's filed. $0-1 50 Request to Postpone Trial 4 See instructions on other side. F L E D® My name gs; San Jose Water Company N m . ‘“a? Mailing address; 110 West Taylor Street San Jose CA 95110 Phone; 408‘279'7900 I am a (check one): Dpléintifi‘ defendant in this casc. Fill in the court name and sneer address: ® My m1 is 55;; scheduled for (dare).- 8/28/2020 at 8:30am or cauiromla, county or Sant Clara Downtown S erior® {93:}; l/léeocggu‘t to postpone my trial until (approximate dare): Cour: .191 North First Strggt’ San Jose, CA 951 1 3 I am asking for this postponement because (explain): D Ifyour answer will notfil in the space 591cm; check this box and anachyour F171 in your case number and case name: answer on a separale sheet ofpaper. Write “SC-150, Item 4 " at the 10p. Case Number- Notice was not served until 8/1 9/2020 and Staff familiar with 208C083367 the claim are not available on 8/28/2020. case Name: ® If your uial is scheduled within the next 10 days, explain why you did not ask for a postponement sooner. D Ifyour answer will norfit in the space below, check this box and attac/zyom'mmrer on a scpamle sheet ofpaper. Wrile "x3150. Item 5 " a! the top. Notice of documents to be Served SJW were not received until Wednesday, August 19, 2020. © Has your claim been served by a method allowed by law? (Seeform SC-104B. Wimtls "ProofofServicc "7. for infommlfon abour how the claim can be served. Check and complete all that apply): D Ifyour answer \s'i/l nolfit in the space below, check this box and attach your answer 0n a separate sheet ofpaper. Wn'Ie “SC-150. Item 6 " at the lop. a. E No. I am a defendant and have not filed a claim in this case. b- D ch. The panics listed below have bccn served: (l) , who lives in: was served on: name county dam (2) . who lives in: , was served on: name county dare c. U No. The parties listed below have not been served (list names): (1) (2) d. D I do not know. The court clerk mailed my claim, and I do not know ifthe court received the signed receipt for these parties ms: names): (1)" (2) I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the information above is true and correct. Date: 8/23/2020 ' Tricia Zacharisen /,-»- J. Type orprimyour name //SLgJH2’ fl” mgfifggfggmamwmmw Request to Posypone Trial 50-150 Code arcw Fromm“, s 11a e70. Cal. Rundown, m1: 3 2107 (Small Clalms) "v_flfi-h-