Minute OrderCal. Super. - 6th Dist.May 18, 2020SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA MINUTE ORDER Denise Dirks vs Sarah Zabala Hearing Start Time: 1:00 PM 205CO83358 Hearing Type: Claim: Plamtn‘fand Defendant Date 0f Hearing: 10/22/2020 Comments: Heard By: Johnson, Erik S Location: Department 4 Courtroom Reporter: Recording Electronic Courtroom Clerk: Maggie Castellon Court Interpreter: Court Investigator: Parties Present: Future Hearings: Dirks, Denise L. Plaintiff Exhibits: - Electronic Recording: 1:44 p.m. - 1:53 p.m. Plaintiff is sworn and examined. The Court deems: Service and venue deemed proper Exhibits admitted and released Judgment in rendered in favor 0f Plaintiff and against Defendant as follows; Principal: $2,158.11 Costs: $170 Notice 0f entry ofJudgment will be mailed t0 all parties. Printed: 10/22/2020 10/22/2020 C‘aim: P‘amth‘f and Defendant 7 208C083358 Page 1 0f 2 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA MINUTE ORDER Printed: 10/22/2020 10/22/2020 C‘aim: P‘amth‘f and Defendant 7 208C083358 Page 2 0f 2