Proof of Service PersonalCal. Super. - 6th Dist.May 7, 2020Usc this form to scrvc a person, a. IEUsIncss, ol" a public entity. TG learn more abOut ProofGf Servieer reatf @%at ls JFOOfOfSCFVECC',~, Form SC-I()48, TO lCarn Inore about how to sclvc a buslncss Gr cAtlty, read Holv Eo Serve a 8EEs'Eness or PIE&le &Pit)P, ForrA SC-104C, To serve a business, you must serve one of the fottowing ~pie; ~ Owner (for a sole proprietorship) Partner (for a partnership) or general paflneI'for a limited partnershrp) Any officer or general Alanager (col'pofatlon or assocIatlon) ~ Any person authorized for service by the business (corporation, association, general parlnership. timited partnership) * Any person authorized for service with the Secretary of State (corporation, assoc~ation, Hmited liability conlpany [LLC], lhnIted IlabIIlty partnership [LLP], Iillnlteli partnership) TO SerVC a public entity, yOu muSt tlrat file a Claim With that entityr then SerVe One Of the follOWing peopte: Clclk (of a city QI" county) * ChiefofHcer or director (ofa public agency) ~ Any person authori~ for service by the entity a, If yGU afC SCrvtng a, perSGBI Wnte thC pCI'SQB'S natBC bCIO'W: CLAUDIA TOI.EDO Business or Agency Name TIIACI IW PM Job Title O2 Ittgtrttctt068 to Scraper: 'fou must be at least 18 years old and not be named in this case. Folk w these steps:'lvc a copy Qf aII 'thc documents chcckcd ln O3 to thc person ln (0, or ~ Give a copy of ail the documents checked in O3 to one of the following people: a. A competent adult (at least 1.8) living with, and at the home of the person in , or b. An adult (at least 18) who seems to be in charge at the usual workplace of the person in Ot, EPF c. An adult (at least 18) who seems to be in charge where the person in usually receives mail (but not a U.S. Post OfHce box), ifthere is Bo known physical address for the person in Ot arid ITIEBI a copy of thc documents IOA with onc Qf, thc adults ln a, b, or c above to thc person ln . TMN 'onlplctc and sign this forln, aBd e Glvc QI'nail yoUr completed fol'Bl to thc person who asked youl to scl'vc thcsc court papers, EB PEmef8'F PAR'form Eo bcfile@ wEEIE EAe coEEFE EEE leOSP 5 Ei0$$ &Pf@re EAc APBFEng. O3 I served the ~non itt tt copy ttf the doctttttentg cheeked beIQvv: a, H SC-100, I" lainPEg's Claim and O~EIl Po Go to Small Claims ColEJ P b. g SC-120, De('endanf *s Claim and OEM to Go Po SPPIal/ Claims Court C. Q OI'dcr for cx~tllttttott pAEsform mIEsP b8 pcrsonallp'erved. CA«k PAcgorm PAPE N'as MFA()E (1) Q SrC-134r ApplK'aPEon and Orifkr Po I FodBcc Siafemcnt ofAKYets and Po 2JPp8arfor ExamEnailon (2) Q AT-I38%J-I25, AJPplEoaEEon and Orderfor Appearance and ExamlnaPEon d H Other (»«@~- NOTICE TO LITIGANTS; NOTICE TO SMALL CLAIM LITIGANTS; SC-109 AUTHORIZATION TO APPEAR Jodrdei corrnoir af cerrlorrrie, rrrwer.ooorrirrra.oe.gorr Rerqeed Jeirrrery 1„2~, oprrairer Farm Code or Cirrrl Prooedrrre, SS 116.34a 415.16, 41529 Electronically Filed by Superior Court of CA, County of Santa Clara, on 5/29/2020 9:52 AM Reviewed By: A. Granados Case #20SC083307 Envelope: 4391505 a. H Personal Scrvkc: 1 personally gave copies of tlM documents checked ln to thc person 1A I On (deere): 5/21/2020 At (liyge); 1.29 PM Gender: FEMALE Age: 56-60 Skin Tone: L1GHT BRO%'N Hair: BRO~ Kyc Color: BRO%'N Height: 5FT 41N - 5FT 7IN%eight: 211 I.BS - 230 LBS At this address: Home: 1081 HIGHLANDS PARK DR. City: CERES State: CA Zip: 95307 b. Q Substituted Service: 1 personally gave copies of the documents checked in (o, b, ov d) to (check one): Q A competent adult (at least 18) at the home of, and living with the person in I, or Q An adult who seems to be in charge where the person in usually works, or AA adult who sccfns to M 1A charge where thc person 1A I UsUally rcceivcs mail, ol has a private post offtce box (not a U.S. Post OKice box), if there is no known physical address for thc person in . I told 'that aduh, *PIcasc give thcsc coUrt papers to (name of person 1AG).'. dK1 this QA (Ai2fi8): At (f0'): At this address: Phone; 2184354911 j)/) City: StBtC: Z1p: Name or description of the person I gave the papers to: AAcr serving tlM coUrt p~%, 1. put coplcs of tlM documents listed 1A ln Bn envelope, scaled thc cAvclopc, and put first-class prepaid postage on it. I addressed the envelope to the person in at the address where I left the cop1cs. I mailed the envelope on (dare): from |'cI'ry, sr@re): by leaving it (check one); a. Q At a U.S. Postal Service mail drop, or At Bn OAicc or bMiness mail drop wlMrc I know thc Mail ls picked Up every day Bnd deposited with tlM U.S. Postal Service, or c. Q Kith someone else I asked to mail the documents to the person in , and I have attached that person' completed Form SC-104A. QS Agency Information: Name: CAIRNS MOBILE NOTARY k LEGAL SUPPORT SERVICES Address: 2 12 ZARAND DRIVE City; MODEST() State: CA Zip; 95355 County of registration: STAMSLAUS Registration number: 17-010 Fec for service: $ 58.00 Process Server Info~ation; County of registration: STANISLAUS Registration number: 17-610 06 I declare under penalty of pcrlury under California state hw that I am at least 18 years old and not named in this case and that thc mfo~ation above is true and correct, Date 5/22/2020