OrderCal. Super. - 6th Dist.April 17, 2020‘N‘, , CE) g 303016 (.7; SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY 0F SANTA CLARA STREET ADDRESS; 191 N. First Street San Jose, CA 95113 D 1095 Homestead Road, Santa CIara,CA 95050 MAILING ADDRESS: 191 N. First Street San Jose. CA 951 13 BRANCH NAME: SMALL CLAIMS DIVISION Plaintiff: Sh k Q: (J Defendant: Mp (hm K SMALL CLAIMS ORDER Pre-Judgment D Post-Judgment I II L Case NumberQefgommf‘ _L . The nexthearing: \ f g‘g/A ( N Dew. 15 ?at m 8:30 AM or [j 1:00 PM . D Plaintiff shall amend the claim, then re-set and serve. The Claim needs to be amended because: / ‘x‘ 3. a. > he cage is cOntinued for settlement. b. D" Plaintiff still needs to show proof of service on Defendant. . The Court‘will orderan interpreterfor D Plaintiff a. D Debtor's Examination b. D Motionto Vacate Hearing- 91-h ,D Defendant for next hearing. c. D Fee Waiver Hearing is continued because: 6. a. D Plaintiff's D Defendant‘s Motion to Vacate is granted. Parties will return to court as noted in item 1. above for the new hearing. There shali be no collection on the prior Judgment since it has been vacated. b. D Plaintiff's D Defendant's Motion to Vacate is denied. Thejudgment remains in effect. 7. D Defendant failed to appear for a properIy-served Debtofis Examination hearing. A bench warrant is issued against Defendant in the amount of $ 8. Plaintiff cannot file a claim until proof ofD DBA License D active corporate status D active LLC status 9. D Plaintiff D Defendantwillbring proof of D vehicleinsurance D vehicle registration ortitle. 10. Other: /- Date: I / ' /Q _ 9‘ (o J0 Judicial Officer of the Superior Court \xw COMMLSSWNQL CH‘flU TI NE CDPELAJUD Small Claims Order903016 Rauouwzozo Civil Page1 of1