Minute OrderCal. Super. - 6th Dist.April 8, 2020SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA MINUTE ORDER Oportun Inc. vs IRENE AVELAR Hearing Start Time: 1:00 PM ZOSCO83154 HearmgType: ClalmzPlaIntn‘fand Defendant Date 0f Hearing: 10/22/2020 Comments: Heard By: Copeland, Christine Location: Department 15 Courtroom Reporter: Recording Electronic Parties Present: Exhibits: Courtroom Clerk: Court Interpreter: Court Investigator: Future Hearings: Stacie Marshall - ER 115pm No appearance. Case dismissed with prejudice. Prim ed: 10322 :‘2 02 0 1062262020 ClaLm: Plaintifl‘ancl Defendant - ZOSCOS3154 Page l 0f l