Document OtherCal. Super. - 6th Dist.April 9, 2020V... Th 4 ’ A 30-145 PLAINTIFF: Heejoo Yang BASE NUMBER:C DEFENDANT: 3am Soon Chan” 205 083140 W‘- FOR COURT USE ONLY 1. Judgment entéred on (date): 09/24/20 2. Amount to be paid as of date of request (special): 02/01 [21 1a. Unpaidprincipal...................... ............................ S 334.00 b. Costs ................................................................. $ 50,00 c. Post judgment costs ........ r. . . ................................. . ......... $ d. Credits (599 receipts) ........................... . ......................... $ e. 'lnterest accrued (to date In item 2 above) .......................Ti :rfflr...... $13 68 H _ L Processing fee .......................................................... $ 20,00 SUBTOTAL $ Add interest at: $ 0_1 05 per day (from date in item 2}............. $ TOTAL $ 41 7.68 CLERK'S CERTIFICATE OF MAILING I certify mat I am not a party to this action. This Notice to Judgment Creditor was mailed first class, postage prepaid, in a sealed envelope to the address shown ln item 3 on the reverse. The mailing and this certification occurred at (place)' California ,' San Jose 'Wm" 02/02/21 WU - - -Clem by awd Pinhelro .Deputy NOTICE TO JUDGMENT CREDITOR 1 The judgment debtor has fully satisfied Ihejudgment entered by making payment to the court an the amount shown above 2. You may claim this money by a presenting this form'In person to the court clerk during regular business hours - -0H. a m - - - - ~ ~ - » b. mailing lhIs form to the court. 3. Complete me Judgment Creditors Request for Funds below. JUDGMENT CHEDITOH’S REQUEST FOR FUNDS I request the court to pay the money to me by mail at my current address (special): 90 W‘bgd") wtyf 5‘95 t go mmovmc I c4» CI§03§ {Mail or defiver this fonn to the court clerk Keep' a photocopy {or yourself.) Date: 2 " Lf'w 94 64m food amw b HYPE 0R PRINT NAME) (SIGNATURE OF JUDGMENTCREDTTOR) 50445 |Hev,.:anuary 1.2007] REQUEST To PAY Page 2 m2 JUDGMENT T0 COURT *7 ~ (Small Claims) r” ’ - For your proteTtflon and privacy, please press th'é‘Olear': This Form button after you have printed the form i firint this form I | Save thls form ,CIear this form r. J. ‘Nmegaessofmm y _ ‘ H I -‘ h . _ ' . SC-145 Superior Court oi Caliiomia 191 North First Street San Jose, CA 95113 . SMALL CLAIMS CASE NO.: 2080083140 1m FF/DQJANDANTE {Name adadcfi-OS JEBm): I lDEFENDANT/DEMANDADO (Name Madman nfaadu: I Heejoo Yang Sam Soon Chon 993 Wisteria Ter C 60 ‘Nllson Way SPC 180 Sunnyvale. CA 94086 -. Milpitas. CA 95035g _l L__._ _1I- -I 4 |_- -_| > _ k 5E ESee attached sheet for additional plaintiffs and defendants. FEB 0m v REQUEST TO PAY JUDGMENT TO COURT ler. Q] l“ . Court 1. Instead of paying the judgment directly to the creditor, | want lo pay it to the court. 35mm" °"' '”' ‘f’V °’ ‘nn'fl Clara 2. Date iudgmentwas entered (specify): 9/24/2020 3. Judgment creditor (lhe person or business you were ordered to pay) David Pinheiro P V a. Full name: Sam Soon Chon b. Address (use Iastknown): 60 Wilson Way SPC 180 Milpitas, CA 95035 w I undersiand Ihm the amount of money l must pay to get a satislacfion oI judgment Is the total of the a principal amount of money the court ordered me to pay. b. costs (if awarded bythe court), c. interest accrued on the Judgment. d. the couri's processing fee. and e. other charges the court has added to the Judgment (The court will calcuiera the fora! (see reverse” Partial paymgnt (Complete this section ifyou have ALREADY PAID PAHTof thejudgment.)E l have already paid part of the judgment. Amount paid: $ {check one orborh o! the boxes below.) a. E by check or money order. (Attach a copy of both sides of the canceled check or money order.) b. E by cash. (Attach a copy a! the signed, dated cash receipt) 6. l understand that i! l pay by personal check, satisfaction of iudgment will be delayed 30 days. 7. lrequest the court to calculate the total amount required to enter a safisfaction o! judgment, and to enter a satisfacflon of judg- l ment after l have paid the total amount to the court. declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State o! California that the foregoing is true and correct. Date: 211/2021 HBHIOO Yang b mPEon Pam NAME) (SlaukdnEomuoemmoamn) Judgment cveditor: See Important nollce on reverse. I CERTIFICATION SATISFACTION 0F JUDGMENT (for court use only) ,I canifyjmhal this document is a tme and cor. (1) m Full satisfaction of judgment entered as to judgment debtor rec! copy of the original on file with 1his court. (name): Heejoo Yang on (date): 02/02/21 (2) E Full satisfaction of judgment NOT entered as requested (Seal) (state reason): by I Deputy Clerk. by v_- DaVId Plnheiro ‘09qu PngoI u?! Fon-n Ad-nptadforMandaluy Use REQUEST T0 PAY nmmmgov sfiféfifiéfii’fifin JUDGMENT To counT ’(Small Claims)