Clerk Rejection LetterCal. Super. - 6th Dist.April 9, 2020-\ M La SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA SANTA CLARA COUNTY Downtown Courthouse - Small Claims Division 191 North First Street San Jose, CA 951 13 (408) 882-2100 options 2, then 7 https:llportal.scscour1.orgl o Public 68.99 Information Website: hugs://cmgortal.scscoun.oflPortall Providlng access to Io cal cases through onllne search & retrieval. 0 Maln Website:Wfrovlding access to rubs. forms. fees. Iocatlons 8. phone numbers. #9 JANE l 202E interest is added to amount due. Document Return Form I Heejoo Yang ] Case Number: 2080083140 I 993 Wisteria Ter 1 1 Sunnyvale, CA 94086 1 Case Title: Dear SIr/Madam: Your RequeSt T0 Pay JUdg't T0 court is being retumed for the following reason (s): D The document requires a $ fee or a waiver granted by thls court D A "Request for Dismissal” must be filed if a Judgment has not been rendered. D The ”Acknowledgement of Satisfaction of Judgment" which is on the back of your original Notice of Entry of Judgment is required after a judgment has been entered D The EJ-100 form (Acknowledgment of Satisfaction of Judgment) is required when an Abstract of Judgment has been recorded. The defendant's statement of assets must be sent to the plaintiff. The court does not fomard mail between parties. There is an automatic 30 day Stay of Enforcement from the date ofjudgment. The Facslmile Transmisslon Cover Sheet is required and must include the following information D 'three digit verification code located In the slgnature area on the back of the credit card D the zlp code of [he billing address for the credit card The document requires a $ fax flung usage fee orwaiver of fees granted by this court. When the party flllng did not appear in court at the time the judgment was entered the Notice of Motion lo Vacate ls required. When a judgment [s reached at a contested hearing where both parties appeared 1he Notice of Appeal Is required. The Request to Pay Judgment in Installments requires that the financlal statement be completed. A Notice oprpeal has been filed. Enforcement ofjudgment cannot be processed until the Appeal has been decided. The Order of Examination D must indicate the name of an individual or the representative of a business D must list the defendant’s name exacily as it’s listed on the Notice of Entry of Judgment D may not be processed if an Order of Examination was conducted withln the last 120 days. The costs claimed on line 12 of your Writ are not allowed at this time. D A Memorandum of Costs has been filed but the time has not elapsed for the judgment debtor to file a Motion to Tax Costs. D D The doas not match the original Information on file. U The document requires D an oflginal signature D a notarlzed signature D the signature of U DUE! DUDE DD D a copy to be sent to the opposing party before it can be considered by the court. The above form ls U incomplete D Incorrect. Please review the information where the “Red” check marks are placed. D The case has been dismlssed. [:l In the future please submit a self addressed stamped envelope. E OtherzPayment was not received with submission. You may pay the judgment directly to the judgment creditor. If paying Judgment to the Court, the Court calculates the amount owed by adding the judg't amount awarded, processing fee of $20.00. interest ($0.11 per day starting from the [ark of me court . date ofjudgment) and those additional post-judgmen co’sts the judgment creditor may of declared to enforce the judg't. If payment is made by money order. certified gr cafihier's check.hor cash. inteagst stop accuring ?n 13m by , ay o payment, ot erwise an a Itional 30 days o JA'N {D7 20m U The Cour: .11qu no! authorized Io give you legal advice 0r Instruct you on which (egalforms (a we. as this constitute: an unauthon'zcdpracflce ofkm. The Com recommend: tharyauseek appropriate legal ambiance. avid Pinheiro . Depuiy SC-8013 REV 09/232020 7, _ k 7 ”-2 Name and Address of Court: 50-1 45 Superior Court of Cafifomia 191 North First Street San Jose. CA 951 13 SMALL CLAIMS CASE NO.: 2080083140 IPWNTIFF/DEMANDANTE (Mama and address oraach): DEFENDANr/DEMANDADO (Name and address or each): I Heejoo Yang Sam Soon Chon 993 Wisteria Ter 60 Wilson Way SPC 180 Sunnyvale, CA 94086 MiTpitas, CA 95035g _l l- _l|- -| [-- fl g _l Ih 41E See attached sheet for additional plaintiffs and defendants. REQUEST T0 PAY JUDGMENT T0 COURT 1. Instead of paying the judgment directly to the creditor, Iwant to pay it to the court. solo a. Full name: Sam Soon Chon Datejudgment was entered (specify): 9/24/2020 Judgment creditor (the person or business you were ordered to pay) b. Address (use last known): 60 Wilson Way SPC 180 Milpitas, CA 95035 4. I understand that the amount of money | must pay to get a satisfaction of judgment is the total of the costs (if awarded by the court). o9 .crsv the court's processing iee. and interest accrued on the judgment, principal amount of money the court ordered me to pay, e. other charges the court has added to the judgment. (The court will calculate the total (see reverse).) 5. Partial payment (Complete this section ifyou have ALREADY PAID PART of the judgment.)E | have already paid part of the judgment. Amount paid: S (check one 0r both of (he‘boxes below.) a. E by check or money order. (Attach a copy ol both sides of the canceled check or money order.) b. E by cash. (Attach a copy of the signed, dated cash receipt) 6. 1 understand that if l pay by personal check, satisfaction of judgment will be delayed 30 days. 7. I request the court to calculate the total amount required to enter a satisfaction of judgment. and to enter a satisfaction of judg- ment after l have paid the total amount to the court. | declare und_er penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Date: //4/l-01-l Heejoo Yang ’ %4’IW / rrYPE on PRINT NAME) ‘7 7 (s'leNAyafi’E OFJUDGMENT DEBTOH) Judgment creditor: See important notice on reverse. I CERTIFICATION SATISFACTION OF JUDGMENT (for court use only) | certify that this document is a true and cor- rect copy 0f the original on file with this court. (1) E Full satisfaction ofjudgment entered as tojudgment debtor (name): on (date): (2) D Full satisfaction of judgment NOT entered as requested (Seal) (state reason): Clerk, by . Deputy Clerk, by . Deputy Page t of 2 Form Adopted for Mandalow Use REQUEST TO PAY www.oourmmgov Judicial Council of California 50-145 [Ham January 1. 2007] JUDGMENT TO COURT (Small Claims) i7); _ \ f . ’4: 80-145 PLAINTIFF; Heejpo Yang SBSSESIBAéEEFAO DEFENDANT: Sam Soon Chon FOR COURT USE ONLY 1. Judgment entered on (date): 2. Amount to be paid as of date of request (specify): a. Unpaid principal ......................................................... $ b. Costs ................................................................. $ c. Post judgment costs ...................................................... $ d. Credits (see receipts) ..................................................... $ e. Interest accrued (to date in item 2. above) ..................................... $ f. Processing fee ................................................. , ......... $ 9- Other (Specify): $ SUBTOTAL $ Add imerest at: $ per day (from date in item 2)............. $ CLERK'S CERTIFICATE OF MAILING I certify that I am not a party to this action. This Notice to Judgment Creditor was mailed first class. postage prepaid, in a sealed envelope to the address shown in item 3 on the reverse. The mailing and this certification occurred at (place): California, on (dare): Clerk, by , Deputy NOTICE T0 JUDGMENT CREDITOR 1. The judgment debtor has fully satisfied the judgment entered by making payment to the coun in the amount shown above. 2. You may claim this money by a. presenting this form in person to the court clerk during regular business hours, -QR_ b. mailing this form to the court. 3. Complete the Judgment Creditor's Request for Funds beIow. 4. Money not claimed within three years becomes the property of the court (see Government Code sections 50050-50056). JUDGMENT CREDITOR'S REQUEST FOR FUNDS | request the court to pay the money to me by mail at my current address (specify): (Mail or deliver this form to the court clerk Keep a photocopy for yourself.) Date: (TYPE OR PRINT NAME) [SIGNATURE OFJUDGMENT CREDITOR) 30-145 [Rem January 1. 2007] HEQUEST To PAY Page 2 ol 2 JUDGMENT TO COURT (Small Claims) For your prote_ction andfi'ivacy, please press thFCIé‘a‘F iThisForm buttonafleryouhaveprintedtheform- 1 Ifiri‘ntthiSté’rih I I Savethisforml IICIea'r't'his'form' I