Proof of Service SubstitutedCal. Super. - 6th Dist.April 6, 2020- 208C083118 -. " fl _ _ . . Clerkstamps date herewhenfarm isfiied. ' . I .- ~ SC-104 Proof of SerVIce Samac'ara C'V” Electronically filed " Use this form to serve a person, a business, or a public entity. To learn more by SUper'or court 0f CA, about proof of service, read What Is "ProofofService”?, Form SC-104B. To learn more county 0f santa Clara, about how to serve a business or entity, read How to Serve a Business or Public Entizy, on 5/20/2020 4:1 0 PM Fm“ 504040- Reviewed By: D. Pinheiro To serve a business, you must serve one ofthc following people: case #208C0831 1 8 - Owner (for a sole proprietorship) Env #4358556 o Palmer (for a partnership) or general partner {for a limited partnership} 0 Any officer or general manager (corporation or association} ' Any person authorized for service by the business (corporation, association, general partnership, Fm in court name and street address: limited partnership) Superior Court of California - Any person authorized for service with the Secretary of State (calporation, association, limited County 0f Santa Clara liability company [LLCL limited liability partnership [LLP], limited parmership) 191 NORTH FIRST STREET To serve a public entity, you must first file a ciaim with that entity, then serve one ofthe following SAN JOSE' CA 95E 13 pcople; _ D Ff” in case number, case name, hearing date, day. . Clerk (of a City or county) 21w, 01:: deim'ttrzent balm; 18 ° Chief officer 01‘ director (ofa public agency) ase um er. 208C“ - Any person authorized for service by the entity gfgggsg‘gc a. Ifyou are serving a person, write the person’s name below: ' Again“ MARTA L GODOY MARTA L GODOY b. If you are serving a business or entity, write the name of the business or Hearing Date: entity, the person authorized for service, and that person’s job title: 1011312020 Time: Dept: Business or Agency Name 1:00 PM IS Person Authorized for Service Job Title ® Instructions to Server: You must be at icast 18 years 01d and not be named in this c'ase. Follow these steps: ° Give a copy of all the documents checked in® to the person in ®, or - Give a copy of all the documents checked in® to one of the following people: a. A competent adult (at least l8) living with, and at the home of the person 'Ln ®, or b. An aduit (at [east 18) who seems to be in charge at the usual workplace of the person in ®, or c. An adult (at least 18) Who seems to be in charge where the person in (D usually receives mail (but not a U.S. Post Ofiice box), if there is no known physical address for the person in (D and mail a copy of the documents left with one of the adults in a, b, or c above to the person in @. THEN ' Complete and sign this form, and - Give or mail your completed form to the person who asked you to serve these court papers, in timefor theform to befiled with the court at least 5 days before the hearing. ® I served the person in ® a copy of the documents checked below: O a. E SC-IOO, Plaintzfl’s Claim and ORDER to Go t0 Small Claims Court b. D SC-120, Defendant‘s Claim and ORDER to Go to Small Claims Court M c. D 0rdér for examination (Thisform must be personally served. Check theform that was served): Note: er court can issue a civil arrest warrant Ifthe servedparty does not come to court only ifthe orderfor examination waspersonaliy served by a registeredprocess server, sheréfi’,‘ marshal, or someone appointed by the court. (1) D SC-134, Application and Order to Produce Statement ofAssets and to Appearfor Examination ' (2) D AT-138/EJ-125, Application and Orderfor Appearance and Examination d. Other (Specifi); NOTICE T0 LITIGANTS; NOTICE T0 SMALL CLAIM LITIGANTS; Judiclal CouncuolCanforma. mvw.counm{ Proof of Service case ID: 5834861 R 'sed Janua 1. 2009, Optional Form - - czz'eorwwzfldure, §§ 116.340.415.1o,41520 (smau c'a'ms) SC 104’ Page 1 om 171A HAVTFTTW Case Number: 2080083118 'll out “a” 0r “b” below: a. D Personal Service: Ipersonally gave copies ofthe documents checked in® to the person in® z On (date): At (time): At this address: City: State: Zip: b. Substituted Service: Ipersonally gave copies 0f the documents checked in® (a, b, or d) to (check one): E A competent adult (at least 18) at the home of, and living with the person in ®, or D An adult who seems to be in charge where the person in (D usually works, or D An adult Who seems to be in charge where the person in® usually receives mail, or has a private post office box (not a U.S. Post Office box), if there is no known physical address for the person in ®. Itold that adult, “Please give these court papers to (name ofperson in (9).” Idid this on (date): 5/14/2020 At (time): 8:30 PM At this address: 1156 SHIRLEY DR APT 3 City: MILPITAS State: CA Zip: 95035 ‘ Name or description 0f the person I gave the papers to: JOHN DOEéSO--RESIDEN Gender: MALE Age. 41- 45 Skin Tone: HISPAN C Hair: B ACK Eye Color: BROWN eight: SFT 4 5FT ?IN Weight: 191 LBS 210LBs gnf Maflq \NQ§* (e bm-fwas flown r After serving the co rt,papers Iput copies ofthe documents listed 1n in an envelope, sealed the envelope, and put first-class prepaid postage on it. I addressed the enveIOpe to the person in® at the address where I iefi the copies. Imailcd the envelope on (date): 05/1 4/2020 from (city, state): SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA by leaving it (check one): a. E At a U.S. Postal Service mail drop, or b.D At an office or business mail drop where I know the mail is picked up every day and deposited with the U.S. Postal Service, or c. D With someone else I asked to mail the documents to the person in (D, and I have attached that person’s completed Form SC~104A. © Agency Information: Name: LEGAL PURSUIT Phone: 4082884105 Address: 22 WEST ST. JOHN ST. SUITE B City: SAN JOSE State: CA Zip: 951 13 County ofregistration: SANTA CLARA Registration number: PS l 7 1 9 Fee for service: $ 50.00 Process Server Information: County of registration: SANTA CLARA Registration number: PS 17 19 © I declare under penalty ofperjury under California state law that I am at least 18 years old and not named in this case and that the information above is true and correct. Date 05114/2020 _ __,_.,,....... PAULINA A. ROCHA } J/‘Dr /JWZ/Q Type orprint server ’s name Server signs here fter serving l Revised January 1,2009 Proof of Service Case ID: 5834861 (Small Claims) 30-1 04. Page 2 of 2 xnn nxvnl‘f‘n