Request Dismissal Entire Action With PrejudiceCal. Super. - 6th Dist.March 25, 2020PF# 2888492 ATTACHMENT 80-8007 FOR coum' use ONLYSUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY 0F SANTA CLARA _K fl gm. m DOWNTOWN coumHouse- D PALo ALTO COURTHOUSE D SOUTH counwcouamouse ' ' E" gum 5'7“? ': t 191 NORTH FIRST STREET zvoGRMTAVENUE 301 DLANA AvENUE ‘ .2 SAN JOSE.CA 95113 PALo ALTO, CA 94306 MORGAN HILL, CA 95037 " ; PLAINTIFF/PETITIONER: Oportun Inc. DEFENDANT/RESPONDENT: Anthony John Cardenas CASE NUMBER: REQUEST FOR DISMISSAL (SMALL CLAIMS) 2080083055 If you settle the case before trial, you must file a dismissal with the clerk. Please file your dismissal at least 3 (three) court days prior to hearing date. TO THE CLERK: Please dismiss the Claim of PIaintifflPetitioner as follows: (check applicable box) 1. fl With prejudice (may notfile again) 3. D Partial dismissal (for multiple Defendants/Respondents) Dismiss only as to 2. D Without prejudice (may file again) a) D VWth prejudice (may not file again) b) D Withoutprejudice(may file again) Datei8/27l2020 Irene Guerrero, For Oponun (TYPE OR PRINT NAME) (SIGNATURE OFPLAINTIFF/PETITIONER) If a claim of Defendanthespondent has been filed. the Defendant/Respondent may dismiss their action as follows: T0 THE CLERK: Please dismiss the Claim of DefendantIRespondent as follows: (check applicable box) 1. D With prejudice (may notfile again) 3. D Partial dismissal (for multiple Plaintiffs/Petitioners) Dismiss only as t0 2. D Wlthout prejudice (may file again) a) D With prejudice (may not file again) b) D \Mthout prejudice (may file again) Date: i mPE 0R PRINT NAME) (SIGNATURE OFPLAINTJFF/PETITIONER) NOTE: In some facilities, if there is a Claim 0f Plaintiff/PetitionerAND a Claim of Defendant. and only one party wants to file a dismissal prior to the hearing. the party who wants to file the dismissal should file it in the Court when appearing on the other claim in the case‘ Check with the clerk at lhe Courthouse where your claim Es filed for clarification. 80-3007 REV 7101/09 REQUEST FOR DISMISSAL (SMALL CLAIMS) Page 1 on