Request Postponement Small ClaimsCal. Super. - 6th Dist.March 23, 2020Mohit Gandhi and Pragati Wagde 42935 Corte Verde Fremont, CA 94539 Email: MohitGandhi®gamiLcom Email: ParagatiWaede®2maiLcom October 13, 2020 Small Claims Court 191 North First Street San Jose, CA 951 13 Re: Conaway vs. Pragati, et a1. Case No.2 2OSC083048 Dear Court Clerk, I am writing to request the hearing in this matter be postponed to a later date. I am experiencing great difficulty arranging for care 0f my two toddler children who are always with me and I d0 not wish to bring them t0 the hearing with me. I am concerned about COVID-19. Please advise if this hearing can be heard telephonjcally 0r in the alterative postponed t0 a later date after the new year. Thankflyou E‘advance. Best regards, wcm WT? Mohit Gandhi and Pragati w’adge J. .. ~ . Enclosures: Proof 0t Servme