Dismissal Entire ActionCal. Super. - 6th Dist.March 24, 2020Name and Address Of Court SUPERIOR COURT 0F CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA 191 North FirstStreet San Jose', California 951 13 SC-1 30 SMALL CLAIMS CASE NO.: 2050083039 NOTICE TO ALL PLAINTIFFS AND DEFENDANTS: Your small claims case has been decided. lf you lost the case, and the court ordered you to pay money, your wages, money, and property may be taken without further warning from the court. Read the back of this sheet for important information about your rights. AVISO A TODOS LOS DEMANDANTES Y DEMANDADOS: Su caso ha sido resuelto por la corte para reclamos judiciales menores. Si la corte ha decidido en su contra y ha ordenado que usted pague dinero, le pueden quitar su salario. su dinero, y otras cosas de su propiedad, sin aviso adicional por parte de esta corte. Lea el reverso de este formulario para obtener infonnacién de importancia acerca de sus derechos. D See attached sheet for additional plaintiffs and defendants DEFENDANT/DEMANDADO' (Name. streetsddress. and telephone number of each): JUAN ANDRES QUINTERO PAVAS 31 60 RUBINO DR APT 21 9 SAN JOSE CA 95125 PLAINTIFFIDEMANDANTE (Name. steer address. and telephone number of each}: Oportun Inc 2 Circle Star Way San Carlos CA 94070 Telephone No: Telephone No.2 Telephone No. Tdephone No‘ Date of Hearing: September 03, 2020 Hearing officer: Christine Copeland NOTICE OF ENTRY 0F JUDGMENT Judgmentwas entered as checked below on 09/03/2020 1. D Defendant (name, if more than one): JUAN ANDRES QUINTERO PAVAS shall pay plaintiff (name, if more than one): Oportun Inc. $ principal and: $ costs on plaintiff’s claim. 2. D Defendant does not owe plaintiff any money on plaintist claim. 3. D Plaintiff (name, ifmore than one): Oportun Inc. shall pay defendant (name, if more than one):JUAN ANDRES QUINTERO PAVAS $ principal andz$ costs on defendant's claim. 4. D Plaintiff does not owe defendant any money on defendant's claim 5. D Possession 0f the following property is awarded to plaintiff (describe property): 6. D Payments are to be made at the rate of: $ ‘per (specify period): beginning on (dare. and on the (specify day): day of each month thereafter until paid in full. If any payment is missed. the entire balance may become due immediately. 7. E Dismissed in court E with prejudice-No Appearance. D without prejudice 8. D Attorney-Client Fee Dispute {Attachment to Notice of Entry of Judgment) (fonn 80-132) is attached. 9. D Other (specify): . 10. D This judgment results from a motor vehicle accident on a California highway and was caused by the judgment debtor's operation of a motor vehicle. If the judgment is not have the judgment debtor's driver‘s license suspended. 1. Enforcement ofthe judgment is automatically postponed for 30 days or, if an appeal is filed. until the appeal is decided. 2. D This notice was personally delivered to (insert name and date): 3. CLERK'S CERTIFICATE OF MAILING-I certify that l am not a party to this action. This Notice of Entry ofJudgment was mailed first class. postage prepaid, in a sealed envelope to the parties at the addresses shown above. The mailing and this certification occurred at the place and on the date shown below. Shfififel Hernandez paid, thejudgment creditor may applyto Place of mailing: San Jose. California Date of mailing: 09/03/2020 Clerk. by . Deputy I The county provides small claims adviser services free of charge. Read the information sheet on the reverse. Judidal Couno'l of California SC-‘I 30 [Rev July 1. 201 0] arm Adopted for Alternative Mandatory Use L Code 01 Civil Procedures §1 16.610 ww/munin/o,ca,gov NOTICE 0F ENTRY OF JUDGMENT (Small Claims) I 30-130 INFORMATION AFTER JUDGMENT I INFORMACION DESPUES DEL FALLO DE LA CORTE Your smaH claims case has been decided. Thejudgment or decision of the court appears on the front of this sheet. The court may have ordered one party to pay money to the other party. The person (or business) who won the case and who can coliect the money is called the judgment creditor. The person (or business) who lost the case and who owes the money is called the judgment debtor. Enforcement of thejudgment is postponed until the time for appeal ends or until the appeal is decided. This means that thejudgment creditor cannot collect any money 0r take any action until this pen'od is over. Generally, both parties may be represented by lawyers after judgment. IF YOU LOST THE CASE . . . b. VOLUNTARY PAYMENT 1. If you lost the case on your own claim and the court did not award you any money, the court's decision on your cfaim is FINAL. You may not appeal your own claim. Ask the judgment debtor to pay the money. If your claim was for possession of property. ask the judgment debtor t0 return the property to you. THE COURT WILL NOT COLLECT THE 2. If you lost the case and the court ordered you to pay money. MONEY OR ENFORCE THE JUDGMENT FOR YOU. your money and property may be taken to pay the claim unless you do one of the following things: c. STATEMENT OF ASSETS a. PAY THE JUDGMENT If the judgment deblor does not pay the money. the law The law requires you to pay the amount of the judgment. requires the debtorto fill out a form called the Judgment You may pay the judgment creditor directly, or pay the Debtor's StafementofAsselonrm SC-133).This form will tell judgment to the court for an additional fee. You may aiso you what property the judgment debtor has that may be ask the court to order monthly payments you can afford. available to pay your claim. If me judgment debtor willfully Ask the clerk for information about these procedures. fails to send you the completed form, you may file an b. APPEAL Application and Order to Produce Statement ofAssets and to If you disagree with the court's decision. you may appeal the Appear for Examination (form 80-134) and ask the court t0 decision on the other party's claim. You may not appeal the give you your attomey's fees and expenses and other decision on your own claim. However, if any party appeals, appropriate relief. after proper notice. under Code 0f Civil there will be a new trial on all the claims. If you appeared at Procedure section 708.170. the trial, you must begin your appeal by filing a form called a Notice of Appeal (form SC-140) and pay the required fees d. ORDER 0F EXAMINATION within 30 days after the date this Notice of Entry of You may also make the debtor come t0 court to answer Judgmentwas mailed or handed to you. Your appealwill be questions about income and property. To do this, ask the in the superior court. You will have a new trial and you must clerk for an Application and Order for Appearance and present your evidence again. You may be represented by a Examination (Enforcement of Judgment) (form EJ-125) and lawyer. pay the required fee. There is a fee if a law officer serves the c. VACATE OR CANCEL THE JUDGMENT order on the judgment debtor. You may also obtain the Jf you did not go to the trial. you may ask the court to vacate judgment debtors financial records. Ask the clerk for the Smafl or cancel the judgment. T0 make this request. you must file Claims Subpoena and Declaration (form 80-107) or Civil a Motion to Vacate the Judgment (form SC-1 35) and pay the Subpoena Duces Tecum (form SUBP-UOZ). required fee within 30 days after me date this Notice of Entry 0f Judgment was mailed. If your request is denied, you then e. WRIT OF EXECUTION have 10 days from the date the notice of denial was mailed After you find out about the judgment debtor's property, you to file an appeal. The period to file the Motion to Vacate the may ask the court for a Writ of Execufion (form EJ-130) and Judgment is 180 days if you were nor properly sewed with pay the required fee. A wn't of execution is a court paper that the claim. The 180-day period begins on the date you found tells a law officer to take property of the judgment debtor to out or should have found out about the judgment against pay your claim. Here are some examples of the kinds of you. property the officer may be able lo take: wages, bank IF YOU WON THE CASE ' ' ' account, automobile, business property, or rental Income.For some kinds of property. you may need to file other forms. 1. If you were sued by the other party and you won the case, then See the law officer for information the other party may not appeal the court's decision. 2. lf you won the case and the court awarded you money. here are f. ABSTRACT 0F JUDGMENT some SFeps yo” may take t0 COHeCt your money 0" 9a The judgment debtor may own land or a house or other possess‘on 0f your ”099W; buildings. You may want to put a lien on the property so that a. COLLECTING FEES AND INTEREST you w1'll be paid if the property Is sold. You can get a lien by Sometimes fees are charged for filing court papers 0r for filing an Abstract of Judgment (form EJ-001) with the county sewing thejudgmentdebtor. These extra costs can become recorder in the county where the property is located. The pan of your original judgment. To claim these fees. ask the recorder will charge a fee for the Abstract ofJudgment. clerk for a Memorandum of Costs. NOTICE T0 THE PARTY WHO WON: As soon as you have been paid in full. you must fill out the form below and mail it to the court immediately 0r you will be fined. If an Abstract of Judgment has been recorded. you must use another form; see the clerk for the proper form. ‘ SMALL CLAIMS NO.: ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF SATISFACTION 0F JUDGMENT (Do not use this form if an Abstract ofJudgment has been recorded.) 2030083039 To the Clerk of the Court: | am the D judgment creditor D assignee of record, | agree that the judgment in this action has been paid in full or otherwise satisfied. Date: b (TYPE 0R PRINT NAME) (SIGNATURE) $01 30 '[Rev July 1. 2010] Page 2 01 2NOTICE OF ENTRY 0F JUDGMENT (Small Claims)