Proof of Service PersonalCal. Super. - 6th Dist.March 24, 2020PI'Qof Qf SefVICe Use this form to scrvc a person, a kluslncss, or' pulPIIC entity. To Icafn niore about proofof service, read k%QP iS "ProofofService "v, Form SC-1048, To learn more abOut hOW to SerVe a buSineSS Or entity, read Havrr PO SerVe Q BuSirt8$$ Or PttMPC EPttiry, Form SC-104C, To serve a business, vou inust scfve one of thc following people: Owner (fof a sole pfopfietoi'ship) P~ef (for a partnership) or general partner (fof a limited partnership) Any officer of general Ifianagef (corporation of association) Any person authorized for service by the business (corporation, ~ciation, general partnership, limited p~efship) v Any person authorized for service with the Secretary ofState (cofpofatic n, association, limited liability company [LLC], hmited Hability partnership ILLP], limited pafmefship) To serve a pnh5c entity, you must first fde a claim with that entity, then serve one of the following people: - Clerk(ofacityorcounty) ~ ChlcfGNcer of director (ofa public agency) Any person authoriaed for service by the entity OI tt. If you arc serving a Pcrsonv wt'ttc thc Person s B~c below; SANDRA YANIRA LANDAVE~E ROMERO b. Ifyou are serving a IPusiness or entity„write the name of the business or entity, thc person authorized foi'ervice, and that pcl son s job title: Boeineaa or Agency Name )ob Title O2 INgtl'tlCtt6ng t6 SCFYCl': You must be at least 18 years old and not be named in this case. Follow these steps: e Give a copy of all thc docunicnts chcckcd 1n O3 to thc person in Ot,P'ive a copy ofall the documents checked in to one of the following people: a. A competent adult (at least 18) living with, and at the home of the person in Ot, or b. An adult (at I~t 18) who seems to be in charge at the usual workplace of the person in Ot, or C. An adult (at least ] 8) who seems to be in charge where the person in Ot usually receives mail (but not a U,S, Post Ofhce box), if there is no known physical address for the person m Ql and mail a copy of the documents left with one of the adults in a, b, or c above to the person in Ol. THEN 'omp/ete and sign this form, and Give or mail your completed form to the person who asked you to serve these court papers, iPP timefor fh8forPPP Po IP8fd8d wtrAf i&8 cottrt tilt l8PPSP 5 PiPJS befog tlrt8 k88ring. I gcFvcd thc ~&6n 18 Q4 8 copy 6f thc doctlrrtcNtg c4cckcd bc16wl a. H SC-100, P/Qintijj s Claim QPtd ORDER to (Po Po 8PPPQB Ckutrts Con"t 1x Q SC-120, D8f8'PPJQPti s CkltPPP Qrtd ORDER to Go io SPPPQll Claims CGBrt c Q Order for cx~tnatton pAts fot'PPP PPPBst b8 p8Psonailp $8P'v8d CA8ck PA8 fortrt PItat wQs $8Pv84 Kpi8'AC COM t CQB PSST Q CPV1i ap'p'8$t worrQPPP tft&8 $8PV8tipN ty do8$ nor cOPP18 to COut t ortij tfth8 Ord8P'for 8xam'PPPOPPOPP M'Qsp8 PSoftaii)r $8'rved bp' r8gtst8f8dproc8$$$8rv8l; sA8rtff, fBQPsAal, or SGPB8oPP8 oppoirtted &p'A8 cottrt. (I) Q SC-134, AppAcaitort Qttd OPJ8r'o PP'oduc8 Siat8PPP812t ofA$$8ts QPPxi to Appcarfor ExQPPHPtaiton (2) Q AT-138/EJ"125, APPitcattOPP artd OP'de fOP'rIPP8QPQP2C8 QM EXQPWPtattOPP d, H ()ther (sp8ct)I1P) . NOTICE TO LITIGANTS; NOTICE TO SMALL CLAIM UTIGANTS; Jrrdiaier caeirarr ar cel~e,,gdir Revreed Beeeery 1, 2~. GVBarre1 Fairir cade ef civil Pvaaediee, SS llaaao, misdo, 416.2o Case le: 6823986 SC-'IO4, Page 2 o(2 20SC083032 Santa Clara - Civil Electronically filed by Superior Court of CA, County of Santa Clara, on 5/29/2020 5:33 AM Reviewed By:D. Pinheiro Case #20SC083032 Env #4390417 a. 3 Pcl annal Scfvicc: I per'sonally gave copies of thc docunients chcckcd ln O3 to tlM pcfsoA IB : On (dare): 5/1772020 At (riyrie): 12:43 PM Gender: FEMALE Age: 31-35 Skin Tone: LIGHT 8RO~ Hair: BLACK. Rye Coior: BRO~ Height; 5FT gIN - 5FT 111N %'eight: 211 LBS - 230 LBS At this address: Home: 1134 PORTER AVE City: STOCKTON State: CA Zip: 95207 4214 b. Q S@bstitntcd Service: I pcrsonRlly g8vc copies of thc documents checked ln O3 (a, h, QP 4) to (ciyeck one): A competent adUlt (8t least 18) 8t thc honte of, Rnd living with tlM pcrsoA ln QI, or Q An adult who sccms to bc in charge wlMrc thc person IB Ot Usually worksy or Q An adult who seems to be in charge where the person in Usually receives mail, or has a private post offIce box (not a U.S. Post ONce bm), if there is no known physical address for the person in Ot. I told that adult, Plcasc give thcsc coUrt papers to (BRIBc of person in Ot). I did 'this on (6 are): At (rime)J At this address: Phone: 2184354911 City: State: ZIP: X~c ol'csci'iption of tIM person I gave thc papers to: After serving the court pearse I put copies of the documents fisted in Q3 in an envelo~, sealed the envelope, Rnd put first-class prepaid postage on it. I addressed the envelope to the person in at the address where I ICII thc copies. I mailed thc cnvclopc on (dare); from (cir)r", sian); bv leaving it (check One): a. Q At a U.S. Postal Service mail drop, or b. Q At an office or business mail drop whe~e I know the mail is pkckcd Up every day and deposited with the U.S, Postal Service, or c. Q %1th someone clsc I asked to IBRII thc docUmcnts to the person IB r Rnd I have attaclMd that person s completed Form SC- I 04A. Agency Inforntationt Name: CAINS MOBILE NOTARY rid LEGAL SUPPORT SERVICES Address: 2812 ZARAND DRI E City; MODESTO State: CA Zip; 95355 County of registration: STANISLAUS Registranon nuinber: 17-010 Pec for service: $ 58.00 Process Server Information: County of registration; STANISLAUS Registration AUIIlber: 17-010 O6 I declare under penalty of perjury under California state Iaw that I am ai. feast I 8 years old and not named m this case and ihat the information above is true and conect.