Proof of Service SubstitutedCal. Super. - 6th Dist.March 10, 2020ILIE ,q , , . -I_ .c - I. _.. . é... 21.; g _ ‘ 5%,... SC-104 ' w‘P oof ofSerVIce . Ab ”Nd, .'J 11,; E L E Use this form to serve a person, a business, or a public entity. To learn more abom proof of scwice, rend What Ix 'TroofafService ".7, Form SC-l 04B. To learn more about how to serve a business or entity, read How (a Serve u Business or Public Entiw, APR "' g 2020 w l. Form SC-IO4C. To scwc a business, you must sew: one oflhe following people: e” - Owner (for a sole propl'ictorship) BY - Partncr (for a partnership) or general panncr (for a limited partnership) - Any officer or general manager (corporation ox association) I Cler of the court CA Countyllol Santa Clara DEPUTY l Fil! I'n court name and .r’rzel ad'drw:- Any pcmon authorized f‘or service by lhc busincss (corporation, association, gcncral partnership, limited pam'mrship) Superior Court of Cnllfornia‘ - Any pcrson authorized for scrvicc with Lhc Sccralary ofSlatc (corporation, association, limited CWMY 0f 33013 Cl“? liability company [LLC]. limned liability panucrsmp [LL12], limited pmmership) ;flfigfig‘g/fif 1‘31“” 'l‘o scrv: n public entity. you must first file a claim with that entity, lhcu scrve one oflhc following ' people; Fill in cast: number. cam Ham: lycun‘ng date, day, . r'.dd 1 {bl ,- - Cicrk (of a City or cowlty) gm a]: 5:0, me: f W - Chief officer or director (ofa public agcncy) '1'“ um er' 20"(‘0829‘6 - Any person authorized For service hy the entity gggim'gc © a. lfyou arc serving a person, write the person’s namc below: ‘ Again" ALICIA MENDOZA AGUILAR ALICIA MEmOZA AGuu,» R b. Ifypu are serving a business or entity, wn'tc the name of the business or “caring Date; entity, the person auLbonzcd for service, and Lhal person‘s Job title: mama Thnc: her 1.: Business nrAgcucy Nam: too pM |5 Person Aulbonized for Scrvice Job Title ® Instructions to Scrvcr: You must bc at least l8 years old and not be named in this case. Follow these steps: - Givc a copy ofall thc documents checked in® to the pcrson in Q), or - Give a copy ofall the documents chcckcd in® to one of Lhc following people: a. A competent adult (at least 18) living with, and at [he home ofthe person in ®, or b. An adult (at lcusl 18) who seems to bc in charge at (he usual workplace oflhe person in @, or c. An adult (a1 least 18) who seems to bc in charge where the person 'Ln (D usually rcccivcs mail (but not a U.S. Post Officc box), iflhcrc is no known physical address for the person in ® and mail a copy of tho documents lcfl with onc ofthe adults in n, b, or c above to the person in G). THEN - Complete and sign xhis fonn, and - Give or mail yuur completed fonn to (he person who asked you to serve these court papers, in timefor thefo: 1 r0 befi/ed with (ha com'l at least 5 days before the hearing. ® I served the person in® a copy of the documents checked below: ' O a. g SC-lOO, Plainnfl’s Claim and ORDER Io Go Io Small-Claims Court b. D SC-l 20, Defendant‘x Claim and ORDER Ia Ga {o Small Claimx Cour! 1/ ) c. D Order for examination (Tim‘form mm! bepersonally served. Check lheform Iha/ was served): Note: 'l'hs court can issue a civil arrexl warrant {film servedparty does not come to court only ifthe orderfm' rumination was pcmcnally sewed by a registered process server, sheriflf mm‘xhal. or someone appointed by (he court. (l) D SC-134, Appliculion and Order to Produ'ce Statement ofAssets and to Appearfor Examina on (2) D AT- l 38/131425, Application and Orderfor Appearance and Examination (l. Other (specify); NOTICE 'l‘O LITIGANTS; NOTICE TO SMALL CLAIM LITIGANTS; Ca >e ID: 5808662minnow Proof of Service SC 104, Page 1 of2(Small Claims) ‘rrA .uvnun Judldsi Council o! Cailornia‘ mm Rewind Jammy I, 2079. (\pr‘nml CML‘ ul CMI Prowflu'u. §§ 1154340. - .S‘IO. “5‘70 ¥ 1 (nseNumbu 205C082916 “J IE: ill out “a” or “b” below. On (date): At (time): Al [his address: a‘ D Personal Sel vice: Ipcrsonally gave copies othe documents checked in® to the person in ® : City: State: Zip: b. Substituted Service: Ipersonally gave copies of the documents checked in © (a, b, 0r d) to (c eck one): X A competent adult (at least 18) at Lhc home of, and living with the person in CD, or D An adult who seems to be in charge where the person in G) usually works, or D An adult who seems to be in charge where thc person in® usually receives mail, or has a private post office box (not a U.S. Post Office box), ifthere is no known physical address for the persoz I told that adult, "Please give these court‘papers to (name of person in (9).” in I did this on (date): 3/18/2020 At (time): 8:12 PM At this addrms: 2806 PLUMAS DR ‘ City. SAN JOSE State. CA ip: 95121 ‘ Name or descn’ption of the person I gave the papers lo: JOHN DOE O-RESIDEN Gendex. MA -E Age: 26- 30 Skin Tone: HISPANIC Hair: B\LAC Eye Color: {JROWN LBS- 210LBS;E [gwfivWU/é MUQ {JNQY rtAfter sewmg the co papers, Iput copies of the documents listed m ll in an envelope. scaled tho 'cight: SFT 8 SFT IIINVVcight: 191 V6 \)U¥U~JCLS minim- envelope, and put first-cluss prepaid postage on it. I addressed the envelope to the person in G) at tbc addres< where l lefi the copies. I mailed the envelope on (date): 03/18/2020 fi'om (city, state): SAN JOSE, CALLFORNIA by leaving it (check one): a. E At a U.S. Pcstal Service mail drop, 0r b. D At an office or business mail drdp where} know the mail is picked up every day and depos ed with the U.S. Postal Service, or c. D With someone clsc I asked to mail the documents to thc person in ®, and I have attached hat person’s completed Form SC-l 04A. ® Agencylnformntion: Name: LEGALPURSUTT Phone: 4082884l05 Address: 22 \VEST ST. JOHN ST, SUITE B City: SAN JOSE , Stale: CA Zip: 951 3 County ofrcgistration: SANTA CLARA Registrakion nLunbcr: PSI736 Fcc for service: S 50.00 Process Server Information: County of registration): SANTA CLARA Registration number: P817156 __v_ © [declare undcr penalty of perjury under California state law that l am a1 kasl l8 years old and not named in lhjs c se and that the information above is me and correct. Date 03/] 8/2020 . . . ’ g/I- ‘ flMARIA G. TORRES PbREZ 24 Type or print server 's name Sewer sigm here after serving i Remand January I. 2009 Proof of Service Casl'.) ID: 5808652 (Small Claims) ‘rn r-Avr-n-z SC-104, Page 2 of 2 I y