OrderCal. Super. - 6th Dist.March 5, 2020SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA STREETzAbDREss l 191 N. Figs: Street San Jose CA 95113" D 1095 Homestead Roa’d..Santa Clara.CA 95050 MAILLNG ADDRESS: 191 NI F‘frst Street San-Jose, CA 951 13 BRANCH NAME: SMALL CLAIMS DIVISION Plaintiff: ‘ r ' 2' . I . C" ' - ... . erk_ t e Court = -* : » M3 k‘ «A ".- -uperiorCourt flan tyofSanta Clara . a ~ 'Defendant: ‘ ( .B , _‘j;~’~ DEPUTY I , I SMALL CLAIMS ORDER ' - Case Number R.a Pre-Judgment _ D Post-Judgment ~37; 0,5 CI 08. g.g-q \ 1. The next hearing: DC+- lj Dept: L5 at Iv2 D Plaintiff shall amend the claim, then re-set and serve. The Claim needs to be amended because. Ya 3. a. The céée is cbntinued for settlement M? ‘5 PCOWCS s“ K‘A'Kflf o- Azu I b. [j Plaintiff still needs to show proof of service on Defendant. a“: b\w‘fi’ k1 -EF M a ~n-W/ko M ' owe. Lq m4. The Court will order an interpreter for D Plaintiff D Defendant for next hearing. _ / ' Cbkrvk- w?“5. a. E Debtor'sExamination b. D MotiontoVacate Hearing aASAMSJ' 4%.. gm M c. E] F’ee Waiver Hearing is continued because: ' Gfidum (8“ we.) _ a SL4+53" ‘ 6. a. D Plaintiff‘s E Defendant's Motion t0 Vacate is granted. Parties will return to court as hoted in u item 1, above for the new hearing. There shall be no collection on the prior Judgment since it hasbeen vacated. b. D Plaintiff's D Defendant's Motion to Vacate is denied. The judgment remains in effect. * 7. D Defendant failed to appear for a properIy-served Debtor's Examination hearing. A bench warrant'Is issued against Defendant'm the amount of $ 8. Plaintiff cannotfle a claim until proof ofD DBA License D active corporate status D active LLC status 9. D Plaintiff D Defendant will bring proof of D vehicle insurance [j vehicle registration or title. 10. Other: ;_ Judicial Officer of. the Superior Court CC) “,VV‘A {SS [b.xaf Chm} *Ww C 510 “‘ka'fidk -C?;r"(/&o' sc-so1s-Re'v.oe/23/'2o19 Small Claims Order P6981 0Y1 ' Civil