Application and Order Appoint Guardian ad LitemCal. Super. - 6th Dist.March 4, 2020CIV-o1‘o ATTORNEY (Name, SféfaWWI. 8mm“): FOR COURT USE ONLY CA - TELEPHONE NOV: FAX noA (among): E-MAJL ADDRESS (Optima.- ArroRNEY FOR (Name).- / y‘ a pdpll [‘u'wSUPERIOR COURT OF[C?HFO NlfirpOU¥TY gFfiéé'e flififi: jam 4503 CJTY AND ZIP CODE: BRANCHNAME‘JJh/ICk/Z 6/:7244; mmE/EUJ Hick Rome DEFENDANTIRESPONDENT: 05W fl/lVfl/fllb Wflrfi/ZJa APPLICAHON AND ORDER FOR APPOINTMENT msemmam 0F GUfiDIAN AD LITEM-CIVIL 2 03Q08 ’2. % 1 <5 L Ex PARTE NOTE: This form is for use in civil proceedings in which a party is a minor, an incapacitated person, or a person for whom a conservator has been appoihted. A party who seeks the appointment of a guardian ad [item in a family law or juvenile proceeding should use form FL-935. A party who seeks the appointment of a guardian ad [item in a probate pmceeding should use form DE-350/GC-100. An individual cannot act as a guardian ad litem unless he or she is represented by an attorney or is an attorney. the parentof (name): /4’7J:~ Dbl“ b. Apggt (name) ?mCéM/QR is a b the guardian of (name). c. D the conservator of (name): d. E a party to the suit e the minpr to be represented fif the minoris 14 years ofage or older). f D another interested person (specifi/ capacity): . This ap Iicatio seek the appointment of the following peran aigu uardian ad literg (sfate name, address, and telephone number): AW ?OM/Ib I 93{090022 Z 3TH C @272 . The guardlaéfl-adOl/él iséfirep ent theDInterests of the following person (state name, address, and tefephone number): M/f/‘A {4’3/ M2 4'57? /b?/~00 6 10 . The perso/rQZ/VObe re reflentf} flags O 6 a. a minor(fate of birth); $72“ 29" b. an incompetent person. c. a person forwhom a conservator has been appointed. Th rt should appoint a guardian ad litem bewuse:.U' a. the pensrn ngrped In item 3 has a cause or ses ofacfionow suit sh uld be brought (d cn‘My122/ 190W? 03M WM m Cm owns Ila ace» E Continued on Attachment 53. Page1 012 Formwwrormndmvw APPLICATION AND ORDER FOR APPOINTMENT MMM'PWW fifififflniflf’mm 0F GUARDIAN AD LITEM-CIVIL “72““ Wms®Autommed Cafifomia Judicial Council Forms Filed March 10, 2020 County of Santa Clara Superior Court of CA Clerk of the Court 20SC082828 By: agranados W ‘ M10»E.‘ 0a ‘%%fl Qofinqa CIV-010__ PLAINnFF/PErmONER- ’ \ V msenumsaa; ‘ DEFENDANTIRESPONDENT Ojcqu M{{Umrago WWMQQ 20$CQ$281$ 5 b. D more than 10 days have elapsed since the summons in the above-ent(d matter was served on the person named in hem 3 and no appliwtion forthe appointment of a guardian ad litem has been made by the person identified'In item 3 or any other person. c. D the person named in item 3 has no guardian or conservator of his or her estaie. d.D the appointment of a guardian ad litem is necessary for the following reasons (specifit): D Continued on Attachment 5d. 6, The osed guardian ad litem‘s relatin to the person he or she wiil be representing is. a. firelated (state reiab'onship): b. D notrelated (specify capacity):6u 7. The proposed guardian ad [item is fully competent and qualified to understand and proted the fights ofthe person he or she will represent and has no interests adverse to the interests of that person. {If there are anyissues ofcompetency or qualification or any possible adverse interests, describe and explain why the proposed guardian should nevertheless be appointed): E Continued on Attachment 7. b (TYPE OR PHNT NAME) (SIGNATURE OF ATTORNEY) l declareoaldir enaity ofOperjury under me laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Date: " JD flaifi/Qmo > Lf/M/ (rYPE 0R PRJNT NAME) ('sxerMTURE 0F APPLICAN'D CONSENT T0 ACT AS GUARDIAN £D/LITEM | consent to the appointment as guardian ad litem under the above petition - Date gagijfl/ Kano D A (WPE 0R Pam NAME) /GNATURE 6F PROPOSED GUARDIAN AD LITEM) ORDER D EX PARTE THE COURT FINDS that it is reasonable and necessary to appoint a guardian ad litern for the person named in item 3 0f the application, as requested. THE COURT ORDERS that (name): is hereby appointed as the guardian ad [item for (name): for the reasons set forth in item 5 ofthe application. Date: JUDICIAL OFFICERE SIGNATURE FOLLOWS LAST ATTACHMENT r W°1°FW~J=mw1-2°°31 APPLICATiON AND ORDER FOR APPOINTMENT ”9‘32“” OF GUARDIAN AD LlTEM-CIVIL LenkNeris® Automated CaIijbmia Judia'al Counci!Forms X Rafael Romo Mia Romo Signed: 3/9/2020 04:14 PM Commissioner Christine Copeland