Decree Name ChangeCal. Super. - 6th Dist.December 4, 2020NC-130 ATTORNEY 0R PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY STATE BAR NUMBER: NAME 96044 Hun V + Lhn‘éh‘na H’MH 1' FIRM NAME: - STREETADDRESS: F(aaq g n 05 .- ‘ CITY: marga/h Hf” w [M Qrméfl' ZIP conaqévb 31 :.i::.:“:;::::;.m7mm w-WWW ATrORNEY FOR(namf):f“ Tia,”ryiz' é amm I ' [om SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, C UNTY 0F ' STREET ADDRESS: [4 I Nam #6.} 97mm 61m w“my MAILING ADDRESS: CITYANDZIPcooEzw 5v» f 5 n 4 6' I3 BRANCH NAME: DON U‘VOWM gmtvr COLL (‘fi' PETITION OF (name of each petitioner): Sw‘H' Hwn'l' 4’ Ohn'S-h‘m H1441 FORCHANGEOF NAME eAss NUMa'ER: 7DECREE CHANGING NAME n 0 C v 3 g3 8 2 é 1. The petition was duly considered: 2 2 2 1 a. E at the hearing on (date): in Courtroom: of the above-entitled court. b. Zwithout hearing. THE COURT FINDS 2. a. All notices required by law have been given. b. Each person whose name is to be changed identified in item 3 belowE is not E is required to register as a sex offender under section 290 of the Penal Code. This determination was made (check one): E] by using CLETS/CJIS E: based on information provided to the clerk of the court by a local law enforcement agency. E No objections to the proposed change of name were made. d. E Objections to the proposed change of name were made by (name): e. lt appears to the satisfaction of the court that all the allegations in the petition are true and sufficient and that the petition should be granted. f. D Other findings (ifany): P THE COURT ORDERS 3' The name 0f Presentname N_3_Vma_mg a. Algae“ 6W0 H'Mnf ischangedto Alyssa J?mm Hum“ b. is changed to c. is changed to d. is changed to E Additional name changes are listed on Attachment 3. Date: JUDGE OF THE SUPERIOR COURTE SIGNATURE 0F JUDGE FOLLows LAST ATrACHMENT page 1 of 1 Form Adopted for Mandatory Use DEGREE CHANGING NAME Code of Civil Procedure. §§ 1278. 1279 Judicia! Council of Californla www.courts, NC-‘I 30 [Rev. September 1, 201 B] Efii‘gfifiififfitfifmp. and;4prlvgcy!‘ pleasgfi presisgjh'eiglé’afi Jhig‘form bfiufion "after you hayéprinté‘q theform ' ; "‘....-.....~.n~.‘a«m-- .S-t'...m|2 ~»..-- .m-«am “4‘4" nou-fi-v». MAC. .1-.. ‘....._uu.. -.__ .«i Safiffifmfi7 Signed: 4/30/2021 11:39 AM April 30, 2021 Filed May 6, 2021 County of Santa Clara Superior Court of CA Clerk of the Court 20CV373826 By: tngo JULIE A EMEDE